Re: Verifiable Credentials Use Cases - Call to Action


We aren't sure, but have some concerns about IP clearance. However, the use
cases is a NOTE and non-normative, so let me ask Ivan.

Ivan, are there any restrictions on contributions to the use cases?


On Wed, Apr 12, 2023 at 1:03 AM Shigeya Suzuki <> wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
> I introduced this effort to several communities.
> One of them asked me whether WG participation is required to contribute.
> Please tell me whether they need WG participation or not.
> shigeya
> On Sat, Apr 1, 2023, at 02:57, Kevin Dean wrote:
> The W3C Verifiable Credentials Working Group
> <> is looking for new and revised use cases
> <>. These use cases will be used as
> input into the design of the data model. There are three categories of use
> cases: short, extant, and focal.
> Use Case Categories
> Short Use Cases
> A short use case is one that is simple and relatable to all (e.g., a
> digital transcript from an educational institution). They are
> self-contained and are generally unrelated to other use cases except those
> in the same domain (e.g., within the education domain: digital transcript,
> taking a test, transferring schools, online classes).
> Contributions should be high level only, consisting of:
>    - Title
>    - Short (one paragraph) description
> There are currently 30 short use cases. Iterations and improvements are
> welcome, and the working group is open to some additions, but more than a
> handful of additions will require deletion of some existing use cases.
> Extant Use Cases
> An extant use case is one that is illustrative of market adoption, i.e.,
> an example of the use of Verifiable Credentials in real-world applications.
> Contributions should be high level only, consisting of:
>    - Title
>    - Very short (single sentence) description
>    - URL
> This is a new section, open to all Verifiable Credentials, whether
> deployed in production or as proof of concept.
> Focal Use Cases
> A focal use case provides a deeper dive into a Verifiable Credentials
> application. It may be extant or aspirational.
> Contributions should be highly detailed, consisting of:
>    - Title
>    - Background
>    - Distinction from known use cases
>    - Actors (Issuer, Subject, Holder, Verifier)
>    - Validation requirements, including relationships with or
>    dependencies on other Verifiable Credentials
>    - Example artefacts (Verifiable Credentials, Verifiable Presentations)
>    - Trust hierarchy (liabilities)
>    - Threat model (risks and responses)
> There are currently 3 focal use cases. Iterations and improvements are
> welcome and the working group is open to one or two additions.
> Guidance
> The group has already identified several areas where new use cases may
> help:
>    - Traceability
>    - Accessibility
>    - Evidence
>    - Referring to other Verifiable Credentials (relationships and
>    dependencies)
>    - Federated identification, trusted issuers
> Timeline
>    1. GitHub (in process)
>    1. Switch to composition of separate files, one per use case or use
>       case domain (done)
>       2. Add templates to submit new use cases as issues (done)
>       2. Call to action (this email)
>    3. Contribution deadline
>    1. June 2nd, 2023
>       4. Proposed special topic calls for use case review, to be
>    confirmed by VCWG leads
>    1. April 11th, 2023
>       2. May 9th, 2023
>       3. June 6th, 2023
>       5. Draft
>    1. July 28th, 2023
>       6. TPAC
>    1. September 11th-15th, 2023
> Submission
> New use cases are submitted as issues. Click here to get started:
> Issues will be discussed in group calls. Once approved for inclusion, they
> will be added to the repository and PRs may be filed against them.
> ------------------------------
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Received on Friday, 14 April 2023 17:11:09 UTC