Minutes for VCWG telecon 15 January 2019

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking these minutes, Manu and Dave!




      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                    Verifiable Claims Working Group

15 Jan 2019


      [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vc-wg/2019Jan/0017.html


          Dan_Burnett, Kaz_Ashimura, Allen_Brown, Matt_Stone,
          Tzviya_Siegman, Chris_Webber, Manu_Sporny,
          Ted_Thibodeau, Dave_Longley, Amy_Guy, Dmitri_Zagidulin,
          oliver_terbu, mike-lodder, Brent_Zundel, Ken_Ebert,
          Joe_Andrieu, Benjamin_Young, Kaliya_Young, Yancy_Ribbens


          Matt_Stone, Dan_Burnett

          manu, dlongley


     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Agenda review, Introductions, Re-introductions
         2. [5]Unassigned issues
         3. [6]Face to Face Planning
         4. [7]Publish Working draft update
         5. [8]Process to get to CR
         6. [9]Explainer Intro
         7. [10]PR Review and CR Blockers
         8. [11]Test Suite Check in
     * [12]Summary of Action Items
     * [13]Summary of Resolutions

   (or it's showing you're muted)

   <scribe> scribe: manu

   <scribe> scribenick: manu


     [14] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vc-wg/2019Jan/0017.html

Agenda review, Introductions, Re-introductions

   stonematt: We have a long agenda today, need to be tight w/
   ... Here's our agenda today:

   2-Unassigned issues [1] (5 min)

      [1] http://www.w3.org/

   3-F2F planning/decision [2] (10 min)

      [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vc-wg/2019Jan/0017.html

   4-Publish Working draft update [3] (5 min)

   5-Process to get to CR [4] (10 min)

   6-Explainer intro [5] (5 min)

   7-PR review (CR Blocker Checkin) [6] (10 min)

   8-Test suite checkin [7] (5 min)

   stonematt: Hi, my name is Matt Stone - as of last week, I
   joined Brightlink, a credential management company,
   credentialling platform and observational testing product.
   Brightlink is based in Atlanta, GA and is in the process of
   joining w3.

Unassigned issues


     [15] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues?utf8=✓&q=is:issue+is:open+no:assignee

   <cwebber2> not a blocker imo

   <cwebber2> oh well manu disagrees :)

   <inserted> scribenick: dlongley

   manu: Anything having to do with the test suite I can chime in.
   #368 is a CR blocker, #367 is a CR blocker.
   ... #364 I have to take a look at.
   ... We could go into CR with them as mistakes if we're
   definitely going to do another CR but we should get them fixed

   <manu> stonematt: Let's assign them then.

   manu: I'll take 364, 367, 368.

   <kaz> [16]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/364

     [16] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/364

   <kaz> [17]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/367

     [17] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/367

   <kaz> [18]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/368

     [18] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/368

   <inserted> scribenick: manu

   stonematt: Maybe David Chadwick can take this one?

   <stonematt> [19]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/363

     [19] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/363

   <stonematt> [20]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/362

     [20] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/362

   stonematt: I'll do 360

   <kaz> [21]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/360

     [21] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/360

   stonematt: Is that a review blocker?

   manu: Nope, we may need some non-normative text, but that's it.

   burn: I agree, input doesn't seem to cover stuff we haven't
   already discussed.

Face to Face Planning

   <Zakim> manu, you wanted to provide status update.

   <inserted> scribenick: dlongley

   manu: Things are good, we have a venue, it's free and has
   conference facilities and seating and is in a hip space.

   <burn> Propose we continue as decided last week

   manu: We have everything we need except maybe the chairs, we're
   working that out there. We don't have food yet but that's a
   detail that's easy.
   ... As long as we get that last issue resolved we'll be good.

   <inserted> scribenick: manu

   stonematt: What about Chair availability?

   burn: I think we should continue as decided last week - let's
   plan on this - chances are good that we can do a passport
   renewed and travel will be approved (so Chairs will most likely
   be available)
   ... We will create a logistics page to the group

   <JoeAndrieu> [22]http://rwot8.eventbrite.com

     [22] http://rwot8.eventbrite.com/

   <burn> VCWG meeting is March 4-5

   burn: The VCWG Meeting is March 4th-5th

   manu: The meeting is in Barcelona
   ... We'll get a page setup for folks later this week.

Publish Working draft update

   stonematt: We decided last week to publish today.

   <kaz> [23]VC data model draft

     [23] https://w3c.github.io/vc-data-model/

   <inserted> scribenick: dlongley

   manu: The static document was created last week, I link checked
   it, but didn't pubrules check it because it's supposed to do
   that ... you should have an email about it. Everything but
   pubrules is done.

   kaz: If you want I can take over and do the pubrules checker.

   manu: Thanks, yes please, I'll also check again to make sure
   there are no issues.

   stonematt: Would we expect that completed today?

   manu: Today. At least the pubrules part of it.

   stonematt: Ok, pubrules complete today.

   burn: Can we get it published today?

   kaz: It's already 1am in Japan so not sure if I can complete
   everything. If there is any problem I can talk with Manu again
   so it might be tomorrow.

   stonematt: What I'm hearing then is that we'll expect the final
   doc by end of day tomorrow?
   ... I think it's ok for you to sleep for a few hours.
   ... Please send a note to the group when it's published, Kaz.

   kaz: I think I sent a message to Manu, Dan and Matt yesterday
   -- BTW, Manu's message went to my spam box and I've just found
   ... I'll send an update to that email thread.

Process to get to CR


     [24] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRGJ2H4fVJDSt9G0KWhBQQiIvuB2lSRiVe5ABJcebDo_Pe-alOVtJXccjzf_dcU1tiyW2QcM0x1Y9jh/pubhtml?gid=1319152806&single=true

   <inserted> scribenick: manu

   stonematt: We'd like to cover process stuff next - we're
   putting together stuff that has us getting to CR. Finishing
   content of Data Model spec plus everything else that W3C
   ... We've shared this w/ a few folks, want to get into general
   circulation for WG, keep track of where we are.
   ... The target (at the bottom) is to shoot for late Jan / early
   Feb to vote for transition.
   ... We have a lot to do between now and then.
   ... The items in column B are the things we think we've done...
   working from top down...
   ... TAG review need to do that - need explainer done - have a
   few CR blockers that we need to address
   ... We've made great progress, but there are still a few out
   there, need to know where we are on those.
   ... We do need a formal wide review
   ... We might make the case that we've done decent wide review -
   that will happen once we have a spec that is ready for CR
   ... Then we need to respond to those comments. Column A is a
   priority ordered list - big step between responding to external
   comments, and identifying at risk features, item 93
   ... External comments after wide review - as we pull trigger
   going into CR... we may have more work between 11 and 93 -
   we've gotten a lot of comments from community, so responses
   will most likely not be substantial.

   stone: Dan, if you want to add anything, please do.

   burn: We're going to have to pull back our target dates... TAG
   Review is going to take a couple of weeks. We have to get the
   explainer done.
   ... We can say we have had wide review, we've already sent it
   to everyone. Those dates, we're not going to make, but we're
   not too far off from them.
   ... Test Suite finalized is still relevant - we do need it
   ... That's all.

   stonematt: Does TAG know that this is coming? Anything we can
   do to give them a heads-up? Will they be responsive?

   burn: They probably don't know this is coming, Chairs haven't
   told them, so advance email would be a good idea.

   <stonematt> ACTION: chairs to give TAG a heads up that we will
   ask for a review shortly

   <inserted> scribenick: dlongley

   manu: I request that we do that ASAP because it takes them
   weeks to assign someone. It doesn't hurt to let them know that
   in the next 2 weeks-month you'll get a review request ...
   please be ready. It's pretty much ready for TAG review now.
   From what I can see so far, there's no substantial changes that
   will happen from a technical architecture standpoint between
   now and CR.

   burn: That's correct it's just that we're waiting on the
   explainer ... which is a gating function to get anything done
   by TAG now.

   <inserted> scribenick: manu

   oliver_terbu: What is needed from the JWT end? Beyond the two
   different implementations?

   <inserted> scribenick: dlongley

   manu: So the feature at-risk thing is just something we'll
   write in case we don't get two independent implementations. Any
   feature like that where that's a concern should be marked
   at-risk. We do need two different interop implementations for
   everything but we need test suites. So we'll need that for JWT
   stuff there.


     [25] https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/blob/gh-pages/test/vc-data-model-1.0/50-jwt.js

   manu: I refactored some of the test suite yesterday or the day
   before -- there is now... the file in IRC.
   ... Any MUST statement in the JWT section of the spec has to be
   tested. You have to put in a test that tests each JWT feature,
   the conversion mechanisms and that kind of stuff.
   ... I expect 10-30 tests that have to be written there to
   demonstrate JWT VC interop.

   oliver_terbu: What is the deadline?

   manu: I think we were trying to get the entire test suite done
   before entering CR so we knew what we were testing. But this is
   up to the chair ... one answer is test suite is done before
   going into CR... that would mean deadline is next week or two.
   ... The other way to do that is "we're doing testing in CR so
   we don't need it for a month".
   ... But having it going into CR is usually better.

   <inserted> scribenick: manu

   burn: From a Chair perspective, we want to see those tests in
   before CR.
   ... It's just a lot cleaner to describe the process.
   ... wrt. the feature at risk - if you don't mark something as
   feature at risk, pulling it out of the specification requires
   another CR cycle.
   ... marking something a feature at risk makes it so you can
   pull it out of the spec w/o having to go through CR again.
   ... We should make every effort to get what we can in before

   bigbluehat: I've been working w/ Manu on test suite an did file
   two issues that are CR blockers. I want to make sure I'm
   careful, I'm going to find more issues, I don't want that to
   hamper CR.
   ... Can we, process-wise, address them through something other
   than CR-blocker.

   <Zakim> manu, you wanted to respond.

   <inserted> scribenick: dlongley

   manu: First -- big deep thank you to Benjamin for working on
   the test suite. This has moved us about 2 weeks forward in our
   schedule because of his efforts, so thank you. We're going to
   have to go back and forth.
   ... really quickly so everyone knows what's going on. A lot of
   this is fine tuning -- we have to make sure things are testable
   and some of the MUST statements may be difficult to test.
   Benjamin is doing the group's homework and making sure things
   are testable. I don't know how to do this other than you raise
   issues and I work with you to resolve them before the next
   meeting so we can avoid CR blockers.
   ... I've already made a pass through the entire specification
   so that all of the conformance statements are about the
   document format not about how issuer/verifiers respond.
   ... There were some I didn't know how to test, but I'm hoping
   there aren't too many of those.
   ... As long as the group trusts Benjamin and I to work it out
   we'll get through it and knock out what we can in the next week
   or two.

   stonematt: Would it make sense to add a label for test suite
   issues? They may/may not be CR blockers but a way to quickly
   identify on our issue list that this isn't work in the data
   model necessarily as a way to differentiate that?

   manu: I'd rather not add more process at this point, I think we
   can work through it more quickly, adding more process will slow
   it down.

   stonematt: Ok.
   ... Dan, something about document conformance?

   <inserted> scribenick: manu

   burn: I agree that we should try to not add more process... but
   if we fall into trouble, we can make things as "test suite"
   ... We want initial feedback, even if tests aren't perfect.
   Let's try a light touch first...
   ... I agree w/ Benjamin that we don't want this to turn into a
   two month test process.

   <Zakim> burn, you wanted to add (perhaps)

   burn: The other comment that Matt is referring to, the official
   statement about conformance still talks about "old conformance
   ... we need to get rid of statements about processor vs.

   manu: +1 to that

   stonematt: We need an official list of implementers that are
   planning on doing an implementation.
   ... I'll put together a document for that, but we think there
   will be uPort, Learning Machine, Sovrin, and Digital Bazaar
   ... Anything else on process to get to CR?

Explainer Intro


     [26] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/blob/gh-pages/VCDMExplainer.md

   stonematt: There are some items missing related to JWT, and
   other details wrt. spec that TAG can look for.
   ... That is our highest priority now... TAG is a big rock in
   the stream to CR.
   ... What do we need to do to get that done?

   <Zakim> stonematt, you wanted to say need list of implementors

   tzviya: I put together a list of what is missing.
   ... I couldn't find a link to the discussion of JSON vs.
   JSON-LD. I need someone to write a short explanation of ZKP. It
   would be good to add a list for features at risk.
   ... Let's see if we can do a section on implementation and
   reviews - this is about 10 minutes of work here. We need folks
   to step up to do that.

   <burn> Don't need JSON vs. JSON-LD issue pointer, just
   explanation that we have both formats

   tzviya: I can volunteer people.

   oliver_terbu: I can provide input to JWT section... JOSE vs.
   JWT - not that, goal is just to provide input.

   burn: The goal is to fix it
   ... We don't need a lot of text, we just need key points
   mentioned. JWT support and ZKP support.

PR Review and CR Blockers

   <stonematt> [27]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pulls

     [27] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pulls

   <Zakim> manu, you wanted to step through it.

   <inserted> scribenick: dlongley

   manu: Everything that is left is editorial from Grant and we're
   waiting for Ganesh to come back from vacation to process 313.
   ... I don't think the group needs to discuss anything, we
   pulled in Oliver's PRs on JWTs.
   ... We should talk about the CR blockers. The only thing we're
   slightly concerned about is this last minute review we need to
   do for the ZKP stuff. I think Dave Longley started looking at
   it this morning and I still need to look at it and make sure
   everything is aligned on the ZKP front. Think we're good on
   JWT. Everything else impacts the test suite.
   ... Everything else is minor comments we want to address.
   There's an example context URL, what are we doing with that,
   that sort of thing. There's a clear answer just have to sit
   down and deal with it. From a normative change perspective I
   don't expect anything Earth-shattering/ground breaking coming
   up. Just need to button things up.


     [28] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues?q=is:issue+is:open+label:review-blocker

   stonematt: When we started this process of labeling issues as
   CR blockers we had another tag for review blockers.
   ... There are a couple of review blocker issues still there --
   I think these have been disposed of, can we verify that these
   two review blockers are done and get these closed?

   manu: I will look at those ... looking at review blockers
   wasn't part of my editorial cycle.
   ... I don't expect any issues to come up with ZKP -- the other
   one is about terms of use, I think that's addressed but I will
   check to make sure.
   ... To be super clear, I think we can ask for review, I don't
   expect major things to happen to the spec, so people reading it
   can read and understand what's going on as long as they are
   aware of the issues. They should be aware of open issues so
   they don't submit ones that already exist but by and large spec
   is ready for reviews.

   Brent: I just want to agree, I think we can get rid of the
   review blocker on that issue but I don't think the issue itself
   is done because we need to make sure we have what we need in
   the test suite but the tag can go.

   stonematt: Gone!

Test Suite Check in

   <Zakim> bigbluehat, you wanted to say P

   <bigbluehat> [29]https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/pull/6

     [29] https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/pull/6

   <inserted> scribenick: manu

   bigbluehat: I'm working my way through the rest of the document
   now, positive/negative tests - will try to get that fleshed out
   later this week.

   <burn> This points out why test writing should be done before
   CR - it points out spec wording issues

   bigbluehat: Going to try to get things fleshed out in test
   suite - will help w/ coding in second pass, will try to draw
   lines on page.

   <stonematt> +1 burn

   <inserted> scribenick: dlongley

   manu: Thank you very much, Benjamin. When Benjamin volunteered
   to work on the test suite it wasn't critical path but now it is
   -- you and I will have to go back and forth on this to make
   sure we're not stepping on each other's toes, let's make sure
   we sync up.
   ... Thank you again for taking that action item. And, if
   there's anyone else that wants to volunteers to write tests
   they aren't hard -- if you can write JavaScript you can write
   the tests.

   <oliver_terbu> i will provide tests for jwt

   bigbluehat: If you've ever done JavaScript testing it's just
   mocha and chai if you've ever done that sort of stuff, it's
   pretty obvious.

   <inserted> scribenick: manu

   stonematt: That's it for today, thanks all!

   <stonematt> thanks all!!

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: chairs to give TAG a heads up that we will ask
   for a review shortly

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
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    $Date: 2019/01/21 04:47:58 $

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Received on Monday, 21 January 2019 04:50:32 UTC