Verifiable Credentials with JSON Web Signatures


Here is the link to the proposal to protect the core data model with a JWS
*instead of or in addition to* a JWT.

I shared this link in today's meeting, you can see some of the related
discussions in the minutes:

As we consider additional security formats, including SD-JWT, ACDCs or
JWEs, it's important to be clear on "what" we are securing.

I believe it's helpful for the WG to consider defining and registering
media types to make this clearer, especially in scenarios where multiple
security formats might apply to the same media type.

I am preparing a COSE signature companion draft to explain this approach

I'm happy to explain this approach further on a special topic call if that
would help the
WG evaluate if this approach should be pulled in as one of the securing the
core data model specs, our charter authorizes us to consider.



Chief Technical Officer


Received on Wednesday, 30 November 2022 19:30:46 UTC