<time>, <meta>, <data> in schema.org examples

Dear Dan, all:

As far as I know, the <time> element is being dropped from the HTML5 Microdata spec, but there has been some debate on this [2].

I saw that many examples on the schema.org pages have been updated to use <meta> and <data> instead, but there are still examples with <time>.

Giving the ongoing discussion - what is Google's position on using <time> in schema.org markup in Microdata syntax? Should it be all migrated to meta/data or is this irrelevant for you?

If you want to drop <time>, then please update all schema.org documentation accordingly, e.g.


Thanks for a clarification. 

I assume that the uncertainty about this part of Microdata modeling creates a lot of friction for developers willing to add schema.org to their sites.


Martin Hepp
[1] http://blog.whatwg.org/weekly-time-data
[2] http://blog.whatwg.org/weekly-tpac-2011

martin hepp
e-business & web science research group
universitaet der bundeswehr muenchen

e-mail:  hepp@ebusiness-unibw.org
phone:   +49-(0)89-6004-4217
fax:     +49-(0)89-6004-4620
www:     http://www.unibw.de/ebusiness/ (group)
         http://www.heppnetz.de/ (personal)
skype:   mfhepp 
twitter: mfhepp

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Received on Thursday, 17 November 2011 09:14:22 UTC