[Agenda] 23 August New Standards Task Force meeting

Dear New Standards Task Force,

Our next call is Monday, 23 August at 11:30am ET for 90 minutes.

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  (1) mind meld debrief
  (2) how to start the Web Innovation Forum quickly

  _ Ian

(1) Mind meld debrief

Monday and Tuesday of this week I met with the heads of the other four  
task forces. I got feedback on our current proposal [1]. I presented  
it in four parts:
   - process
   - community building efforts
   - developer portal
   - infrastructure support

There was support for the overall proposal, especially the process  
piece, the developer portal piece, and collaboration tools. For all  
pieces, however, we will need to further flesh them out, prioritize  
elements, and assess costs.

The next meeting of the task force heads is 30 August, and the one  
after that i 20 September. The expectation is that the proposals will  
be very solid on 20 September.

One process issue stood out (as expected): managing IPR commitments on  
the transition from community group to standards track. There were  
also some questions raised about the proposed guarantee that anyone in  
a community group participating as an individual could become an  
invited expert in a future WG on the same spec. So these are areas  
that we should discuss (recognizing that we will turn also to the PSIG  
to provide guidance on licenses to satisfy our functional requirements).

There was another suggestion: if there have been previous efforts to  
do similar things (e.g., www-talk or XGs), why did those not succeed,  
or why do we think this iteration has a better chance of succeeding.

Summary: we need to refine, prioritize, and flesh out costs,  
especially around the community building and infrastrcture parts.

(2) starting up the Web Innovation Forum (WIF)

This task force has suggested we start this up right away, and there  
are good reasons to do so. However, if we want a shiny new tool with  
lots of modern social networking features with the W3C brand, it will  
not happen right away. We could start off with something more modest,  
and invite discussion in the WIF about what infrastructure would be  
most useful (and even find volunteers to help). So my question to the  
task force is: what should the WIF look like when we start it,  
assuming we can do so in the next month or so?

Ian Jacobs (ij@w3.org)    http://www.w3.org/People/Jacobs/
Tel:                                      +1 718 260 9447

Received on Wednesday, 18 August 2010 21:29:16 UTC