Re: draft JobPosting addition for

Yeah, that would also be much more akin to:

which I think is a pretty analogous situation (even share many of the same


On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 1:20 PM, Peter Sefton <> wrote:

> I wanted to be able to talk about jobs when doing a resume/cv.  I think it
> would make sense to have a type Job (from the point of view of the person
> who has the job it is an event with start and end dates) that has some of
> these properties, and make the posting a different type.
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 11:37 PM, Dan Brickley <> wrote:
>> Below, I pass along a draft for a "JobPosting" addition to
>>'s vocabulary. It is relatively simple, but re-uses the
>> Organization and Place constructs to say who is hiring, and where they
>> are. Feedback particularly welcomed on occupationalCategory property,
>> and any tweaks or other key schemes that would improve its usefulness
>> worldwide. The intent is to capture what job sites are saying, rather
>> than to try to impose a model. Not every property will be applicable
>> to every site / listing.  For job categories using BLS O*NET-SOC ie.
>> "Occupational Information Network-Standard Occupational
>> Classification)" I believe
>> is a good
>> reference.
>> Dan
>> ----
>> JobPosting
>> title: Text
>> hiringOrganization: Organization
>> industry: Text
>> occupationalCategory: Text (use BLS O*NET-SOC taxonomy:
>> jobLocation: Place
>> baseSalary: Number
>> salaryCurrency: Text
>> employmentType: Text (e.g. full-time, part-time, contract, temporary,
>> seasonal, internship)
>> workHours: Text (e.g. 1st shift, night shift, 8am-5pm)
>> qualifications: Text
>> skills: Text
>> educationRequirements: Text
>> experienceRequirements: Text
>> responsibilities: Text
>> benefits: Text
>> incentives: Text - a place for bonus and commission compensation
>> veteranCommitment: Text
>> datePosted: Date
> --
> Peter Sefton +61410326955
> Gmail, Twitter & Skype name: ptsefton

Received on Tuesday, 18 October 2011 22:47:10 UTC