Re: VC Specifications Directory goes live

On Wed, Mar 22, 2023 at 8:57 AM David Chadwick
<> wrote:
> I have just tried to add a directory entry for the Evidence property that conforms to the OIDF IDA specification. I have hit the following problems
> 1. The maintainerEmail expects a string, but in our case we have two authors of the specification, and therefore two maintainers. I used an array of strings, which is still valid JSON, but it has failed the schema checking
> 2. Similarly the maintainerName expects a string, but I used an array of strings.
> Can you update the directory specification to allow for more than one maintainer?

Having multiple maintainers listed complicated the "who's in charge"
question as well as who we'd need to contact in the DID Specifications
registry. There have been times in the past where two maintainers had
a difference in opinion and split, and at that point, it became
difficult to understand which maintainer we should listen to. Having
to contact and coordinate multiple parties is also difficult to track
in the event that emails start bouncing.

For these reasons, I'd prefer that we keep it to one entry. If you
have multiple people or an organization that maintains a spec, create
an email alias for it and name the organization/group as the

If you disagree with the above, please raise an issue on the
vc-specs-dir repository and we can process it in the VCWG as time
allows. In the meantime, please just list yourself so we can get the
entry into the directory.

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Wednesday, 22 March 2023 13:07:59 UTC