Re: @itemid and URL properties in

On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 2:17 PM, Jeni Tennison <> wrote:

> Jason,
> That's *really* helpful, thank you, especially around the rationale for
> the 'url' property.
> You suggest:
> On 4 Nov 2011, at 19:31, Jason Douglas wrote:
> > So to throw a strawman out there, maybe we could:
> >       • State on that Thing/url is equivalent to itemid and
> either is accepted.
> If does this, it should also state what happens when both are
> specified and they clash. Perhaps they should be treated as aliases with
> the @itemid being the canonical URL?

Yeah, that sounds right to me.

> >       • Add Thing/sameAs for stating item equivalences (via URLs) across
> data sources/sites.
> Nice, I can see the potential for that :)
> I'd love to know whether there are any consumers of markup
> that are or plan to aggregate data across different sites to create a view
> of information about the same thing, and indeed whether there are any
> publishers who are generating markup with common @itemids or
> urls...

My day job is Freebase and url mappings to entities (and therefore to each
other) has always been one of the most useful features of that dataset for
developers.  I'd love to see that happen on a much bigger scale...


> Jeni
> --
> Jeni Tennison

Received on Friday, 4 November 2011 21:41:01 UTC