Minutes for VCWG telecon 11 June 2019

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking these minutes, Brent, Manu and Benjamin!




      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                    Verifiable Claims Working Group

11 Jun 2019


      [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vc-wg/2019Jun/0004.html


          Allen_Brown, Andrei_Sambra, Brent_Zundel, Dan_Burnett,
          Dave_Longley, Dmitri_Zagidulin, Ganesh_Annan, Jack_Busa,
          Justin_Richer, Ken_Ebert, Manu_Sporny, Sercan_Kum,
          Ted_Thibodeau, Adrian_Gropper, Jonathan_Holt,
          Oliver_Terbu, Yancy_Ribbens, Benjamin_Young,
          Kaz_Ashimura, Markus_Sabadello

          tzviya, Amy_Guy


          Brent, Manu, Benjamin


     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Describe plan for the call
         2. [5]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pulls
         3. [6]PRs
         4. [7]PR announcements
         5. [8]We have so many issues
         6. [9]Test Suite Issues and Discussion
     * [10]Summary of Action Items
     * [11]Summary of Resolutions

Describe plan for the call

   <brent> scribenick: brent

   burn: first PRs, then closing issues, then test suite, then
   implementation topics
   ... anything else that should be added?


     [12] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pulls


PR announcements

   manu: good news, thanks to everyone who puts in PRs. Brent,
   Ken, David, Ted.

   <manu> [13]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/641

     [13] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/641

   manu: 641 is first up.

   <Justin_R> I would call in but I don't have the new meeting

   manu: internationalization has been re-written 5 times now

   <Justin_R> So if anyone can help with that, please DM me

   manu: many other groups are chiming in, separate calls are
   ... we believe we have a proposal. It may not actually be a
   needed solution.
   ... we are getting mixed signals
   ... we may end up pointing to the string meta specification
   ... the current PR is where the discussion is now..
   ... if it changes again it will simply point to string meta.
   ... if no progress is made, it will be revised.

   ken: ripped out all the french language examples?

   manu: yes, because we did that wrong
   ... no markup in the data, it is a attack vector
   ... instead we will write an example that shows how to use a
   language tag.
   ... we will put some language examples back, but can't do

   ken: should we make corresponding changes to the test suite?

   manu: yes
   ... unfortunately now we are the "stuckee" for language
   direction on the internet.

   <manu> [14]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/646

     [14] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/646

   manu: 646, validFrom and validUntil. Looking for re-review
   after changes.
   ... the problem is that issuanceDate is different from
   validFrom and maps to different things in JWT.
   ... so mapping it to something different may be a normative
   ... this PR doesn't make changes to the JWT section, it only
   says that these terms are going to be used in the future.
   ... take a look at 646

   dlongley: Ted was recommending adding non-normative text to the
   JWT section.
   ... add validFrom in the future and have it map to something
   ... validFrom and issuanceDate are different.

   manu: example is digital coupons

   <Zakim> burn, you wanted to ask about validFrom

   burn: is there a situation where someone would want to use
   validFrom as a date before it was issued?

   manu: potentially

   burn: even though it was issued when I was 16, it was valid
   from when I was born

   dlongley: yes, this PR brings up the fact that they have
   different meaning.
   ... if you only had issuanceDate, then the credential can't be
   valid before that date.

   manu: please comment on the PR

   <manu> [15]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/652

     [15] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/652

   manu: 652 is up next
   ... Tony said JWS is a proof mechanism, JWT needs to be there
   as well. It has gone back and forth.
   ... some things are standardized, some are not. Asked for
   re-review from Tony.
   ... expect he will want a stronger statement about what is a
   standard or not.
   ... giving that treatment for everything in the text would add
   alot of stuff.
   ... suggestion is to go with the modified text.
   ... would like to hear is there are objections?
   ... not hearing any, do we need a resolution?

   burn: it would be good to do that. that can be dropped in to
   say what the WG has confirmed.

   <manu> PROPOSAL: The Working Group has confirmed that calling
   out the phase of standardization that any particular
   specification is in is not necessary as implementers can
   determine that information from the heading information in each
   specification as well as perusing the normative and
   non-normative reference section.

   manu: any objections?

   ken: it doesn't actually reference which one we're talking

   manu: it shouldn't matter, this is general

   RESOLUTION: The Working Group has confirmed that calling out
   the phase of standardization that any particular specification
   is in is not necessary as implementers can determine that
   information from the heading information in each specification
   as well as perusing the normative and non-normative reference

   burn: no objections

   manu: please review the PR

   <manu> [16]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/663

     [16] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/663

   manu: Ted did a new PR, 663
   ... this is editorial

   <manu> [17]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/658

     [17] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/658

   <manu> scribe: manu

   brent: PR 658 was in response to issue 653, and issues 653 came
   up during a WG conversation... basically, the question was "how
   many types must a presentation have?"
   ... Some of the language in the next makes it suggest that you
   have to have at least two... my initial reading of the text was
   opposed to others reading of the text...
   ... two sides seem to be -- type needs to be explicit and
   always mentioned in the type field, or type out to be implicit
   and should be allowed, properties not described by any type
   anywhere, then they need to be undrestood by verifier, or
   rejected because they are not understood, but should be allowed
   by the spec.
   ... That's my understanding of the two sides of the argument,
   we need the group to weight in on what should go into the spec.

   <inserted> scribenick: brent

   manu: David is arguing from a strong typing argument. Try to
   list a type, some are mandatory. The compromise was that some
   must be mandatory.
   ... in presentation, it doesn't make sense to require two
   ... it can be done, but I feel it goes too far to require it.
   ... I know David wants that, but I don't think it should.
   ... we were fine with duck-typing, nothing breaks if you don't
   specify the type.
   ... the compromise was to help JSON developers.
   ... linked data community has never done.

   <manu> brent: My $0.02 is in the PR, I think that's what it
   should say.

   manu: is anyone supporting David's positional at this point?
   ... he isn't on the call, but no one is supporting the opinion
   that type is mandatory.

   burn: I want that in the minutes, there is no support for
   David's opinion

   ken: Is removal of sub-typing applicable to only the
   presentation, or to both?

   manu: we can't change anything normative.
   ... we say it must be associated with a more narrow type.

   dlongley: this debate has been about defining "be associated
   ... do those need to be explicit?
   ... This PR clarifies that.

   <manu> [18]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/658/files

     [18] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/658/files

   manu: I want a resolution on this, everybody please go to the
   link and read it.
   ... I think the spec text is fine, minus the added

   brent: I can remove that.

   manu: would anyone object to David's idea?
   ... digital bazaar objects

   oliver: I also object

   ken: As do I

   brent: me too

   manu: any other strong feelings?

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Merge PR 658 as it reflects the consensus of
   the Working Group. Specifically, more organizations would
   object to more stringent type requirements than what exists in
   PR 658.

   manu: any objections?

   burn: no objections

   RESOLUTION: Merge PR 658 as it reflects the consensus of the
   Working Group. Specifically, more organizations would object to
   more stringent type requirements than what exists in PR 658.

   manu: I'll merge that as soon as Brent makes the minor change

   burn: that resolution only applies after a change has been

We have so many issues

   manu: the good news, we have a pretty good handle on them
   ... we are getting PRs.
   ... I think we're done with the spec. we need folks to do a
   read of the whole thing.
   ... need to get the internationalization in. The rest of them
   feel addressable.
   ... hopefully by the end of this month we will be ready.
   ... other thing is, some may be able to mark them as 7 day

   burn: I will go through and check them all

   oliver: we still don't have JWT test cases. uPort will also
   provide an implementation
   ... question about timeline for CR and features at risk.

   manu: in general, don't worry. We will wait.
   ... but september is the end point
   ... things need to happen asap

   burn: the main thing. PR is the last thing. Tony has said he
   will raise objections.
   ... I will not be surprised if he raises objections that
   require discussion, and that takes time.
   ... need to aim for PR at the end of the month. try to get
   implementations in.
   ... as far as comment period. CR has expired. That is comments
   from outside. the WG still addresses internal issues.
   ... comments from you that are implementation related will be

   manu: issue processing

   <manu> [19]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/621

     [19] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/621

   manu: issue 621
   ... Oliver,I think you have a good handle on this. can you
   summarize where we are?

   oliver: the conclusion is we should provide language that
   describes which attributes could have multiple types, or which
   could change from objects to arrays.
   ... my team would like an exhaustive list.

   <Justin_R> +1 to the request

   manu: are you saying, you would like a list of every attribute
   in the spec, or for everythin?

   oliver: in the spec.

   manu: I think we state in each attribute if it can be a single
   value or an array.
   ... there are some examples of singletons.
   ... I think that information is implicit in the spec. We could
   call it out in the implementation guide. or in the spec.

   oliver: I would like something in the spec. I think we can have
   non-normative statements around that.

   Justin_R: It is imperative that the data elements specify their
   arity. We need that in the data model.
   ... if it was always the intent that either type has always
   been allowed for certain properties, that should be clarified.

   <dmitriz> +1


   <ken> +1

   <dlongley> +1 i think it's just clarification text

   manu: we'll add spec text
   ... where should this be?

   dmitriz: I think it is suffienct to say, everything may be
   multiple, except these few singletons

   manu: any objections?

   Justin_R: I think since this was always the intent, we should
   add clarifying normative language.


     [20] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/621#issuecomment-500877312

   manu: added that to the issue.

   <manu> [21]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/642

     [21] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/642

   manu: next is 642, protocol buffer support
   ... why didn't you do protocol buffers? The @ character isn't
   supported in protobufs
   ... from and to different serializations can be done.
   ... suggestion is to change nothing.
   ... we can change the text to mention protocol buffers.

   <Zakim> Justin_R, you wanted to discuss serialization

   manu: commenter hasn't responded. I think the spec is clear
   already. If someone wants to add it, then add protocol buffer
   support and mention mappings will need to be made.

   Justin_R: serialization isn't really handled in the spec. this
   same approach should apply to protocol buffers.
   ... to use any serialization, you need another spec to say how
   to do that in either direction.
   ... this spec is the wrong place, but we need a family of specs
   that very clearly state how to do that.

   manu: are you saying, let's add language that points out that
   need for more specs?

   Justin_R: not suggesting we add that, it is already there.

   manu: you're saying no change to the spec

   <manu> [22]https://w3c.github.io/vc-data-model/#syntaxes

     [22] https://w3c.github.io/vc-data-model/#syntaxes

   Justin_R: I'm saying our response to the issue needs to be "any
   necessary transforms to support protocol buffers requires a
   different spec."

   <Justin_R> Current text:

   <Justin_R> A conforming document is any concrete expression of
   the data model that complies with the normative statements in
   this specification. Specifically, all relevant normative
   statements in Sections § 4. Basic Concepts, § 5. Advanced
   Concepts, and § 6. Syntaxes of this document MUST be enforced.
   A serialization format for the conforming document MUST be
   deterministic, bi-directional, and lossless as described in §
   6. Syntaxes. The conforming document MAY [CUT]

   <Zakim> burn, you wanted to say we have not defined how
   extension to new syntaxes should occur

   burn: Justin is right. we didn't say how extensions should
   occur. We have provided examples.
   ... syntaxes have been described, but not serializations
   ... perhaps distracting now. Response to issue should be: our
   expectation is that a new syntax should be written that
   contains the serialization rules.

   <manu> PROPOSAL: The Working Group has discussed issue 642 and
   decided to make no changes to the specification. A response to
   the issue submitter should instruct them to create a separate
   serialization specification that maps the data model to and
   from the serialization that they desire.

   manu: any objections?

   <Justin_R> wfm

   RESOLUTION: The Working Group has discussed issue 642 and
   decided to make no changes to the specification. A response to
   the issue submitter should instruct them to create a separate
   serialization specification that maps the data model to and
   from the serialization that they desire.

   burn: I think that's fine, but may lead to the question: what
   do I do with the resulting spec?
   ... no objections

   <manu> [23]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/653

     [23] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/653

   manu: next up 653. We just did a resolution for that with PR
   ... don't need to discuss 653

   <manu> [24]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/654

     [24] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/654

   manu: 654, Ken you raised the issue and it was fixed with a
   merged PR.

   ken: please close it.

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #654 is addressed via PR #655. The PR
   has been merged, close the issue after a 7 day wait period.

   manu: any objections?

   burn: I don't think we need a 7 day close

   It is an internal issue

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #654 is addressed via PR #655. The PR
   has been merged, close the issue immediately (no 7 day close).

   manu: any objections?

   RESOLUTION: Issue #654 is addressed via PR #655. The PR has
   been merged, close the issue immediately (no 7 day close).

   burn: no objections

   <manu> [25]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/659

     [25] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/659

   <manu> brent: He had some questions about credential subject,
   some other questions, I responded. I didn't say I don't think
   we need to make changes, but we may want to do that.

   burn: 659, support ticket as issue

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #659 has not resulted in any suggested
   changes to the specification, the issue should be closed after
   a 7 day wait period. Notify the issue submitter that we're
   happy to continue the discussion with them in the issue or the
   mailing list after the issue has been closed.

   manu: working on re-wording the proposal

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #659 has not and does not appear likely
   to result in any suggested changes, the issue should be closed
   after a 7 day wait period. Notify the issue submitter that
   questions should be directed to the mailing list for further

   burn: my suggestion, with the last sentence. we recommend to
   move the discussion to the mailing list. and then do that.

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #659 has not and does not appear likely
   to result in any suggested changes, the issue should be closed
   after a 7 day wait period. Notify the issue submitter that we
   are moving the discussion to the public-vc@w3.org mailing list.

   burn: copy something from the issue into an email.

   manu: any objections?

   burn: none

   RESOLUTION: Issue #659 has not and does not appear likely to
   result in any suggested changes, the issue should be closed
   after a 7 day wait period. Notify the issue submitter that we
   are moving the discussion to the public-vc@w3.org mailing list.

   <manu> [26]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/662

     [26] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/662

   manu: 662
   ... same kind of issue

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #662 has not and does not appear likely
   to result in any suggested changes to specification text, the
   issue should be closed after a 7 day wait period. Notify the
   issue submitter that we are moving the discussion to the
   public-vc@w3.org mailing list.

   burn: no objections

   RESOLUTION: Issue #662 has not and does not appear likely to
   result in any suggested changes to specification text, the
   issue should be closed after a 7 day wait period. Notify the
   issue submitter that we are moving the discussion to the
   public-vc@w3.org mailing list.

   manu: and that is all the issues
   ... maybe a PR or two outstanding.
   ... it would really help it a full reading of the spec could be
   done. put in PRs for editorial fixes.
   ... you may catch something weird with a full read-through

   burn: let's move to test suite.
   ... actually, I would like to ask Justin if he could take over
   as scribe

   Justin_R: can't today

   ken: I can do it

   burn: but will you be talking?

   <bigbluehat> scribenick: bigbluehat

   <brent> ... thanks Benjamin

   kaz: we're trying to identify some callers

Test Suite Issues and Discussion

   burn: they are...but not in WebEx...

   <burn> [27]https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/issues

     [27] https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/issues

   burn: did you update them kaz?

   kaz: yes.

   burn: thanks. anyway, test suite
   ... dmitriz, could you take us through outstanding issues on
   the test suite?

   dmitriz: we'll go through the PRs first in reverse
   chronological order

   <gannan> can we get a link?

   <burn> [28]https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/pulls

     [28] https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/pulls

   <dmitriz> [29]https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/pull/36

     [29] https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/pull/36

   <dmitriz> (propose we merge)

   <dmitriz> [30]https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/pull/42 and

     [30] https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/pull/42
     [31] https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/pull/46

   dmitriz: these are two exciting test results
   ... and now manu's cheering in IRC :)

   burn: let's do these one at a time.

   dmitriz: k. first, 42 the sovrin implementation

   burn: can't see why there'd be objections

   dmitriz: k. I'll click the button
   ... next is 46 for evernym
   ... and...no objections, so merging
   ... and while we're here, PR 36

   burn: any objections to 36, the test suite sequence diagram?
   ... there haven't been since this was submitted

   manu: so, we'll be able to see this once the merge is complete,
   but I'm curious what features weren't implemented

   <dmitriz> that was Ken

   <dmitriz> and now Brent

   brent: so, evernym's implementation is completely separate, so
   we might be able to convince each other to do these
   unimplemented features
   ... there were also JWT tests which weren't implemented...even
   if oliver does
   ... these aren't objections to the feature, just a lack of time

   burn: not sure where we are, oliver's on the queue

   oliver: yeah, I'm curious. Do sovrin and evernym think its
   possible to use JWT with these secret keys in general?

   brent: at first glance, I don't think so.
   ... I believe we want to support receiving JWTs
   ... if they (IRMA) have a way to do it, I don't see why we

   ken: we may have a ZKP style signature that we both read and
   ... and we'd heartily support bringing in JWT text-style
   signatures that we can both read and write
   ... but we're not at that stage yet, but would love
   contributors to help make that happen

   burn: k. no other questions? back to you dmitriz

   dmitriz: switching to the issue list, we have 2 new issues that
   are unassigned

   <dmitriz> [32]https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/issues/45

     [32] https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/issues/45

   dmitriz: one is issue 45 by brent
   ... I thought it was a companion to a test report
   ... but it looks like an error from brent
   ... what version of node are you using?

   brent: version 8.10.0

   dmitriz: and then we have issue 44

   <dmitriz> [33]https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/issues/44

     [33] https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/issues/44

   dmitriz: issue about ZKP VC's
   ... question by yancy
   ... brent gives a response, so yancy do you have any further

   yancy: I've not yet looked into the response
   ... my main question would be that looking to the ZKP test
   ... that credential schema must exist or else its not valid
   ... but some of the earlier tests don't require schema if
   they're not using ZKPs

   <Zakim> manu, you wanted to note how

   yancy: so I'm trying to figure out how the verifier can make
   the distinction between the ZKP one and a non-ZKP one

   manu: sorry, my audio crashed part way through, so apologies if
   I've missed the question
   ... you essentially just look at the type

   yancy: so in the proof section
   ... if the proof type is ZKP, so like example 22
   ... so that's supposed to mean it's a ZKP style proof?

   manu: yes, exactly. My examples don't line up with yours
   ... so, yes, like that example, part of validating that proof
   is checking for that schema

   yancy: any other types like this?

   <dlongley> the expectation is that your verifier understands
   proof types -- if you don't, you reject the VC.

   manu: clearly evernym and sovrin will need to jump in, but
   that's the only one right now
   ... that might change, but that's how it is right now
   ... with LD signatures, you just check the type of the proof
   and the schema to verfiy
   ... yes, you will need to specify a specification that explains
   how to normalize the data
   ... it will look like RSA 2016 or those other specs
   ... if it's based on the LD signature stuff
   ... but if it's based on JWTs, it'll be based on something like
   ... the whole purpose was to allow these other cryptographic
   methods to exist
   ... and those can bloom on a totally different timeline than
   the VC spec does

   jonathan_holt: so, I've been working on the JSON Schema
   ... so the credential attribute is on the body of the document
   ... are you requiring a credential schema on the proof object?

   dmitriz: can I reply?

   burn: yes

   dmitriz: good question, this is an example on a previous call
   ... as far as I know, there isn't a way to do a conditional
   ... that'll need to be done in code
   ... if the type is ZKP, then this field is required
   ... so if you're using JSON Schema, then you'll have to set it
   as optional

   jonathan_holt: the newest version does, but I'm still learning
   how to write those to support this

   ken: so, like manu said, we should be ready for additional ZKP
   styles as time goes forward

   burn: so, would it be beyond the pale of what we're allowed to
   ... to add a clarifying statement, that it is recommended to
   add a ZKP verifiable credential type?
   ... I understand that everyone's going to do their own thing
   ... but would it be inappropriate in our spec to have an
   additional more narrow credential type to specificy that it's a
   ZKP credential?
   ... dmitriz thoughts?

   <Zakim> manu, you wanted to note that JSON Schema uses this
   field differently from how ZKPs do...

   dmitriz: well, I think it's more a question for you burn
   because I'm not sure about CR breakage

   manu: not sure if my opinion's well formed, but you can always
   do that
   ... you can always add whatever new type to credentials , etc,
   and that can trigger other code
   ... so there will be other specs that say, if you're encoding a
   ZKP credential do it this way
   ... but I'd recommend against that, because there's unique
   stuff in the proof that enables the ZKP verification of this

   brent: so that schema point is the additional bit needed for
   ... so if there's a way at the credential level, to let you
   know you're going to need that schema in the proof

   manu: I don't really think you need to do that for it to work
   well or cleanly
   ... but maybe we should discuss this offline

   <dlongley> there's no order to JSON keys... not sure what
   "before you jump into the proof section" means

   manu: I don't think you would need to fetch the credential
   schema before you were in the process of doing the ZKP

   <yancy> +1 for not needing credentialSchema for a zkp

   manu: I really feel like the type in the proof gives you what
   you need to determine the algorithm

   jonathan_holt: just to clarify, the JSON Schema really validate
   the format, not the meaning
   ... I can validate that the attributes and values are there
   ... the meaning that this is now a ZKP credential, is more
   embedded in the structure

   manu: correct, semantics is beyond what JSON Schema was
   designed to do

   jonathan_holt: but conditional checks can be done, like if this
   is a state, check for postal code

   manu: correct

   yancy: yeah, I'm wondering if it makes sense to somehow
   ... I guess I'm not convinced that a ZKP requires credential
   ... I guess I was wondering if, for a Anoncred v1
   ... if it really requires credentialSchema
   ... that there might be other ZKP implementations that don't
   require credentialSchema

   ken: in order to do the proofs, the ordering of the data is
   ... there may be a way to do it without that, but right now
   that's how its done

   <manu> +1 to Ken for depending on proof.type declaration.

   <dlongley> +1

   ken: I'd prefer to use the type to pivot to determine if a
   field is required or not
   ... I think that gives a better anchor

   <dmitriz> +1

   ken: rather than a sorting it out from properties

   burn: lots of +1's but no one joining the queue

   yancy: I think what I'm saying is in agreement with what was
   just said
   ... the type in the proof section, would define whether
   credentialSchema was required as well

   <ken> I agree with Yancy

   ken: and specifically anoncred requires it

   <dmitriz> [34]https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/issues/44

     [34] https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/issues/44

   dmitriz: so, unless there's an objection, then I propose we
   close the issue

   yancy: so, I thought credentialSchema was required
   ... and it must be one or more credential schemas
   ... 5.4

   manu: yeah, let me clarify that language
   ... we don't say you must have a credential schema
   ... but you can use credentialSchema to express data schemas,
   but it must be of a certain format, etc
   ... we do this same pattern elsewhere, I think
   ... we also use an "if present, then..." style elsewhere

   <dmitriz> maybe we can add the 'If present,' to section 5.4?

   brent: if the intention of it is that further information is
   needed to process the ZKP
   ... maybe the text just needs to be clarified to express that

   manu: you mean in the ZKP section?

   brent: yes. it says it, but it doesn't really say why

   yancy: yeah, I was going to say that while you may not be
   required to supply it
   ... if you're doing ZKP style tests, then...
   ... I was mainly suggesting that we modify the test suite
   ... so only if it's a ZKP, then it's anoncred-v1 type

   brent: I don't think that matches the data model specification

   dmitriz: I think this will get naturally solved
   ... if we get another ZKP implementation
   ... and if they pass the schema
   ... I don't think it's worth preemptively modifying

   burn: we need to wrap up on this
   ... so a few more minutes on this topic
   ... or zero minutes :)

   yancy: I'll just wait until we have more implementation details
   ... I agree with dmitriz

   ken: I think it's kind of news to sovrin and evernym that there
   are others using ZKP proofs
   ... so it might take more thinking on our parts to suggest ways
   of dealing with new styles of ZKP proofs
   ... so I think we're a little early in figuring this out
   ... and perhaps offline would be the best place to discuss this

   manu: just to agree with dmitriz, the current implementations
   work with it this way
   ... so yancy if you've got an alternative ZKP mechanism, you
   may want to specify it through a spec first
   ... so we can review it
   ... and I imagine your set of tests would be a different set of
   optional tests than the sovrin one
   ... every mechanism that I know of needs that schema
   ... but if one exists, then it would need a totally different
   set of rules, etc, for that particular type of ZKP

   yancy: yep. that's fine
   ... I'll look into coordinating a spec for that
   ... I have more specifics to talk about, but it seems strange
   to me that there's really only one implementation that requires
   ... so I think it'd be great if there were more implementations
   beyond sovrin and evernym

   burn: I want to be sure the resolution dmitriz wrote earlier,
   hasn't changed

   dmitriz: from everything I've heard, nothing changes for the
   test suite

   <manu> +1 to that

   burn: alright, any last comments for today?

   manu: just to request that people do a top-to-bottom review of
   the spec
   ... and send PRs in for changes
   ... that would be super helpful at this point

   dmitriz: I'm going to close issue 44
   ... if there are other questions, we can reopen

   manu: burn do we want to set a target?
   ... there's no target, but I think we really should set one
   ... especially if we expect objections going to PR
   ... it looks like it needs to be in the next 2-3 weeks

   burn: I agree with you
   ... it may seem premature
   ... but I was wanting to say by the end of the 3rd week of June
   ... but that's like 10-15 days away
   ... but we really do need a target like that
   ... if we wanted a goal to go to PR by the end of june, then we
   really have to hit that
   ... why don't we say the 25th
   ... so, finishing CR, going to PR
   ... so, bring in those implementations, you have 2 weeks

   ken: do we need to rerun our reports?

   manu: yeah, you have to rerun
   ... or rather it would be a Good Thing if we all rerun them
   ... dmitriz would probably mention on a call, or running the
   tests once a week

   ken: k, if there are now changes, do I still need to rerun it

   manu: yep, has to be latest and greatest
   ... and resubmit

   burn: there are no police here other than us
   ... so it's not like there needs to be an automated script here
   ... just keep an eye on things

   oliver: I'm OK with this, as long as implementers can submit
   after this period

   manu: well...yes, but when we go into PR, we need to draw a
   hard line about what features got implementations, and which
   ... so if JWTs don't get enough implementations, those would
   have to come out
   ... we want to hold on, so that can make it in
   ... but if you're saying that it'll be another couple months,
   then we can't wait that long or the spec would be in danger

   oliver: yeah. thanks. that's clear
   ... I think it's a requirement to stay in the spec

   manu: have you talked to yancy and others about JWT

   burn: sadly, we're out of time. please take this one offline,
   use email, etc.
   ... it is the WG that makes this decision.
   ... at that point, it's the end of the line and we'll ship it
   ... but it's the WG that makes that call
   ... Matt will be running the call next week
   ... I'll be on vacation
   ... do give Matt trouble next week
   ... bye all

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

    1. [35]The Working Group has confirmed that calling out the
       phase of standardization that any particular specification
       is in is not necessary as implementers can determine that
       information from the heading information in each
       specification as well as perusing the normative and
       non-normative reference section.
    2. [36]Merge PR 658 as it reflects the consensus of the
       Working Group. Specifically, more organizations would
       object to more stringent type requirements than what exists
       in PR 658.
    3. [37]The Working Group has discussed issue 642 and decided
       to make no changes to the specification. A response to the
       issue submitter should instruct them to create a separate
       serialization specification that maps the data model to and
       from the serialization that they desire.
    4. [38]Issue #654 is addressed via PR #655. The PR has been
       merged, close the issue immediately (no 7 day close).
    5. [39]Issue #659 has not and does not appear likely to result
       in any suggested changes, the issue should be closed after
       a 7 day wait period. Notify the issue submitter that we are
       moving the discussion to the public-vc@w3.org mailing list.
    6. [40]Issue #662 has not and does not appear likely to result
       in any suggested changes to specification text, the issue
       should be closed after a 7 day wait period. Notify the
       issue submitter that we are moving the discussion to the
       public-vc@w3.org mailing list.

   [End of minutes]

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Received on Monday, 17 June 2019 11:20:28 UTC