Re: Verifiable Credentials with JSON Web Signatures

Very interesting. I like how this cleanly separates the data model layer 
from the security layer.


On 11/30/22 20:30, Orie Steele wrote:
> Friends,
> Here is the link to the proposal to protect the core data model with a 
> JWS *instead of or in addition to* a JWT.
> I shared this link in today's meeting, you can see some of the related 
> discussions in the minutes:
> As we consider additional security formats, including SD-JWT, ACDCs or 
> JWEs, it's important to be clear on "what" we are securing.
> I believe it's helpful for the WG to consider defining and registering 
> media types to make this clearer, especially in scenarios where 
> multiple security formats might apply to the same media type.
> I am preparing a COSE signature companion draft to explain this 
> approach further.
> I'm happy to explain this approach further on a special topic call if 
> that would help the
> WG evaluate if this approach should be pulled in as one of the 
> securing the core data model specs, our charter authorizes us to consider.
> Regards,
> OS
> -- 
> Chief Technical Officer
> <>

Received on Tuesday, 6 December 2022 20:04:05 UTC