[UPDATED] Verifiable Credentials Data Model v1.1 ready for review

TL;DR: I had to update the publication date for all the links.

Hi all,

The Verifiable Credentials Data Model v1.1 specification is ready for review
(renamed from v1.2 based on the last telecon). The latest version, which is
targeted for a 2021-11-04 publication, can be viewed here:


The diff-marked version (with all changes highlighted) can be viewed here:


Per the new W3C Process for Revising a Recommendation with Substantive
Changes[1], we are required to request a Last Call for Review of Proposed
Changes[2] to the W3C Advisory Committee with all candidate corrections
clearly highlighted

Specifically, the message to the AC will be:

1. This is a Last Call for Review of Proposed Corrections.

2. The proposed changes (proposed corrections) include:

* Update previous normative references that pointed to
  RFC3339 for datetime details to now normatively
  reference the datetime details described in
  XMLSCHEMA11-2 which more accurately reflects the usage
  in examples and libraries.



* Loosen the requirement to use URLs to use URIs in the id
  property of the credentialStatus and refreshService
  sections of the data model.



* Loosen normative statements in the zero-knowledge proofs
  section to enable compliance of new zero-knowledge proof
  schemes, such as BBS+, that have been created since the
  v1.0 specification was published as a Recommendation.


* Update all references to point to the latest version of
  the referenced specifications. Fix broken links to
  papers that have become unavailable to updated locations
  where the papers are available.


3. Review comments are expected by January 14th 2022.

4. This document reflects the latest implementation
   experience as reported to the VCWG and accepted
   based on the consensus of the group. Please review the
   document and provide feedback by January 14th 2022.

-- manu


Manu Sporny - https://www.linkedin.com/in/manusporny/
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Sunday, 31 October 2021 13:46:38 UTC