Re: [Minutes] VC WG 2022-11-23

I want to dig into how the scribing works.
Since these meetings are usually at a very difficult time for me I stick
with reading the transcripts to be up to date.
I have a responsibility to my role as invited expert.

But there are situations in the transcript where there is information lost.
For this particular example

There are two places I see people give +1 to Orie without Ories context
being documented. There is a comment that gives a small summary with
their +1, but I dont know if that is enough.
They also usually end very abruptly, feeling like there is something missed.

Is this scribing done by a human only or assisted by a robot?
Are there any current issues of the scribing process we want to improve or
implement that are on hold because of time?

On Thu, Nov 24, 2022 at 6:31 AM Ivan Herman <> wrote:

> Minutes are here:
> Cheers
> ivan
> ----
> Ivan Herman, W3C
> Home:
> mobile: +33 6 52 46 00 43


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Received on Thursday, 24 November 2022 10:19:20 UTC