The RDF Dataset Canonicalization & Hashing WG (aka "RCH" or "rich" WG)
has recently been started (there have been no meetings or concrete work
so far).
Co-chairs Phil Archer and myself have now discussed the steps to begin
our work, which are:
- Wednesday 31st August at 11:00 EST - Kick-off online meeting
- Friday 16th September - Joint meeting with VCWG at TPAC (hybrid F2F
and online)
The deliverables of the RCHWG are relevant to the work of the VCWG
(especially via the Data Integrity
<https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-integrity> specification), but also have
various other potential uses beyond DIDs and VCs.
To learn more, see the RCHWG's charter
<https://www.w3.org/2022/07/rch-wg-charter/> and explainer
<https://www.w3.org/2022/07/rch-wg-charter/explainer.html> documents:
For now, please join the group <https://www.w3.org/groups/wg/rch> if you
are a W3C member, review the charter, and mark the above dates/times in
your calendars.
Details of the meetings (connection information, etc.) will be provided
soon to the public RCHWG member mailing list