Re: Chairs' decision on VC-ACDC Proposal

On Mar 22, 2023 at 12:26:41 PM, Orie Steele <>

> vc-acdc should be accepted as a vc format in the vc-specs-dir, as should
> vc-gordion, or vc-cbor-ld... If they define such a mapping to a conformant
> JSON-LD object.
> Perhaps some resolutions on formats would help make this clearer to the
> working group, and remove any doubt that treatment will be applied
> consistently.
> The tent has been made bigger, and W3C is not the only entity that can
> define verifiable credential formats... Even if the W3C defines the base
> media type that is expected to be mapped too.


— Christopher Allen

Received on Wednesday, 22 March 2023 19:45:24 UTC