Minutes for VCWG telecon 28 May 2019

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking these minutes, Amy, Yancy and Dan!




      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                    Verifiable Claims Working Group

28 May 2019


      [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vc-wg/2019May/0014.html


          Amy_Guy, Andrei_Sambra, Brent_Zundel, Dan_Burnett,
          Dave_Longley, Dmitri_Zagidulin, Ganesh_Annan,
          Justin_Richer, Kaz_Ashimura, Ken_Ebert, Manu_Sporny,
          Tzviya_Siegman, David_Chadwick, Jonathan_Holt,
          Oliver_Terbu, Benjamin_Young, Matt_Stone, Kaliya_Young,



          rhiaro, yancy, burn


     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Describe plan for the call
         2. [5]PR announcements
         3. [6]Issue lightning round: close the issues we can
         4. [7]Test Suite Issues and Discussion
         5. [8]Implementation topics discussion
     * [9]Summary of Action Items
     * [10]Summary of Resolutions

   <rhiaro> scribenick: rhiaro

Describe plan for the call

   burn: last week was a good opportunity for implementors to
   discuss issues that were important. We also have some CR and PR
   processing to do
   ... We'll do PR and CR processing first, then switch to
   ... any changes?

PR announcements

   <burn> [11]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pulls

     [11] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pulls

   manu: we have a number of PRs, gonna start at the bottom with

   <burn> [12]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/641

     [12] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/641

   manu: there's a longstanding i18n PR in discussion. I have as a
   result rewritten the i18n section, it's all nonnormative, but
   it's now pulled in the jsonld wg, the rdf community, the ld
   community, the i18n community the ?? communiety at ietf, iana,
   it's gone off the rails.. but we're making good progress and
   have another meeting with them on wednesday for coming up with
   a mechanism for lang direction that works in json and jsonld
   ... there's a big discussion
   ... everything else is a fairly straightforward PR
   ... oliver and dave longley and david chadwick have weighed in
   on some. Heads up for folks to look at some of them
   ... that's every single PR we need to close out the remaining
   issues I believe. Only 2 issues right now that dno't have PRs
   and those we may not end up doing PRs for them because the
   problems people are raising are difficult for us to write spec
   text to
   ... there may be one or two other PRs but as long as there are
   no more issues these are the PRs that close the CR period
   ... I think that's it for the PRs, no others we need to review
   ... unless anyone else has specific ones they want to review

   burn: there aren't any we can close now?

   manu: what we need is review from folks
   ... we will propose closing the issues associated with the PRs,
   but that's next
   ... as far as closing the PRs on the call, we just need other
   peple to review
   ... we need two independant reviews, as soon as we get that we
   can merge the PRs

   burn: everyone please review so we can close them

Issue lightning round: close the issues we can

   burn: There may be some that we can look back at that have a 7
   day close mark but we haven't been able to close for some
   reason. Maybe we can take a look at a couple of those. Some
   might require a followon group statement because of additional
   comments made after the resolution
   ... we might still be able to get some of those closed

   manu: I was not able to prepare all of the proposals before the
   ... The first is issue 518

   <manu> [13]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/518

     [13] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/518


     [14] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues?page=1&q=is:issue+is:open

   manu: This was oliver asking about multiple subjects, david
   chadwick said we should have an example with multiple subjects,
   we all agreed, I put in a PR, davidchadwick said he'd rather
   see the marriage cert thing so I will make that change

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #518 is resolved via PR #644, which adds
   an example on multiple subjects to the specification. Close
   issue #518 after the PR has been merged.

   manu: any objections?

   DavidC: I'm happy

   burn: I hear no objections

   RESOLUTION: Issue #518 is resolved via PR #644, which adds an
   example on multiple subjects to the specification. Close issue
   #518 after the PR has been merged.

   <manu> [15]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/526

     [15] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/526

   manu: next is issue 526. The current link says verifiable
   claims data model, we changed it to vc data model, all the
   links needed to be updated, I put in a PR for that

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #526 is resolved via PR #645, which
   updates the TR links in the specification. Close issue #526
   after the PR has been merged.

   burn: I've been trying to keep this open until right before PR,
   it's a reminder for the chairs that as part of our closing out
   process we need to remind the sysrec team

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #526 is resolved via PR #645, which
   updates the TR links in the specification. Close issue #526
   after the transition to Proposed Recommendation has occurred.

   burn: I'll include it in the transition request and say part of
   it is closing this issue

   RESOLUTION: Issue #526 is resolved via PR #645, which updates
   the TR links in the specification. Close issue #526 after the
   transition to Proposed Recommendation has occurred.

   burn: I hear no objections

   <manu> [16]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/530

     [16] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/530

   manu: next is issue 530. This was basically a suggestion to
   consolidate all the vc registries into a single registry
   ... that reminds me we have a resolution for this one

   <manu> [17]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/584

     [17] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/584

   manu: moving on to the next one.. lots are done... next one is
   ... this one was that ted raised, issuanceDate and
   expirationDate are confusing and misleading. Had we more time
   we would have renamed them to validFrom and validUntil but we
   can't do that without going through another CR so I added spec
   text that says we expect to transition to validFrom and
   validUntil we're reserving those values and impelmentors should
   be aware of that
   ... the only way for us to do it in a back compatible way and
   we'll do it in the next revision of the spec

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #584 is resolved via PR #646, which
   updates the specification with non-normative language noting
   that the properties will change to validFrom and validUntil in
   the future. Close issue #584 after the PR has been merged.

   RESOLUTION: Issue #584 is resolved via PR #646, which updates
   the specification with non-normative language noting that the
   properties will change to validFrom and validUntil in the
   future. Close issue #584 after the PR has been merged.

   burn: any objections
   ... hearing no objections

   <manu> [18]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/585

     [18] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/585

   manu: next is 585. This has to do with a request by davidc. The
   question was how does a pure json implementor know what the
   proper order of the contexts array should be
   ... we said it's the same way they know the proper order of
   anything in any other json spec, which is that there's some
   human readable document that says what the order should be.
   greg said there's a jsonld 1.1 feature that lest you specify
   the context in html, which is bad and was removed from the
   spec. The PR that was introduced after that noted in the
   implementation guide that if you want a human readable context
   you can use conneg to achieve

   that and there's now a section about conneg for human readable
   documents that json developers could use to take one of those
   urls, dump it into a web browser and get thee xpected order of
   context values from that document

   scribe: DavidC, I don't know if this works for you or not

   DavidC: I haven't reviewed the text but I think the
   implementation guide is a good place to put it. It affects us
   in our implementation. I think that's a fair way of resolving
   the problem

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #585 is resolved via commit
   504c9c1189d060cc9f1deb2ff35507e1fbf3f282 to the Implementation
   Guide, which advises JSON-LD Context publishers on how to
   publish human readable contexts that advise on context order.
   Issue #585 should be closed after a 7 day review period.

   burn: objections?

   RESOLUTION: Issue #585 is resolved via commit
   504c9c1189d060cc9f1deb2ff35507e1fbf3f282 to the Implementation
   Guide, which advises JSON-LD Context publishers on how to
   publish human readable contexts that advise on context order.
   Issue #585 should be closed after a 7 day review period.

   burn: hearing no objections

   <manu> [19]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/586

     [19] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/586

   <Justin_R> told you I wasn't all the way here 🤷‍♀️

   manu: next issue 586. DavidC raised the issue of using jwts
   with presentations. There have been a suggestion to add a
   sentence, he put in a PR, the PR got reviews, looked good and
   has been merged. I believe David your PR addresses the issue
   you raised and so we should close this issue

   DavidC: agreed

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #586 is addressed via PR #627, which
   adds non-normative guidance wrt. using JWTs w/ presentations.
   Issue #586 should be closed since the PR has been merged.

   oliver: ?? presentation after PR is it still valid?

   <jonathan_holt> I believe so, yes

   manu: it should be, that might be a different PR?
   ... that's a different PR, this one has to do with saying an
   example of a vc using a jwt is given in secton json web tokens.
   Just shows you how to do a jwt based presentation

   DavidC: basically adding a forward pointer into the spec
   because when you read it it's not obvious

   oliver: right okay thanks

   manu: your other concern, we didn't intend to change anything
   in the spec, jwt is still a valid way of doing a presentation
   ... nothing normative changed, it just got more specific
   ... any objections to that proposal?

   RESOLUTION: Issue #586 is addressed via PR #627, which adds
   non-normative guidance wrt. using JWTs w/ presentations. Issue
   #586 should be closed since the PR has been merged.

   burn: I don't hear any objections

   <manu> [20]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/589

     [20] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/589

   burn: do we need a 7 day close on this or I should just close

   manu: we might as well mark it 7 day close and close it after 7
   days to be consistent
   ... Next up is 589, json schema reference, DavidC noted that
   the json schema reference we used is old and we had ad
   iscussion about the right version to point to, there's a new
   new new one at ietf when we had the discussion, it has expired
   and they have published a new one that's not expired. We
   updated it to the 2019 json schema spec in a way that will
   always point you to the latest json schema spec at ietf, so
   that's what pr 647 does

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #589 is addressed via PR #647 which
   updates the non-normative reference to JSON Schema to a more
   stable IETF URL. Issue #589 should be closed after the PR is

   <jonathan_holt> is this the link?

     [21] https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-handrews-json-schema

   ken: you said it'll always stay up to date and you're pointing
   to json schema 2019, does that get updated or is it intended to
   be 2019?

   manu: it's strangely named, we created the reference in 2019.
   there's no official version of json schema. What we do is point
   to th elatest one that we know of and when new versions are
   published at ietf the reader will be advised that there is a
   new version at the top of the document
   ... what we're signalling is we reference the 2019 version non
   normatively but htere may be a later version
   ... because we make no normative statements about it we can be
   wishy washy about how we point to that document

   burn: jonathan asked in irc, if this is the specific draft

   manu: yes it's that link

   <Zakim> Justin_R, you wanted to talk about IETF versions

   Justin_R: to clarify how the ietf system works for people who
   may not be familiar, the link that jonathan put in the chat
   will always point to whatever the latest draft handrews json
   schema verson is. If a draft 02 version were updated today
   that's what the link would point to, it's not a stable content
   url. As it's an informative reference I'd recommend the group
   point to a specific version of that document as being
   referenced if that type of long

   term stability is what you're after

   manu: I don't think we were trying to get to that specific typ
   eof long term stability, we're trying to point to the latest of
   whatever it is, thats' why we weren't specific

   Justin_R: that implies that the requirement is to keep pace
   with that in whatever state it is

   manu: it's effecitvely make sure you're using the latest
   version fo that spec. The hope is it'll eventually hit a
   normative stable point, but it's not there yet. Our guidence is
   make sure you're using the latest version, that's why we point
   to that
   ... any objections to the proposal?

   burn: hearning none

   RESOLUTION: Issue #589 is addressed via PR #647 which updates
   the non-normative reference to JSON Schema to a more stable
   IETF URL. Issue #589 should be closed after the PR is merged.

   <manu> [22]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/596

     [22] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/596

   manu: next is 596. Dave longley raised an issue that we had not
   .. there was a discussion about having holder, saying who the
   holder is in the presentation, we found an implementation needf
   or that, DavidC also wanted that feature. we've resolved holder
   in a non-normative way in the main spec. We call it out but we
   don't say it's required or anything like that. The text is
   wishy washy and we expect that text to firm up in the next
   revision of the


   scribe: That's via pr 648

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #596 is addressed via PR #648, which
   adds non-normative text describing the holder property. Issue
   #596 should be closed after the PR is merged.

   RESOLUTION: Issue #596 is addressed via PR #648, which adds
   non-normative text describing the holder property. Issue #596
   should be closed after the PR is merged.

   burn: hearing no objections

   <manu> [23]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/600

     [23] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/600

   manu: next 600 which was an issue dmitri found in the examples
   during the test suite, pr 601 addresses it and has been merged
   ... the basic issue is that there was a .. verifiable
   presentations.. does this make the subtype mandatory or

   dmitriz: I believe the spec has it as mandatory

   dlongley: the spec is confusing on this point and it can be
   read as mandatory or not, we were having a discussion about
   that somehwere. I think it should not be mandatory. I would
   expect people to have to create a throw away type that doesn't
   have any semantics in the majority of cases

   manu: this adds credential mangement presentation to every
   single example

   dlongley: proves my point there's no reason to have an
   additional type at this stage. Don't believe it would be
   normative right now

   manu: the spec says the type property is required and expresses
   the type of presentation, so that doesn't mean that it's

   dlongley: the spec says all credential presentations must
   specify or be associated with additional more narrow types
   ... in the types section 4.3

   manu: for verifiable presentation we say optionally a more
   specific verifiable presentation type, it's optional in the
   ... the spec is contradictory, so we can change it without it
   being a non normative change
   ... in two places we say the subtype is optional and in this
   case I think it says you have to specify more narrow types but
   it says it for everything whereas in the case of presentations
   we said it's optional

   DavidC: that's correct, I agree with Dave becuase the
   presentation is a set of VCs. Where you need more narrow types
   if if you start to put your own params in there like term sof
   use then it would becom ea more narrow verifiable presentation

   jonathan_holt: for the schema, the type is in the string or
   array of strings? andthen to clarify, is there precedence of
   the meaning if it's unordered?

   manu: can it be a string or an array? Yes it can be either.
   ... strings that effectively map to URLs.
   ... I don't know what you mean by precedent. It's an unordered
   set so order doesn't matter

   jonathan_holt: similar for context if it's unordered and the
   same name is used twice with a different pointer is there
   potential confusion for the meaning?

   manu: there is for context but not for type

   <Zakim> brent, you wanted to say that a presentation must be
   associated with a narrower type.

   brent: the way the spec reads it doesn't even say that a
   presentation must have multiple types, it says the stuff in the
   presentation needs to be associated with a type. It's even more
   confusing. We really need to change it.

   manu: we probably need to raise a new issue on this, it's not
   clear to me which text changes and what triggers a normative
   change and we're not goign to be able to figure it out on the

   <oliver> who is raising the new issue?

   going back to issue 600, dmitri's change sets a type and a
   subtype across all the examples which are non normative so we
   can rip that out later if we need to after this other
   discussion. But 600 is aaddressed by 601. Let's merge it and
   raise a new issue

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #600 is addressed via PR #601, which
   makes non-normative changes to the examples. Close issue #600
   after the PR has been merged.

   brent: I am raising it right now

   burn: any objections to the proposal?

   RESOLUTION: Issue #600 is addressed via PR #601, which makes
   non-normative changes to the examples. Close issue #600 after
   the PR has been merged.

   burn: hearing none

   <manu> [24]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/602

     [24] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/602

   burn: if it's related to this one you might want to include a
   reference in your issue back to 600 brent

   manu: issue 602 is raised by tony he says section 3.1 is non
   normative but contains the word must in lower case
   ... typically lowercase musts shoulds and mays are not
   normative, but tony wanted us to change it, this resulted in a
   discussion with the editors of respec and a w3c wide discussion
   ... so now every w3c specification going forward is going to
   say dont' pay attention to lowercase musts, only uppercase
   ... tony said that's not good enough, please change it so
   you're not useing lowercase musts shoulds and mays in the

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #602 is addressed via PR #649, which
   removes the non-normative "must" in favor of "is expected to".
   Issue #602 should be closed once the PR is merged.

   burn: objections?

   RESOLUTION: Issue #602 is addressed via PR #649, which removes
   the non-normative "must" in favor of "is expected to". Issue
   #602 should be closed once the PR is merged.

   burn: hearing none
   ... I consider this an example of how this working group of how
   this wg has gone above and beyond its requirements in
   addressing external concerns

   <manu> [25]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/604

     [25] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/604

   manu: next issue 604, an issue that tony raised about @context
   and whether processing was required or not. Adds clarity, brent
   and ted suggested some changes, 3 PRs went in to address this
   and they've all been merged
   ... they say you don't need a jsonld processor but if you're
   just using json the contexts are in the order you expect themto
   be in. If you do that you're good wrt the sematnic meaning and
   property value pairs and short url values

   <dlongley> to be clear -- everyone (JSON/JSON-LD) has to make
   sure the order of the contexts is proper and the PR that was
   merged says this.

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #604 is addressed via PR #630, which
   adds non-normative text to clarify the processing requirements
   around @context. Multiple other PRs were also made to address
   this issue. Issue #604 should be closed after a 7 day wait

   DavidC: about the fact the person who raised the issue tends to
   raise issues but never comments on if the resolution is good,
   and then raises another issue. The person who raised the issue
   could be invited to comment on the PR so we don't end up going
   through it again

   burn: there's a 7 day time preiod, if we do not receive
   objections in that time period I can go ahead and close it
   ... valid comments can cause a continued discussion but if it's
   not going anywhere we can find a way to close
   ... all of these external issues have come in after the review
   ... we are allowed to say which ones we will address and which
   ones we will not
   ... it's always nice to address the ones you can, and its' good
   that the group is doing that, but if we get some that don't
   seem to be getting resolved it is fine for the group to say
   sorry, this came in after the comment period, we made every
   effort we can but this will not be resolved for this version

   <Zakim> burn, you wanted to remind group that we can refuse to
   address these and later external issues

   ken: on the pr 630 it introduces an uppercase MUST that is a
   normative change

   manu: I noticed that, I believe it does it in a way that is
   inline with what the other spec text was already saying,
   because of that it's a non-normative change. The addition of
   the MUST doens't change any implementation, it's a
   clarification of what the spec should have said before

   ken: makes sense

   manu: any objections?

   burn: I would say issue 604 WILL BE closed after a 7 day wait
   ... any other comments?

   RESOLUTION: Issue #604 is addressed via PR #630, which adds
   non-normative text to clarify the processing requirements
   around @context. Multiple other PRs were also made to address
   this issue. Issue #604 will be closed after a 7 day wait

   burn: hearing none

   manu: ken, thanks for eagle-eyeing that change
   ... next up is 605
   ... I've got 15 more of these... time check?

   <brent> I want to cover the issues

   burn: we don't have as much time for implementations. THi sis
   still the number 1 priority, we've gotta keep moving these
   ... anyone who objects to continuing with these and then moving
   on to implementation?
   ... We'll continue, however we need a new scribe \o/

   <scribe> scribenick: yancy

   <manu> [26]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/605

     [26] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/605

   manu: issue raised by tony
   ... 605 is addressed via 650

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #605 is addressed via PR #650, which
   makes a non-normative change to the spec regarding changing a
   lowercase "must not" to a "is expected to not". Issue #605
   should be closed after the PR is merged.

   burn: objections?

   RESOLUTION: Issue #605 is addressed via PR #650, which makes a
   non-normative change to the spec regarding changing a lowercase
   "must not" to a "is expected to not". Issue #605 should be
   closed after the PR is merged.

   <manu> [27]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/606

     [27] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/606

   manu: resolved
   ... another issue raised by tony

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #606 is addressed via PRs #616, #628,
   and #651 by making non-normative clarifications to the
   specification. Issue #606 should be closed after all associated
   PRs have been merged.

   manu: any objections?

   RESOLUTION: Issue #606 is addressed via PRs #616, #628, and
   #651 by making non-normative clarifications to the
   specification. Issue #606 should be closed after all associated
   PRs have been merged.

   burn: hears none

   <manu> [28]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/608

     [28] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/608

   manu: pr went in and ted wrote the pr and it's been merged

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #608 is addressed via PR #631 which adds
   non-normative clarification around the SHOULD of concern to the
   reviewer. Issue #608 will be closed after a 7 day wait period.

   manu: objections?

   RESOLUTION: Issue #608 is addressed via PR #631 which adds
   non-normative clarification around the SHOULD of concern to the
   reviewer. Issue #608 will be closed after a 7 day wait period.

   burn: hears none

   <manu> [29]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/609

     [29] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/609

   manu: next up is issue 609
   ... we changed from jwt to jws. we now refer to jws.

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #609 is addressed via PR #652, which
   makes a non-normative clarification to the specification
   regarding JWS. Issue #609 should be closed after the PR is

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #609 is addressed via PR #652, which
   makes a non-normative clarification to the specification
   regarding JWS. Issue #609 should be closed after the 7 day
   review period and after the PR is merged.

   RESOLUTION: Issue #609 is addressed via PR #652, which makes a
   non-normative clarification to the specification regarding JWS.
   Issue #609 should be closed after the 7 day review period and
   after the PR is merged.

   burn: as soon as we agree on the resolution we drop it in

   <manu> [30]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/610

     [30] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/610

   manu: tony says what's the definition of a decentralized
   ... lots of back and forth
   ... we're just talking about decentralized identifiers in
   ... proposal is is 610

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #610 is addressed via PR #618, which
   makes non-normative clarifications on the term "decentralized
   identifier document". Issue #610 will be closed after the 7 day
   wait period.

   burn: any objections?

   RESOLUTION: Issue #610 is addressed via PR #618, which makes
   non-normative clarifications on the term "decentralized
   identifier document". Issue #610 will be closed after the 7 day
   wait period.

   <manu> [31]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/611

     [31] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/611

   manu: next up is 611
   ... also raised by tony
   ... it's a wording concern around proofs
   ... ted reworded and tony said that's better
   ... didn't say he's ok said he's better

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #611 is addressed via PR #617, which
   makes non-normative clarifications to the specification
   regarding proof details and mechanism. Issue #611 will be
   closed after the 7 day wait period.

   brent: would it be possible to change the proposal to change
   ... since 7 days already passed

   burn: it was merged and after that the 7 day closed

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #611 is addressed via PR #617, which
   makes non-normative clarifications to the specification
   regarding proof details and mechanism. Issue #611 will be
   closed immediately since the 7 day wait period has expired.

   burn: it's been more than 7 days since the merge

   manu: reworeded the proposal

   burn: hears none

   RESOLUTION: Issue #611 is addressed via PR #617, which makes
   non-normative clarifications to the specification regarding
   proof details and mechanism. Issue #611 will be closed
   immediately since the 7 day wait period has expired.

   <manu> [32]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/612

     [32] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/612

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #612 is addressed via PR #614, which
   rewords the text of concern in a non-normative way. Issue #612
   should be closed after 7 days from when the PR was merged.

   RESOLUTION: Issue #612 is addressed via PR #614, which rewords
   the text of concern in a non-normative way. Issue #612 should
   be closed after 7 days from when the PR was merged.

   <manu> [33]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/613

     [33] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/613

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #613 is addressed via PR #615, which
   makes non-normative changes to expiration to clarify its usage.
   Issue #613 should be closed immediately.

   burn: objections?

   RESOLUTION: Issue #613 is addressed via PR #615, which makes
   non-normative changes to expiration to clarify its usage. Issue
   #613 should be closed immediately.

   <manu> [34]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/621

     [34] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/621

   manu: doesn't think we can close this one
   ... conversation turned into should the values in a credential
   be arrays
   ... this approach has already been tried multiple times for a
   right hand value
   ... you should not make the assumption that's it's a single
   value or an array
   ... waiting to hear back on if it's acceptable
   ... we'll just add non-normative text

   <manu> [35]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/622

     [35] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/622

   manu: moving on

   brent: the id property was left out of the json

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #622 is resolved via PR #623, which
   fixes a bug in the JSON-LD context. Issue #622 should be closed

   <manu> manu: dmitri, yancy, is it ok if we close immediately?

   <manu> dmitriz: No objections.

   <manu> yancy: No objections.

   RESOLUTION: Issue #622 is resolved via PR #623, which fixes a
   bug in the JSON-LD context. Issue #622 should be closed

   burn: a variety has come down to one of these three topics.

   <manu> [36]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/632

     [36] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/632

   <manu> [37]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/633

     [37] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/633

   <manu> [38]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/634

     [38] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/634

   burn: when it comes to PR I can point to these three issues
   ... but at least they are captured here

   <manu> [39]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/642

     [39] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/642

   burn: where the group believes it's made appropirate
   determination over tonys objections

   manu: someone said has someone thought about protocol buffers
   ... we have put more into cbor than char buffers
   ... encode the app as whatever and then deserialized it
   ... and then just pick a transformation rule for @context
   ... that's the most we can do in the implementation guidance
   ... that's it

   burn: we should thank manu
   ... with luck we should be able to close all these

   <dlongley> +1 thanks to manu and everyone for helping out!

   manu: thanks to everyone invloved

   burn: we're not done yet but we are close

Test Suite Issues and Discussion

   burn: moving on to the implementation phase

   <burn> [40]https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/issues

     [40] https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/issues

   burn: turns it over to dmitriz

   dmitriz: from the top in reverse chronologic order
   ... ken brought up a point that presentations need their own
   ... says he thinks context is implied
   ... others said the vcs inside a credential need their own

   <dlongley> +1... :)

   ken: agrees strongly with daves objections
   ... we also need to raise a correspondant issue to make example
   is the text
   ... can make those changes and submit an issue to the data

   dmitriz: recent PR the Oliver opened for test-suite sequence
   ... will look at it asap
   ... at first glance it looks great
   ... aside from that nothing new
   ... a number of documentation issues
   ... qustion to brent about 28

   brent: the command fails to run the report
   ... if I take the text and paste in it fails

   dmitriz: command runs for me

   brent: you and I get together and work through that

   <burn> scribenick: burn

   yancy: if you and brent find issues please post for the rest of

   dmitriz: will do

   <yancy> dmitriz: the other issue

   <scribe> scribenick: yancy

   dmitriz: the test report should be broken up into different
   ... is working on it as stated

   <Zakim> manu, you wanted to mention work that Andrew Jones is
   doing on #30 to dmitriz :)

   dmitriz: already implemented by andrew jones

   manu: we need to figure out to simplify that stuff

   dmitriz: code already written should be easy to lift

Implementation topics discussion

   burn: anything else beforfe we switch to generic topics

   <burn> scribenick: burn

   <gannan> yancy: which parser are you using?

   recent change to context has brought up issue with JSON-LD
   processor. Others should watch out for this

   manu: which one are you using?

   yancy: ruby

   manu: probably Gregg Kellogg's. Should be compliant. We can
   help with that.

   yancy: just wanted others to be aware. hopefully there is a
   quick fix there.

   dlongley: Gregg just fixed all of that, so just waiting on a
   new release

   <scribe> scribenick: yancy

   manu: general question
   ... do people like it?
   ... using same design pattern with other projects

   ken: my comment would be getting start is the weakest part of
   the test-suite

   <brent> +1

   ken: having trouble persuading others
   ... updating the documentation would be more than sufficient

   brent: beginning to implement test-suit begins to shift my
   mental model
   ... once my brain shifted to that point things became easy
   ... wasn't sure what to be doing on his part
   ... it is a weird way of running test-suits

   manu: think we can do protocol testing in the same way
   ... looking for suggestions if others have any for a better
   ... maybe did resolution is the first thing we test
   ... if we feel like this works well, then we have some
   repeatable tooling
   ... now is the time to let us know

   ken: thought of something else the would be helpful is to make
   the suit more modular to make quicker turn cycles

   manu: yep maybe raise an issue

   dmitriz: I was somewhat sceptical of the datamodel test-suit
   ... wants to echo what was said that its a weird mental shift

   burn: still doesn't like the idea of a test-suit for the data
   ... you're right it's to test the implementation of the spec

   <burn> scribenick: burn

   yancy: much of what the test suite does is to test which parts
   of the JSON model are syntactically accurate. Would be good to
   make that clear to implementers.

   <scribe> scribenick: yancy

   <burn> scribenick: burn

   yancy: maybe something like JSON schema. a JSON object that has
   name of key and then true for requirements. Test suite just
   transforms from English. People may be looking at test suite
   directly and might be nirce to have a better map.

   <scribe> scribenick: yancy

   <jonathan_holt> I like json-schema and I'm working on a

   davidc: update on driver license
   ... update to suggest that vc becomes a standard for encoding
   ... has not had any feedback
   ... would be nice to tell them a little about our standard


   davidc: will be a big win

   <brent> I would be willing to review a draft primer as well


     [41] https://github.com/WebOfTrustInfo/rwot7-toronto/blob/master/topics-and-advance-readings/verifiable-credentials-primer.md

   manu: just there is vc primer that's old at this point but we
   did create something
   ... happy to look for it

   Davidc: please email it to me

   manu: link is pasted

   burn: anything else for today?
   ... next week we will have a nother 2 hour call

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

    1. [42]Issue #518 is resolved via PR #644, which adds an
       example on multiple subjects to the specification. Close
       issue #518 after the PR has been merged.
    2. [43]Issue #526 is resolved via PR #645, which updates the
       TR links in the specification. Close issue #526 after the
       transition to Proposed Recommendation has occurred.
    3. [44]Issue #584 is resolved via PR #646, which updates the
       specification with non-normative language noting that the
       properties will change to validFrom and validUntil in the
       future. Close issue #584 after the PR has been merged.
    4. [45]Issue #585 is resolved via commit
       504c9c1189d060cc9f1deb2ff35507e1fbf3f282 to the
       Implementation Guide, which advises JSON-LD Context
       publishers on how to publish human readable contexts that
       advise on context order. Issue #585 should be closed after
       a 7 day review period.
    5. [46]Issue #586 is addressed via PR #627, which adds
       non-normative guidance wrt. using JWTs w/ presentations.
       Issue #586 should be closed since the PR has been merged.
    6. [47]Issue #589 is addressed via PR #647 which updates the
       non-normative reference to JSON Schema to a more stable
       IETF URL. Issue #589 should be closed after the PR is
    7. [48]Issue #596 is addressed via PR #648, which adds
       non-normative text describing the holder property. Issue
       #596 should be closed after the PR is merged.
    8. [49]Issue #600 is addressed via PR #601, which makes
       non-normative changes to the examples. Close issue #600
       after the PR has been merged.
    9. [50]Issue #602 is addressed via PR #649, which removes the
       non-normative "must" in favor of "is expected to". Issue
       #602 should be closed once the PR is merged.
   10. [51]Issue #604 is addressed via PR #630, which adds
       non-normative text to clarify the processing requirements
       around @context. Multiple other PRs were also made to
       address this issue. Issue #604 will be closed after a 7 day
       wait period.
   11. [52]Issue #605 is addressed via PR #650, which makes a
       non-normative change to the spec regarding changing a
       lowercase "must not" to a "is expected to not". Issue #605
       should be closed after the PR is merged.
   12. [53]Issue #606 is addressed via PRs #616, #628, and #651 by
       making non-normative clarifications to the specification.
       Issue #606 should be closed after all associated PRs have
       been merged.
   13. [54]Issue #608 is addressed via PR #631 which adds
       non-normative clarification around the SHOULD of concern to
       the reviewer. Issue #608 will be closed after a 7 day wait
   14. [55]Issue #609 is addressed via PR #652, which makes a
       non-normative clarification to the specification regarding
       JWS. Issue #609 should be closed after the 7 day review
       period and after the PR is merged.
   15. [56]Issue #610 is addressed via PR #618, which makes
       non-normative clarifications on the term "decentralized
       identifier document". Issue #610 will be closed after the 7
       day wait period.
   16. [57]Issue #611 is addressed via PR #617, which makes
       non-normative clarifications to the specification regarding
       proof details and mechanism. Issue #611 will be closed
       immediately since the 7 day wait period has expired.
   17. [58]Issue #612 is addressed via PR #614, which rewords the
       text of concern in a non-normative way. Issue #612 should
       be closed after 7 days from when the PR was merged.
   18. [59]Issue #613 is addressed via PR #615, which makes
       non-normative changes to expiration to clarify its usage.
       Issue #613 should be closed immediately.
   19. [60]Issue #622 is resolved via PR #623, which fixes a bug
       in the JSON-LD context. Issue #622 should be closed

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    David Booth's [61]scribe.perl version 1.154 ([62]CVS log)
    $Date: 2019/05/30 18:28:03 $

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Received on Thursday, 30 May 2019 18:32:19 UTC