My presence (or lack thereof)

With the F2F meeting looming, I thought I have to clarify why I have been less present on the calls, and on issue comments, and how things may evolve in the coming weeks. I want to avoid misunderstandings as for my (and W3C's) commitment to this work.

I had to undergo two surgeries, the first about 10 days ago and then another one a week ago. There is no reason for secrecy: my thyroid gland has been completely removed. That explains why I completely disappeared lately; I am gradually resurfacing, but I still need lots of rest. The effects of the surgery  may still linger on for a few weeks due to the adjustment of a hormonal medication and I may need some more care.

A (hopefully temporary) side effect of the surgery is that my vocal chords have been affected. At present, I talk like Marlon Brando's Don Corleone in the Godfather movie:-). Although I may be (partially) present remotely on the F2F meeting, that will obviously affect the way I can interact. Please bear with me if it comes to that point…



Ivan Herman, W3C
mobile: +33 6 52 46 00 43

Received on Tuesday, 7 February 2023 08:54:39 UTC