VCWG Test Suite update (please re-run)

Hi all,

The VC Test Suite has been updated (the various advanced features have been
broken out into their own separate sections), and you can view the current
implementation results here:

Aside from the changed UI (different sections), a new config option has
been added:

*Marking Features as Not Supported (explicitly)*

You can now mark a feature section as skipped in your config file by adding
it to the *sectionsNotSupported *parameter, to explicitly denote that this
feature will not be supported in your implementations.

For example, if you wanted to skip all features except for the Basic
section, you would add the following to your config.json:

"sectionsNotSupported": ["schema", "refresh", "evidence", "status", "tou",
"ldp", "jwt", "zkp"]

(obviously, you should edit that to fit the sections that your
implementation is skipping, if any).

Implementors are very much encouraged to re-run their test suites and
submit new report PRs to the vc-test-suite repo.


Received on Tuesday, 2 July 2019 13:27:24 UTC