Re: Need for a new type Activity

Hi all

Martin's point makes perfect sense. It is neither desirable nor technically
feasible for to become an "ontology of everything". If you look
at some living examples you easily find out where it leads : years of work,
thousands of collaborators, consensus regulation etc etc. The size it is
likely to reach is given by some living examples. Wikipedia has over 3
million articles, has over 1 million categories.
OpenCyC and UMBEL stay around some tens of thousands of concepts, but this
is already big to maintain.

So maybe could indeed set some pragmatic limits to its
expansion, in terms of size, depth, number of concepts, keeping it to the
scope and depth of a "middle" ontology, and entrust both crowsourced
vocabularies (Freebase, DBpedia) and technical public vocabularies (Music
Ontology, Legal Ontology ...) URIs for more specialized extensions.



2011/11/2 Martin Hepp <>

> Hi Aaron:
> A centralized schema must not exceed a certain size; otherwise it is
> unmanageable and hard to navigate. Even Google could not easily maintain
> enumeration for arbitrary domains.
> Take for example recipes: If you want to encode herbs used for a recipe,
> DBPedia/Wikipedia provides ca. 200 Web-scale identifiers, most of them
> defined in multiple languages and with a picture showing the herb.
> Importing all those into would quickly break the whole
> approach.
> I may have, unintentionally, scared potential adopters by Linked Data geek
> speak of "DBPedia identifiers".
> What I mean by that is pretty simple and straighforward:
> For a certain Microdata property with the defined range "URL" or "DBPedia
> URL" (tbd),
> 1. Search the English Wikipedia for the best matching page
> Example:
> Oregano -->
> 2. Strip off
> --> /Oregano
> 3. Attach the DBPedia base URI
> -->
> 4. Use this with the respective property
> <div itemscope itemtype="">
>  <span itemprop="name">Oregano Bread</span>
>  <link itemprop="ingredients" href=""
> /> Oregano
> ...
> </div>
> I think this is a fairly feasible approach, with several nice features:
> 1. Broad coverage
> 2. Many translations
> 3. Good textual definitions
> 4. Typically an image
> 5. Broad community involvement (most popular pages have undergone 200+
> public edits and thus been subject to much more intense discourse than any
> other dictionary of named entities).
> 6. Fairly stable URIs (see [1].
> Note that while Google is big, the staffing available for maintaining
> is likely very limited. It makes no sense to reinvest
> the 350 man-years needed to complete Cyc, the all-purpose ontology of the
> world.
> I can tell you from the work on GoodRelations that the effort for
> maintaining a global schema is grossly underestimated. GoodRelations with
> ca. 30 classes and ca. 90 properties took more than 10 man-years to build
> and maintain to date.
> Martin
> [1] Hepp, Martin; Siorpaes, Katharina; Bachlechner, Daniel: Harvesting
> Wiki Consensus: Using Wikipedia Entries as Vocabulary for Knowledge
> Management, IEEE Internet Computing, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 54-65, Sept-Oct
> 2007.
> Additional data and materials related to this paper are available at a
> dedicated Web page:
> PDF at
> On Nov 2, 2011, at 5:26 PM, Aaron Bradley wrote:
> >> From: Roy Lachica <>
> >
> >
> >> Using external identifiers e.g. from DBPedia or Freebase sounds like a
> good solution. However the drawback of this approach is that it creates
> confusion for "ordinary" web developers and webmasters. At the moment
> is so simple that "anyone" can use it. If we begin to rely on
> webmasters to use external identifiers and begin to encourage webmasters to
> mix vocabularies you create confusion about what identifiers and vocabs to
> use, how to use them, where to find them, etc.
> >
> >
> > I could not agree more.  In some ways, relying on external namepaces and
> the syntactical complexity that comes with correctly employing them belies
> the whole point of  If the answer to "I need a new type" is
> "use this-or-that external namespace (and, in the process, ditch microdata
> and employ RDFa instead)" then why have an extension mechanism for
> >
> >
> > Martin's follow-up point that it is impossible for "maintain an
> up-to-date inventory of value definitions across all industries" and "that
> referring to DBPedia ... is acceptable for Web developers" raises a couple
> of issues.  Sure, neither nor another vocabulary will
> encompass all terms that are required by webmasters - well-identified by
> many commentators as the problems implicit in trying to create an "ontology
> of everything" - but in that case what are the boundaries of
>  The limits of are not ill defined, they are not defined at
> all.  And in this there is a disconnect between enterprise outfits (and
> semantic web developers) and Roy's "ordinary" webmasters which threatens to
> alienate the latter.
> >
> > An example of what I mean relates to the evolution of the software
> extension in  An "ordinary" webmaster wanted to know whether
> software was suitably handled by the CreativeWork type, and how he would go
> about correctly go about extending it:
> >
> >
> >
> > Crickets.
> >
> > But in September Google determined it should extend CreativeWork to
> include SoftwareApplication:
> >
> >
> > Viola, a well-formed, well-documented extension - with, of course,
> plenty of incentive for webmasters dealing with software to adopt it, as
> presumably Google wouldn't have developed the extension unless they were
> planning on parsing it.  If Google was Igor would we have pointed them to
> DBpedia?  Told them that you can't have an ontology of everything?
> >
> > (This also raises the interesting point of how an extension makes it
> "officially" into the vocabulary.  Are we waiting to see
> whether or not it gains "significant adoption on the web" so that it "may
> be moved into the core vocabulary"?  How did the properties
> from rNews make it onto the site (and I'm still looking for a reasoned
> response to my "ordinary" webmaster concerns about tickerSymbol:)?  Not a
> complaint or an accusation, I genuinely don't know the process, or if there
> even is a process.)
> >
> >
> > All of this is in turn related to what is reasonable for "ordinary"
> webmasters.  While "referring to DBPedia" may be "acceptable for Web
> developers" it is not appropriate for "ordinary" webmasters that are doing
> their best to nail basic microdata syntax and incorporate
> markup onto their sites.  Anytime you want to ask a question of an
> "ordinary" webmaster I'll happily volunteer - I'm don't think I'm a
> technical slouch, but I'm certainly no developer.  I (think) I can deal
> with microdata fairly aptly.  But if one were to tell me, when
> I inquired about an extension, "use DBPedia" I wouldn't have the faintest
> clue how to incorporate this into my code, I would have absolutely no idea
> if this accomplished the stated goal of allowing webmasters to
> "markup their pages in ways recognized by major  search providers," and I
> would little possibility of garnering development resources to do so
> without being able to make a
> > reasonable case being made for the return on investment.
> >
> >
> >> A place to see the extensions used by webmasters would be really cool.
> >> A
> > webpage that shows all extensions with the number of sites using it and
> > the number of pages would bring more transparency to the process.
> >
> > I've argued for something along these lines before, and I could not
> agree more!
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Aaron
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Dan
> >> I understand adding all these subtypes pose all kinds of problems such
> as ontological and perhaps even political issues. Anyway if you at least
> just add the new type Activity webmasters could use extensions to define
> the subtypes so you ( don't have to take a stance on what
> subtypes to define. In a  bottom up way you could then later define the sub
> types based on the extensions we provide.
> >> I would also guess that type-subtypes are better than enumerations here
> since it would allow for further sub types. Activity sub types might
> perhaps also have different properties.
> >>
> >> I strongly believe a new type Activity would be a great contribution as
> a large portion of the content on the web today is about activities. E.g.
> pages about working, talking, eating, running, sleeping, drinking,
> learning, dancing, teaching, driving, making love, fighting, bird watching
> etc.
> >>
> >> A place to see the extensions used by webmasters would be really cool.
> >> A webpage that shows all extensions with the number of sites using it
> and the number of pages would bring more transparency to the process.
> >>
> >>
> >> Best regards
> >> .roy
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Martin Hepp []
> >> Sent: 28. oktober 2011 20:49
> >> To: Dan Brickley
> >> Cc: Roy Lachica;
> >> Subject: Re: Need for a new type Activity
> >>
> >> I can strongly recommend the approach taken in e.g.
> >>
> >> 1. Define a class for the type of a value 2. Recommend DBPedia or
> Freebase IDs for the individuals, if they exist.
> >> 3. If there is no standardized identifier yet, Web site owners can
> define one locally and hope that clients can do the entity consolidation.
> >>
> >> This decouples the maintenance of the schema from the evolution of new
> values.
> >>
> >> See e.g.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Best
> >>
> >> Martin
> >>
> >> On Oct 28, 2011, at 2:20 PM, Dan Brickley wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi Roy,
> >>>
> >>> On 26 October 2011 19:24, Roy Lachica <> wrote:
> >>>> Hi
> >>>> I was just adding for a tourist site. In particular
> activities (Things to do at a location) and found a need for an Activity
> type.
> >>>> Many tourism websites separate tourist activities from tourist sites
> (what to do from what to see).
> >>>>
> >>>> Existing types such as seem to be meant for
> a single event happening at a certain time at a certain location.
> >>>> don't really match for
> activities such as shopping and eating out? From Wikipedia: "A tourist
> attraction is a place of interest where tourists visit, typically for its
> inherent or exhibited cultural value, historical significance, natural or
> built beauty, or amusement opportunities."
> >>>> A page about Hiking should have links to places where you can go
> hiking, but the activity hiking itself is not really a tourist attraction?
> >>>>
> >>>> I would like to add activities that are also relevant in a
> non-tourist setting. Using TouristAttraction (typically used for things you
> go to see) therefore seem wrong. TouristAttraction is also a sub type of
> Place. Many activities are place independent.
> >>>>
> >>>> I would guess that search engine queries like "What to do in Rio" are
> just as much used as "What to see in Rio".
> >>>> When searching for Shopping it would be nice to specify that i mean
> the activity of shopping so I can get a list of pages about shopping rather
> than a list of online shops.
> >>>>
> >>>> There are also many sites that contain general non-tourist activities
> that could benefit from an Activity type.
> >>>> By having an activity type, search engine users can differentiate
> between football as an activity, a football club or the object football.
> >>>>
> >>>> I would therefore like to suggest the type: Activity  (description:
> >>>> Something you can do at will, regularly or perhaps once in a
> >>>> lifetime)
> >>>>
> >>>> I am sure someone else has better suggestions for sub types,
> >>>> properties and descriptions. I was not able to find a good taxonomy
> >>>> or vocabulary but here's a few suggestions for sub types [...]
> >>>
> >>> Thanks for raising this, and the suggestions. Before jumping into
> >>> those specifics I think it's worth pointing out a difficulty we'll all
> >>> have here: if starts to include big enumerated lists it
> >>> could become rather hard to maintain in the future. This was discussed
> >>> at last month's workshop; Guha and others suggested that
> >>> should avoid such enumerations. Where they exist already in well
> >>> established systems, could serve as a documentation hub,
> >>> pointing to those pre-existing lists. In this case, the scope of the
> >>> list is quite broad --- it's all things of things that people do, or
> >>> do for leisure.
> >>>
> >>> One possibility to investigate here is to look to larger collections
> >>> to add in such detail. For example using a collection like Wikipedia
> >>> (or it's RDFization as DBpedia, or the proposed Wikidata work; or
> >>> Freebase...). At some point with we have to say "ok,
> >>> enough! let's cut over to a larger community-maintained dataset". It
> >>> is not exactly clear where that cut point should be. There are points
> >>> within the current schema (eg. where you
> >>> could argue the limit has been reached.  I wonder how many of the
> >>> activity-types listed here have nice solid obvious Wikipedia URLs
> >>> associated with them (and which are handled as wiki Categories), and
> >>> also whether they are modeled/described in anything like a consistent
> >>> manner there...
> >>>
> >>> cheers,
> >>>
> >>> Dan
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>

*Bernard Vatant
Vocabularies & Data Engineering
Tel :  + 33 (0)9 71 48 84 59
 Skype : bernard.vatant
Linked Open Vocabularies <>

*Mondeca**          **                   *
3 cité Nollez 75018 Paris, France
Follow us on Twitter : @mondecanews <>

Received on Thursday, 3 November 2011 09:18:16 UTC