Re: FPWDs prepped for vc-di-eddsa and vc-di-ecdsa

On 8 Apr 2023 at 20:38 +0200, Manu Sporny <>, wrote:
> Hi all,
> As mentioned on the call this past week[1], two First Public Working
> Draft documents have been prepared for publication on April 18th 2023.
> The EdDSA Data Integrity Cryptosuite
> The ECDSA Data Integrity Cryptosuite
> W3C Staff, these documents have been pubrules and link checked. All
> remaining link check errors are expected and will resolve once the
> FPWDs are published.
> This is a request to the VCWG Chairs to put the following three
> proposals forward on the upcoming call:
> PROPOSAL: Use Echidna to automatically publish all Working Group
> documents that have achieved FPWD status (such as WD and NOTE) and
> that do not require manual publication steps (such as CR, PR, and
> REC).

+1 to have that done once and for all. But the formulation is not correct (CR drafts can use echidna, CR snapshots cannot and, actually, PR cannot either...). To avoid any kind of misunderstandings, I would prefer to simply refer to the process document. Eg:

Proposal: This working group will use Echidna to publish all formal TR publications, whenever applicable per the W3C publication rules.

> PROPOSAL: Publish the EdDSA Data Integrity Cryptosuite
> ( as a First Public
> Working Draft with a short name of `vc-di-eddsa` with a target
> publication date of April 18th 2023.

While I acknowledge that the document is o.k. as a FPWD, I did raise an issue a few weeks ago that, if the assumptions are correct, may be worth considering before the publication because it makes the document simpler (and simplicity is good):

This is not an objection to the publication, though, these changes can also be made later. (No, I have not raised a PR because I wanted to see a reaction on the issue first...)
> PROPOSAL: Publish the ECDSA Data Integrity Cryptosuite
> ( as a First Public
> Working Draft with a short name of `vc-di-ecdsa` with a target
> publication date of April 18th 2023.

I have not cross checked the two documents against pubrules, but I trust you it they are o.k. I presume the abstracts are fine to be used as part of the AC announcement as well as the W3C Home Page News items



P.S. I am always a bit uneasy about a publication on a Tuesday, due to personal reasons: I usually do not work on Mondays, ie, if there is a last minute problem to be dealt with, I am not around. But I think I will be o.k. this time.
> -- manu
> [1]
> --
> Manu Sporny -
> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.

Received on Sunday, 9 April 2023 07:46:47 UTC