Subject vs. claims

Hello WG,

There’s a concept I’ve been wanting to propose to the group, in the hope to challenge it, refine it, possibly include it, or maybe dismiss it altogether.

I’ve been looking at typical credentials around me and at what information they carry:

  *   Company photo check (badge): Name, picture, government ID number, employee number, and implicitly being an employee
  *   Taxi driver credential: Name, picture, government ID number, geographical area of authorised driving, car plates, credential number, and implicitly being authorised to operate as a taxi driver
  *   Diploma: Name, title obtained (maybe with a specialty, honours, etc.)
  *   Peruvian government ID: Name, government ID number, marital status, birth date, gender/sex, postal address, organ donor bool
  *   Etc.

It looks to me like most credentials are in fact split into two semantic/conceptual parts, even though it’s not always evident visually:

  *   Who is the credential about? (“Who” in the broad sense of identity, it could be an organization or even an object.)
     *   You can also think of this as “if”, or precondition.
  *   What does the credential say about that entity?
     *   You can also think of this as “then”, or conclusion.

I think that difference is crucial, in the sense that a taxi driver badge is not saying “that person’s name is XXXX and their government ID is YYYY”. At the contrary, it’s saying that IF someone has this face, name and government ID, THEN they’re authorised to operate as a taxi driver. On the other hand, a government ID says “IF someone has this face, THEN they have this name and this ID number”. In other terms, some of the claims are about identifying the subject, while the others are the actual attested information, and which claims belong to which group vary from credential to credential. One common aspect seems to be that the picture is always an identification claim, and never one of the attested claims. Except for government-issued credentials, name seems to always be an identification claim as well.

I can’t really unsee it now that I’m starting to see it in actual credentials, and I think it’s very important to mark that difference formally, because the whole purpose of a credential is about what it attests to (and what it doesn’t). Such semantic ambiguity could be a problem in some situations. Reversely, separating the two roles could help creating more relevant digital tools.

I didn’t find any discussion about this topic, and the specification doesn’t seem to mention it either, so I’m curious about what others think. I realise we’re in a stage of spec freezing, so I hope it’s not too late to bring this kind of stuff up.

Best regards.


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