[Minutes] Was: [Agenda] 26 July new standards task force

On 23 Jul 2010, at 3:47 PM, Ian Jacobs wrote:

Minutes available from today's call

  _ Ian

> ======
> Agenda
> I) Quick review of AB discussion last week and high-level framing of  
> our work
>    http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vision-newstd/2010Jul/0045
> II) Preparing proposals for mid-August management meeting. The heads  
> of the five task forces (including me) are meeting with the CEO mid- 
> August. I will need proposals for that meeting. How will we get  
> those proposals? Here is a draft of the "template" that we should be  
> able to fill out for each proposal:
> ------
>  Description.  What is the proposal?
>  Rationale.  What is the benefit for the organization in  
> implementing this recommendation?
>  Cost.  What (if any) is the incremental cost to W3C to implement  
> the recommendation?  Is there a natural way to diminish the cost by  
> refocusing existing people (i.e. reprioritization)?
>  Financial benefit.  What (if any) income arises to W3C as a  
> consequence of the proposal?
>  Decision body.  What is the most natural place for the proposal to  
> be approved/decided?  Director? CEO? W3M? AB? AC? other?
>  Status and schedule.  What is the level of maturity of the  
> proposal.  Can it be thought of as reasonably complete?  If it is  
> immature, what is the schedule to complete the proposal?
> ------
>  Ideally there would be several volunteers to work on different  
> proposals, to be reviewed by the task force. If there are no  
> volunteers, I will work on the proposals and run them by you.
> III) Infrastructure considerations. What should W3C make available  
> to groups in these categories:
>    - Editing and publishing tools (e.g., spec annotation mechanisms)
>    - Collaborative tools (annotation mechanisms, chat mechanisms,  
> feeds, microblogging, etc.)
>    - Tracking tools
>   Here was an interesting list of ideas from the survey:
>    " - "transparent idea submission/selection process (i.e. voting 
> \membership system) + Continuous Integration (i.e. Hudson) +    
> Dependency Management (i.e. Maven) + Source Code Management (i.e.  
> SVN & Bug Tracker) + Test Frameworks for its standards (xUnit:  
> jUnit, php- unit, pyunit, etc...) + senior/peer-reviewed code  
> acceptance process + good collaborative community tools such as  
> wikis/conference rooms/ scrum tools = successful software projects"
>  This is not the usual list of tools we have for groups, which  
> includes:
>   * mailing lists
>   * IRC + bots
>   * tracker
>   * CVS
>   * wikis
>   * rss/atom feeds
>  Do we have any priorities we want to communicate to the systems  
> team via our proposals?
> --
> Ian Jacobs (ij@w3.org)    http://www.w3.org/People/Jacobs/
> Tel:                                      +1 718 260 9447

Ian Jacobs (ij@w3.org)    http://www.w3.org/People/Jacobs/
Tel:                                      +1 718 260 9447

Received on Monday, 26 July 2010 20:07:31 UTC