Minutes for VCWG telecon 10 September 2019

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Andrei!




      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                    Verifiable Claims Working Group

10 Sep 2019


      [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vc-wg/2019Sep/0004.html


          Amy_Guy, Andrei_Sambra, Benjamin_Young, Brent_Zundel,
          Dan_Burnett, David_Chadwick, Dudley_Collinson,
          Joe_Andrieu, Justin_Richer, Kaz_Ashimura, Ken_Ebert,
          Matt_Stone, Ted_Thibodeau, Oliver_Terbu, Yancy_Ribbens





     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Data model PR Is out
         2. [5]Use cases
         3. [6]TPAC celebrate
         4. [7]Future Facing
         5. [8]Last Call
     * [9]Summary of Action Items
     * [10]Summary of Resolutions

   <scribe> scribenick: deiu

   <stonematt> scribenic: deiu


     [11] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vc-wg/2019Sep/0004.html

   stonematt: quick review now, we have some cleanup to do; the PR
   is out and we can discuss what comes next

Data model PR Is out

   stonematt: we can take a deep breath and smile, thanks all

   <ken> Awesome!

   stonematt: we do have a few more docs to get out the door, so
   we'll spend a bit of time on those today. We are behind in
   terms of publishing. Is Amy around?
   ... the first note to hit on is test suite publishing.

   <rhiaro> I don't remember doing anything on the test suite

   stonematt: I see Amy opened a couple of PRs. Is the test suite
   ready to go? We said that Oct 31 is the deadline and the test
   suite is ready to go. Do you have anything to add to that Amy?

   <burn> Test suite is not a doc, doesn't need publishing

   rhiaro: I have only dealt with the use cases and implementation

   stonematt: OK, let's go to the implementation guide then.

   <burn> [12]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/58

     [12] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/58

   stonematt: you have a PR opened for the imp-guide with a
   checklist. Do you need help there?
   ... we need this today, right?

   rhiaro: I don't know for sure. I used today's date.

   stonematt: I think we're going to publish what we have, since
   the expectation was that we're publishing what we had at the
   beginning of the month. If we publish today we'll give
   ourselves enough time.
   ... we'll ask the team contact (he usually joins at the top of
   the hour) and he can validate the publishing day when he joins

   <burn> Since we already voted for publication, all we need is
   to tell Kaz when it's time. We also need to separately make a
   group RESOLUTION that the CCG will take over maintenance of the

   stonematt: Looking at the agenda, the next item is use cases.

Use cases

   rhiaro: is there anything controversial or is it just conflicts
   in the PRs?

   <burn> We also need a clear RESOLUTION that the CCG will take
   over all maintenance of the VCDM spec and incubate future
   versions of the spec.

   TallTed: it's mostly formatting, e.g. issues with nesting trees
   and headings.
   ... we can avoid creating a huge mess by resolving conflicts
   before merging.
   ... I'm not sure how to rename "verifiable claims" to
   "verifiable credentials"

   rhiaro: can you do that today?

   TallTed: probably

   stonematt: I'm going to assign proper tags to the PRs

   <burn> Also, need to clearly state in a RESOLUTION that we
   explicitly authorize the CCG not only to run the registries in
   the spec but also to specify any governance details found to be

   stonematt: so we expect to have that done in hours.

   TallTed: yes

   ken: how can I help review that work? Is it 101 I should be
   concentrating on?

   stonematt: 111 is the one you should proofread now

   <stonematt> [13]https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/pull/111

     [13] https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/pull/111

   TallTed: there are some issues with formatting there, sections
   and bullet lists, etc.

   ken: I will work on 111 and try to review 116 after

   <Zakim> JoeAndrieu, you wanted to ask about claims v

   JoeAndrieu: what is the current intention w.r.t. claims vs
   credentials terminology

   stonematt: is that addressed in 111, TallTed?

   TallTed: It is not addressed yet, I can do the conflicts or do
   this other thing.

   stonematt: do the conflicts so we ca have a clean copy.

   JoeAndrieu: so none of the PRs are actually addressing the
   issue of correcting terminology. Amy can do you do that?

   rhiaro: if it's just the case of find and replace...

   stonematt: as long as it's in the body of the text and not the
   group name

   JoeAndrieu: take you best pass and we can provide feedback
   ... is there any thoughts about the *name* of the document?

   <rhiaro> It's not in the short name so I don't see any reason
   changing the title would be a problem

   stonematt: let's ask Kaz if he comes on. It seems a pretty
   daunting task.
   ... I'm worried the list of stuff left to do is getting a bit

   TallTed: there are PNG graphics and SVG graphics. What's the

   stonematt: kill the SVGs and keep PNG.
   ... TallTed is resolving conflicts and as soon as that's done,
   just hit the merge button.

   TallTed: I was going to tag rhiaro on the PR once I've finished
   the conflicts but I can merge if you think that's better.

   rhiaro: I don't mind. If someone wants to review, say so now,
   otherwise we'll go ahead and merge.

   <ken> +1 to merge and review after

   JoeAndrieu: I say merge early and review after, since we have a
   lot of outstanding PRs.
   ... the current definition for "verifier" is really wrong. I'm
   not sure where to fix this.

   <TallTed> <dt>Verifier</dt>

   <TallTed> <dd>The <a>entity</a> verifying a claim about a given

   <rhiaro> all of the terms were pulled directly from the data

   <rhiaro> JoeAndrieu: if you ping me the correct dfn I can fix

   stonematt: TallTed put the right one in IRC
   ... is the doc you're working on referencing the right

   JoeAndrieu: rhiaro will deal with it after TallTed

   stonematt: Once TallTed is done with the merge, we'll do the
   typo check and other feedback. What happens if we find
   something, since rhiaro is about to finalize the snapshot.
   ... thanks rhiaro and TallTed

   <JoeAndrieu> btw, I have a draft resolution based on Dan's

   stonematt: I'll start with the first resolution.
   ... [reading the three comments from burn]
   ... you have a draft resolution based on burn's request?

   JoeAndrieu: it might be better to do them separately.

   stonematt: let's say the data model spec is one, the registry
   is another, and the CCG taking over the notes is the last one

   [stonematt and JoeAndrieu reading proposed resolution texts in
   the background]

   <stonematt> there are 4 active repos w/ published documents: 1)
   Data Model, 2) Use Cases, 3) Test Suite, 4) Implementation

   <burn> Move or copy; not sure moving is allowed

   stonematt: the first resolution is about changing ownership of
   repos, and the second is about the registries
   ... we want all four to continue living and being dynamic

   <JoeAndrieu> DRAFT RESOLUTION: Credentials Community Group will
   take over all maintenance of the Verifiable Credentials Data
   Model spec, Verifiable Credentials implementation guide,
   test-suite, use case document, and incubate future versions of
   the same.

   <JoeAndrieu> DRAFT RESOLUTION: We the Verificable Claims
   Working Group authorize the Credentials Community Group to take
   over all maintenance of the Verifiable Credentials Data Model
   spec, Verifiable Credentials implementation guide, test-suite,
   use case document, and incubate future versions of the same.

   <JoeAndrieu> DRAFT RESOLUTION: We the Verificable Claims
   Working Group authorize the Credentials Community Group to take
   over all maintenance of the Verifiable Credentials documents:
   Data Model spec, Implementation Guide, Test Suite, and Use Case
   document, and to incubate future versions of the same.

   <JoeAndrieu> PROPOSED: We the Verificable Claims Working Group
   authorize the Credentials Community Group to take over all
   maintenance of the Verifiable Credentials documents: Data Model
   spec, Implementation Guide, Test Suite, and Use Case document,
   and to incubate future versions of the same.

   <yancy> +1

   <ken> +1

   <JoeAndrieu> +1

   <deiu> +1

   <stonematt> +1

   <Dudley> +1

   <rhiaro> +1

   <oliver> +1

   <brent> +1

   <TallTed> +q

   <DavidC> +1

   <TallTed> +1

   <TallTed> -q

   <burn> +1

   RESOLUTION: We the Verifiable Claims Working Group authorize
   the Credentials Community Group to take over all maintenance of
   the Verifiable Credentials documents: Data Model spec,
   Implementation Guide, Test Suite, and Use Case document, and to
   incubate future versions of the same.

   stonematt: let's do a similar one for the running & governance
   of the registries

   <JoeAndrieu> DRAFT RESOLUTION: We the Verifiable Claims Working
   Group authorize the Credentials Community Group to run the
   registries in the spec and to specify any governance details
   found to be lacking.

   <JoeAndrieu> DRAFT RESOLUTION: We the Verifiable Claims Working
   Group authorize the Credentials Community Group to run the
   registries in the spec and to specify any additional necessary
   governance details.

   <JoeAndrieu> DRAFT RESOLUTION: We the Verifiable Claims Working
   Group authorize the Credentials Community Group to run the
   registries describee in the Verifiable Credentials Data Model
   spec and to specify any additional governance details as

   <ken> describee to described

   <JoeAndrieu> DRAFT RESOLUTION: We the Verifiable Claims Working
   Group authorize the Credentials Community Group to run the
   registries describee in the Verifiable Credentials Data Model
   specification and to define any additional governance details
   as necessary.

   <ken> +1

   <JoeAndrieu> PROPOSED: We the Verifiable Claims Working Group
   authorize the Credentials Community Group to run the registries
   described in the Verifiable Credentials Data Model
   specification and to define any additional governance details
   as necessary.

   <TallTed> +1

   <JoeAndrieu> +1

   <deiu> +1

   <stonematt> +1

   <brent> +1

   <burn> +1

   <Dudley> +1

   <DavidC> +1

   <yancy> +1

   <ken> +1

   <rhiaro> +1

   RESOLUTION: We the Verifiable Claims Working Group authorize
   the Credentials Community Group to run the registries described
   in the Verifiable Credentials Data Model specification and to
   define any additional governance details as necessary.

   <Dudley> +q

   stonematt: thank you everyone!

   <oliver> +1

   Dudley: I just noticed we got a typo "Verifiable" in the first

   <JoeAndrieu> s/Verfiable/Verifiable/

   stonematt: we still have a couple more topics on the agenda.
   Let's start with DavidC, then burn, then have an open


     [14] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1x8xWzo_qR6GuZ4jF1jlYKGZd09yBLhnL/edit

   DavidC: I think everybody can see that document
   ... this is about the Response to DCMS Digital Identity: Call
   for Evidence
   ... it's about improving digital identity in the UK. I've
   produced draft answers to 20/21 items
   ... VC is exactly the right solution for them. This is a public
   response, we don't want it to be private.
   ... they have a few examples of needs, but our list of use
   cases is much longer. We're ahead of the game and can provide a
   lot of use cases.
   ... there's a couple of places where I would like examples from
   people here.
   ... I would also like a few more examples for the pain points.
   Any comments so far?

   stonematt: let's try to keep this within a 15 min limit? Maybe
   quickly go through each of them and ask for volunteers.

   <ken> David's document is not editable or commentable.

   stonematt: we can do this as an aside, but are we changing the
   short name of the spec? If so, you'll have to change the URL in
   your doc, DavidC. I think it will be vc-use-cases

   DavidC: I'm really looking for examples in the first 3 points.
   If people could just add some in the next few days, it would be

   ken: the document is not editable nor can we comment


     [15] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1x8xWzo_qR6GuZ4jF1jlYKGZd09yBLhnL/view?usp=sharing

   stonematt: there might be a hidden setting you can toggle
   ... try to find the Google version, not the docx.

   <ken> The second link is also not editable.


     [16] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TO2CnpVN3-kEo5Xuwuw7CzCq8Ml3zlqdFbp5IbCrlyQ/edit?usp=sharing

   <ken> This link works to edit.

   <stonematt> use the doc from stonematt

   DavidC: if people want to contribute, are you OK putting your
   name in the doc so it gains more weight?
   ... can we have a resolution saying that the VCWG has read the
   doc and we'll provide answers to those questions?

   <Justin_R> 1+

   stonematt: is there precedence for WGs doing things like these
   in general? Signing our group name?

   <burn> Working groups can make statements as a group, but make
   sure there is consensus for it

   Justin_R: if we're going to do something like this, I'm not
   comfortable with it being published with the group's name. If
   there's anything from this group, I'd rather see it done signed
   by individuals with a stated association with the WG, stating
   their expertise.

   stonematt: DavidC, so what if we each sign our name?

   <Dudley> +1

   DavidC: I'm just worried about timing
   ... we can add at the beginning that the following list of
   people have contributed.

   Justin_R: if you were against it while the group quickly put
   their name on a doc, that would be bad.
   ... this document is not part of the SDO process nor the
   activities in the group's charter. I don't see why we're doing
   this as a WG.

   <Zakim> JoeAndrieu, you wanted to mention timing issues

   <oliver> +1 (justin)

   Justin_R: in terms of process and propriety, it would be much
   better if individuals would opt in to have their name listed.

   <deiu> +1 too

   DavidC: how about saying "the following members of VCWG..."

   Justin_R: this group is not here to create opinions and this
   document is way out of our charter

   DavidC: that makes sense. It would be much nicer if the UK gov
   would support our work. It's about marketing our group to the
   UK gov to show them how it answers some of their needs.

   stonematt: it seems we don't need a resolution after all. If
   you feel like contributing to this document, please put your
   name in the list.

   TallTed: I would suggest you finalize the text of the document
   and publish the link on the mailing list to see who's
   ... add a deadline.

   JoeAndrieu: more people would like to support you DavidC than
   people who will have bandwidth for it in the next week

   DavidC: I'll send it to the list them, with the deadline set
   for 9am GMT on Sunday morning.

   stonematt: thanks DavidC, it's important to get critical mass
   for adoption of our work.
   ... next item on the list is What's Next?

TPAC celebrate

   burn: We've all worked very hard, as it's been a stressful last
   couple of months. It would be a shame to just end the group
   like this. I'm thinking it would be nice to have a party and
   get together during TPAC.
   ... I would like to hear some opinions about what people might
   like to do and where.

   <deiu> +1 to party!

   <JoeAndrieu> +1 to party

   burn: the DID WG meetings are not scheduled yet. Right now our
   efforts have been on getting the emails out for W3C members to
   join the DIDWG. Our plan is to send out request for topics for
   the agenda. Brent already has an agenda outline but we're still
   waiting before we send it out. It will go out towards the end
   of this week though.

   <ken> +1 to dinner/party

   burn: if anyone has specific suggestions, send them to me by
   email, otherwise I'll arrange it.

   <DavidC> -1 because I wont be there (only joking)

   stonematt: I regret not being able to make it, otherwise I'd be
   +1'ing the proposal.

   <Dudley> +1 to Sun,Mon,Tues or Wed

   stonematt: next topic is Future Facing.

Future Facing

   stonematt: the end of our formal charter is here. The data
   model doc is out, we all recognize that the charter was very
   narrowly scoped, which limited our discussions. As we open the
   next chapter of this work, we'll take the discussions to the
   ... I thought it would be nice to start thinking about what we
   want to do from here. People mentioned lack of protocol,
   technical issues, wallets, repositories, etc.

   JoeAndrieu: the CCG has fostered open conversations for what
   comes after VCs and DIDs, as we start laying the ground. Kim
   mentioned secure data hubs which led to conversions at RWoT.
   ... there's also a lot of conversations about what we do with
   agents and wallets, both in terms of terminology but also
   ... we look forward to incubating that dialogue.

   stonematt: I have a related (tactical) question: who is
   planning to go to the CCG and is planning to drive this work

   <DavidC> I will

   <ken> I will

   <oliver> i will

   burn: I am planning to continue. It's very important work.

   stonematt: are we going to continue having CCG calls after
   this? What does the schedule look like?

   burn: there is no decision yet, we'll discuss call times at
   TPAC. One option is to take over this slot, another option is
   ... probably not for 2h at the same time as this slot though.

   <brent> +1 to not 2 hours :)

   burn: but this is not my decision.

   <oliver> +1 to not 2 hours

   DavidC: it's about the access to the CCG. It's not as good as
   for this group.

   JoeAndrieu: when was the last time you tried DavidC? There have
   been some significant upgrades re. network connectivity from
   our host.

   DavidC: people complained about not being able to hear me. Not
   sure if it was just the software.

   stonematt: is the CCG meeting next week or will it be canceled
   because of TPAC?

   JoeAndrieu: I am going to TPAC, so it's likely it will be

   burn: I am assuming we will also be canceling this call next
   call. Even if the DIDWG ends up taking this slot today, I will
   suggest we take some recovery time off after TPAC (and other
   f-2-f meetings).
   ... I don't expect people to be doing any work right after a

   <Zakim> JoeAndrieu, you wanted to have a sleep-in and recover

   burn: it would be nice to decide about that before we end the
   call today.

   <Dudley> +1 to sleep-in it is 1:26am here..

Last Call

   burn: I would not suggest two hours for that final day in
   September anyway. Let's assume that today is our last call, so
   as a last agenda item, I would like to have people talk about
   their experiences if they wished to

   <Zakim> JoeAndrieu, you wanted to say thanks

   DavidC: I would like to express my thanks to the two chairs and
   to Manu for all their hard work.

   JoeAndrieu: I want to also say thanks. I felt extremely
   welcomed and felt that I was able to contribute.

   <kaz> * Request for AC reviews from the VCWG participants

   <kaz> * VC use case document's new shortname (part of agendum 5

   <kaz> * Joint discussions at TPAC with WoT (even though the
   VCWG itself will not meet at TPAC 2019)

   <kaz> * Possible extension/rechartering for maintenance work
   (and some more)

   kaz: I wanted to check on a few points though some of those
   topics were already discussed during the first hour (please see
   ... the PR has been published and we have 9 responses from AC
   reps. Please ask your AC rep friends to respond.

   <burn> +1 to responding in favor of the VCDM spec being
   published as a Recommendation

   kaz: re. the new short name vc-use-case, we need to make a
   resolution for this name.

   stonematt: we have not made a resolution about the short name,
   we'll fix that right now

   <Zakim> rhiaro, you wanted to ask kaz what publication date we
   should put on the implementation guide and use cases NOTEs?

   rhiaro: this questions is about the implementation guide, what
   date should we use?

   kaz: re. the short name we'll have to wait until TPAC is over
   (two weeks from now)

   <rhiaro> So 2019-09-24 for both?

   kaz: publication resumes on the 24th

   <rhiaro> or just for use cases? Can implementation guide be

   burn: rhiaro just needs a date for the document.

   <DavidC> question. Will the new name be /VC-use-cases/ or

   kaz: I would like to the talk to the webmaster, but we should
   be able to publish on the 24th

   <JoeAndrieu> DRAFT RESOLUTION: To rename the Verifiable Claims
   Use Cases document to Verifiable Credentials Use Cases document
   with the shortname "vc-use-case".

   <rhiaro> JoeAndrieu: use-cases plural?

   <JoeAndrieu> DRAFT RESOLUTION: To rename the Verifiable Claims
   Use Cases document to Verifiable Credentials Use Cases document
   with the shortname "vc-use-cases".

   kaz: it should be similar to the github repo name,

   <TallTed> drop "To"

   <JoeAndrieu> PROPOSAL: Rename the Verifiable Claims Use Cases
   document to Verifiable Credentials Use Cases document with the
   shortname "vc-use-cases".

   <TallTed> +1

   <deiu> +1

   <stonematt> +1

   <Dudley> +1

   <rhiaro> +1

   <brent> +1

   <ken> +1

   <oliver> +1

   <burn> +1

   <yancy> +1

   <JoeAndrieu> +1

   <DavidC> +1

   RESOLUTION: Rename the Verifiable Claims Use Cases document to
   Verifiable Credentials Use Cases document with the shortname

   kaz: now about the joint discussions at TPAC with WoT (even
   though the VCWG itself will not meet at TPAC 2019)
   ... in the joint discussions between DID and WoT WGs
   ... it would be better to invite you all to the WoT meeting on
   Thursday or Friday.

   burn: if anyone has conflicts please contact kaz

   kaz: now to the last point, extending the VCWG by 2 months to
   finish the REC transition. And also for maintenance work after

   stonematt: we had 2 resolution earlier about CCG picking up the
   work once VCWG finishes

   kaz: I'll talk with plh about it then
   ... I was wondering about people's interest in protocol work,
   etc., so there might be other topics in addition to maintenance

   burn: there are people who are interested but there is a timing
   issue because of the DID work
   ... this work was controversial when it started, so my personal
   opinion is that it would be better to wait at least one year or
   wait for the DID WG. Of course, the work can be incubated in
   the CCG.

   kaz: what about the 2 month extension for finalizing the REC

   burn: does the group need to exist when the REC comes out? plh
   told me that isn't the case.

   kaz: I'll get back to plh and have another discussion then.

   (some more discussion about the groups' opinions)

   burn: so kaz, the answer is no. Thank you.
   ... a few people thanked the chairs, but I would like to thank
   the group.
   ... I really appreciate the group's willingness to get things
   ... It's very important for the world to see there is a
   standard around the work we're doing. Having a version 1 is
   really important. There's a difference between "almost having
   it" and actually "having it".
   ... there's been a lot of people who have contributed, so I
   appreciate the effort from each and every one of you. I'm
   looking forward to working with you in the DIDWG.

   ken: I wanted to thank the chairs and the group for welcoming a
   latecomer to the party and to support ZKP.

   stonematt: I would like to echo burn's comment about having
   v1.0 but also to pick up on JoeAndrieu's comment about this
   being my first experience with a W3C WG. It has been very
   rewarding, people can bring a lot of passion but can also move
   ... I hope this can be replicated in the DIDWG and we can take
   it to the CCG.
   ... Also, thank you kaz for being our team contact and for
   helping us along the way.

   <burn> +1 re kaz. Thank you, thank you, thank you

   <Zakim> kaz, you wanted to appreciate the group's hard work and
   great contributions again

   kaz: thank you very much to everyone for your hard work and
   great contributions, it was my pleasure.

   oliver: also a latecomer, thank you all for welcoming me, I
   really appreciate it.

   stonematt: all right everyone, congratulations!

   <JoeAndrieu> Congratulations, all! Thanks for the great work!

   stonematt: I think this is the end of the call and of the VCWG.
   We'll keep an eye on the pending PRs and publications. Thank
   you thank you thank you.

   burn: bye all and thanks again!

   <stonematt> bye!

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

    1. [17]We the Verifiable Claims Working Group authorize the
       Credentials Community Group to take over all maintenance of
       the Verifiable Credentials documents: Data Model spec,
       Implementation Guide, Test Suite, and Use Case document,
       and to incubate future versions of the same.
    2. [18]We the Verifiable Claims Working Group authorize the
       Credentials Community Group to run the registries described
       in the Verifiable Credentials Data Model specification and
       to define any additional governance details as necessary.
    3. [19]Rename the Verifiable Claims Use Cases document to
       Verifiable Credentials Use Cases document with the
       shortname "vc-use-cases".

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
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    $Date: 2019/09/23 17:39:53 $

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Received on Monday, 23 September 2019 17:42:46 UTC