webschema-ISSUE-2 (Property pages): Schema.org properties do not de-reference [Feedback on Schema.org]

webschema-ISSUE-2 (Property pages): Schema.org properties do not de-reference  [Feedback on Schema.org]


Raised by: Bernard Vatant
On product: Feedback on Schema.org

http://schema.org/Person de-references, whereas properties just 404. Example: http://schema.org/affiliation ... at least by RDF tradition and the Web architecture spec, properties are first class citizens and deserve their own documentation.

Raised in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vocabs/2011Oct/0012.html

"""URIs for schema.org properties, based on their labels, are used by both
"official" OWL version at [1] and rdfs.org version at [2].
Class URIs such as http://schema.org/Person are dereferencable even if they
do not (yet) provide a RDFdescription of what they mean ...
But property URIs such as http://schema.org/about are just 404.

Are there any plan to have at least html minimal description of properties
at those URIs, like a definition and the list of classes using them?

Bernard """

[1] http://schema.org/docs/schemaorg.owl
[2] http://schema.rdfs.org/all.rdf

Received on Tuesday, 11 October 2011 20:32:30 UTC