Preparing for a vc-data-model v2.0 FPWD

Hi all (Ivan, Chairs, questions for you below),

Based on one of the resolutions on the call this past Wednesday:

Resolution #3: We will publish Verifiable Credentials Data Model v1.1 as the
FPWD for Verifiable Credentials Data Model v2.0.[1]

The following updates have been made to the vc-data-model repository:

* The v2.0 branch has been rebased on top of the v1.1
* The default branch has been set to v2.0
* The ReSpec configuration has been updated to reflect
  a v2.0 FPWD publication.
* The statements in the Status of the Document section and
  the changelog have been updated to note that this is a
* The new Editors have been added to the spec.
* A FPWD target publication date of 2022-08-04 is

A PR has been raised such that all of these changes can be reviewed before the
static FPWD copy is created:

Ivan and the Chairs, two W3C Process questions for you:

1. Is a target publication date of 2022-08-04 ok? If so,
   I'll generate a static copy.

2. We are, in fact, doing an FPWD, right?

The publication of a FPWD triggers the IP Exclusion clock:

However, the "History" link in the spec makes it seem like you can only have
one FPWD:

Is that going to cause a problem, or do we have control over what the history
entry states? I'll also note that the "2021-11-09 Proposed Corrections REC"
and the actual 2022-03-03 REC don't differentiate themselves from one another.
We should fix that if we can?

Ideally, history would say something to the effect of "FPWD of v1.0", and
"FPWD of v2.0".

In other words, my understanding is that we are doing an "FPWD of the v2.0
version of the spec", and that is 1) necessary, and 2) isn't going to cause
any weird issues with the auto-publication/history tooling, correct?

I paused for a second because W3C Process has changed and it might be that IPR
Commitments now happen automatically when you join a "v2.0" WG because there
is a v1.0 REC that's already published? In other words, I'm questioning
whether or not we have to do a v2.0 FPWD, or if the IPR commitments are just
automatic after 90 days in the WG? If the question doesn't make sense, perhaps
this link might help:

-- manu


Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Thursday, 21 July 2022 21:59:25 UTC