Re: Merging git history for jws-2020

On Fri, Jul 22, 2022 at 6:44 PM Zundel, Brent <> wrote:
> The chairs discussed this during our meeting today.
> We would prefer that the CCG and VCWG GitHub repositories remain separate and support Orie's plan for initializing this work item.

When this topic came up during the last call, Orie and I agreed that
the approach he was suggesting for the jws2020 work item would be ok
because that repository does not have a lot of history. I also noted
that we didn't want to set a precedent with that approach.

At that time, I requested the logic for keeping Github histories in
separate repositories, but only for closed issues and PRs... but
didn't get a response.

I'll try to re-state the question now since the Chairs seem to have
come to the same conclusion for this work item but have not provided
their reasoning (and it's not clear whether the reasoning would carry
to other work items): Given that it's trivial to take a complete
repository and filter by `created:<2022-07-01` to understand which
issues/PRs came before a particular point in time, what is the goal
with splitting the repositories?

If the goal is to redirect the old repository to the new repository, I
have confirmed that Github has fixed the bug we had the last time we
did this in the DID WG and now allows all of those redirects to happen
seamlessly (for HTML files as well as Github repos).

All that to say, we can achieve everything that Orie was arguing for
AND not needlessly split history between two repos AND have a clear
distinction between CCG and VCWG AND put in the appropriate automatic
redirections AND eliminate any manual migration of history/issues by
the Editors AND eliminate the need to search for change/PR/issue
history across two repos. It feels like a win-win all around, so I
continue to be confused any suggestion that we should take the path
that maximizes unnecessary work performed by the Editors.

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Monday, 25 July 2022 15:12:46 UTC