VC Data Model cleanup

Hi all,

The Editors and Staff have performed some clean up and fixes to the
vc-data-model repository:

* Clean up of `main` branch history (removes the commit
  thrashing done to try and get new v1.1 out without clear
  direction around new Process 2021 changes).

* Rename `main` branch to `v1.1` to make sure everyone
  understands what the default branch is now.

* Fixed the Github Page build failures so the latest
  Editors Draft will be reflected on the site.

* Renamed v2 branch to v2.0 and retargeted all v2 PRs
  to v2.0.

* Added redirect to show proper content for credential

* Added tags for REC-v1.0-2019-11-19 and

If you have the repository checked out, don't have any local changes, and are
not familiar w/ resetting branches, just delete the whole repository and check
it out again.

If you are familiar with some advanced Github usage, beware that v1.1, v2.0,
and main have different histories than what you have locally and you will want
to be very careful to reset those appropriately before pushing upstream.

-- manu

Manu Sporny -
Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
News: Digital Bazaar Announces New Case Studies (2021)

Received on Sunday, 14 November 2021 18:24:32 UTC