Re: Compatibility with Semantic Web standards of W3C

Hi Anand,

On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 9:03 AM, Anand <> wrote:

> Hi,
> How is vocabulary is associated with standards like RDF/OWL
> etc. proposed by W3C.

The vocabulary is published in OWL at In the past some people reported
some discrepancies with the HTML version, but I'm sure that's something that
can be fixed, if not fixed already. also has several
RDF oriented tools and documentations.

> It would be great if it will be made flexible
> like triple store structure of RDF graphs. The linked data for example
> contains millions of RDF triples. and thousands of datasets waiting to
> be harnessed for its full potential.
> It would be wonderful if the search leaders value the Semantic Web
> stack and linked data efforts

Could you be more precise about what you think is not compatible with RDF
and Linked Data?

It's up to publishers to use the vocabulary when publishing their
data as RDF (in whatever syntax they use). As it is, the schema itself is
not tied to any syntax, we use it in Drupal for example to publish data in
RDFa, index it in a triple store and run SPARQL queries against it.


Received on Friday, 7 October 2011 16:38:28 UTC