Re: Verifiable Credentials Data Model v1.2 ready for review

On 10/26/21 12:45 AM, Ivan Herman wrote:
> I also believe that, for the Proposed Amendment, what is necessary for
> review is not a full diff, but a version where all the markup and editorial
> changes are incorporated into the document and would only show the
> substantive changes. On practical terms, the document to review should look
> as the final document (eg, final status, etc) but would include the diff
> for the substantive changes.
> Philippe, did I get this right?

I've gone back and confirmed that we're still ok wrt. 2021 Process (I thought
VCWG was comitted to 2020 Process, but that's a bit beside the point given
that (in this case) they ask for more or less the same things.

I do want to push back hard on the "we don't need to see a full diff", and
perhaps I should take this up with the W3C Process CG... but if you don't have
that, you don't truly know if mistakes were accidentally introduced in the new
REC. I went through the diff line-by-line to make sure we weren't doing
something we didn't intend to do... given that ReSpec generates a whole buncha
stuff, it's needed now more than we have in the past.

My suggestion is that the revision history provides insight into the proposed

...and if folks really want to dive into the changes, they can look at the
complete diff. It's certainly what I would want to look at to make sure there
is no funny business going on. Perhaps linking the substantive change in the
revision history to a part of the spec in the request for transition would help?

I don't see how NOT providing a full diff is more helpful than providing a
partial one.

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Tuesday, 26 October 2021 13:54:31 UTC