Re: Distance

Hi Jim:

This is actually pretty simple by combining and GoodRelations elements.

For instance, you can model

- quantity discounts: 2 USD per piece 0 ... 3, 1.50 USD 4+ packages
- price increments: 0.01 USD per second, charged in units of 60 seconds
- regional eligibility: 2 USD in California, 2.30 USD in Florida
- temporal / seasonal constaints: regular price 2 USD, but reduced prices for bookings between 10.00 p.m. and 4.00 a.m.
- discounts for particular audiences (public institutions, military personnel, students; age restrictions are also possible here)
- rental rates (e.g. 25 USD / day plus 1 USD per mile), individually for any car type available

To get a flavor, the following page gives examples, albeit just in RDFa and Turtle syntax.

When you want to combine those with, you need to use the following pattern:

# Table salt for $ 4 / kg, charged in units of 100 grams
<div itemscope itemtype="" itemid="#offer">
  <div itemprop="name">Fine table salt</div>
  <link itemprop="" 
        href="" />
  Price: <div itemprop="" itemscope 
	<meta itemprop="hasCurrency" content="USD">$ 
    <span itemprop="hasCurrencyValue">4</span>
    <meta itemprop="hasUnitOfMeasurement" content="KGM"> per kg
    <meta itemprop="billingIncrement" content="0.1"> in units of 100 g
<!-- other offer properties follow here -->

As for inventory levels per location, that is immediately possible by combining with

If you want, I can offer you modeling assistance; just drop me a personal e-mail.

Best wishes

Martin Hepp

On Oct 30, 2011, at 2:38 AM, Jim Rhyne wrote:

> We agree that search engines are gaining in capability and may eventually
> provide the service we are looking for. The pages we are marking up will
> contain addresses and coordinates. The location pages also contain tables of
> distances to nearby points of interest and this information is important to
> our clients and their customers. We would like to mark up this information
> so that software agents visiting the site can make sense of it.
> We are still looking for guidance on semantic markup for the contents of
> HTML tables. I mention other use cases in my original post to this list,
> such as:
> Tables of prices accompanied by conditions such as age of customer, age of
> product, location, time-of-day;
> Rental rates by rental period or by type of facility;
> Product inventory levels by location.
> Thanks, Jim
> Jim Rhyne
> Thematix Partners

Received on Sunday, 30 October 2011 07:29:58 UTC