Re: Recommendations

Hi, PLH-

It looks good to me.

One note... it says:

emphasize the need for testing, throughout the entire W3C Recommendation 
track, and not only during the W3C Candidate Recommendation

and later:

Encourage testing as an ongoing effort

I think it would be clearer if the first part said:

Emphasize the need for testing, throughout the entire W3C Recommendation 
track and beyond, and not only during the W3C Candidate Recommendation; 
this means test development parallel to production of Working Drafts, 
and as needed after the specification has reached Recommendation status

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG and WebApps WGs

Philippe Le Hegaret wrote (on 8/12/10 1:44 AM):
> I drafted proposed recommendations at
> After more thinking and a few discussion, I'm proposing a substantial
> addition to the Core mission. While I understand that there is a strong
> interest from W3C Members not to go beyond standardization, I do believe
> that fostering the proper deployment of the core technologies should be
> part of our Core mission [1]. The suggestion from Sam to redesign the
> HTML main page to make it more engaging and useful to the community, by
> embracing external efforts, is part of that. As well as the proposal
> from Doug to look further into education. I added proposals 7, 8, 9 and
> 10 to that effect.
> Proposals 8 and 9 are explicit: "The Task Force strongly advises against
> refocusing existing people in order to implement this proposal."
> It does imply that W3C needs to diversify in revenues to achieve this.
> As usual, statements of support or oppositions are welcome,
> Philippe
> [1]

Received on Thursday, 12 August 2010 07:39:15 UTC