Minutes for VCWG telecon 13 August 2019

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking these minutes, Manu, Dave and Jonathan!




      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                    Verifiable Claims Working Group

13 Aug 2019


      [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vc-wg/2019Aug/0012.html


          Adrian_Gropper, Andrei_Sambra, Benjamin_Young,
          Brent_Zundel, Dan_Burnett, Dave_Longley, David_Chadwick,
          Dmitri_Zagidulin, Justin_Richer, Ken_Ebert, Manu_Sporny,
          Matt_Stone, Ned_Smith, Sercan_Kum, Ted_Thibodeau,
          Jonathan_Holt, Oliver_Terbu, Joe_Andrieu, Kaz_Ashimura,



          manu, dlongley, jonathan_holt


     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]PRs for Data Model
         2. [5]Issues
         3. [6]Test Suite
         4. [7]Implementation Guide
         5. [8]Use Case Document
     * [9]Summary of Action Items
     * [10]Summary of Resolutions

   <scribe> scribe: manu

   Chairs look for a scribe...


     [11] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-vc-wg/2019Aug/0012.html

   stonematt: On the Agenda today, start w/ PRs, issues, test
   suite, implementation guide, finish with use cases document.

   burn: Do we need a further discussion on UK Government topic?

   DavdC: This isn't needed until September, we might get the real
   urgent stuff out of the way.
   ... Then we could spend some time in Aug/Sep on UK Government

   stonematt: Ok, we can do a touch base towards latter part of
   ... If there is anything to add, we will bring this up.

   <Zakim> Justin_R, you wanted to ask about the nature of the

   Justin_R: Is the nature of this response going to be one that's
   representative of the WG as a whole? Or is it going to be on
   behalf of certain members?

   stonematt: Good question, let's discuss later.

PRs for Data Model

   <stonematt> [12]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pulls

     [12] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pulls

   <scribe> scribenick: jonathan_holt

   <manu> [13]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/708

     [13] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/708

   manu: PRs 708 is to prevent copying of example and using
   friendly colors, css. Ted has confirmed that it works. we are
   good to merge
   ... no objections were noted.

   <manu> [14]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/710

     [14] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/710

   manu: PR 710 brent submitted with comments from Ted

   brent: we had an issue come up with a response. I don't care if
   it is merge. goal is to smooth some issues.

   manu: +1 , but the type is jwk and it isn't shown and would be
   a non-normative change. we could use something like "name". if
   we want to add jwk it might be an issue

   <dlongley> another option is `urn:example:jwk`

   brent: I will steal what was suggested.

   manu: will need to update the example
   ... i'm going to hold off for now.

   dave: example above "urn"

   manu: did security group comment on type?

   brent: I am will to go however.

   manu: let's go with example.jwk and try to look back at what
   comment meant. may take me a bit
   ... a bit of a messy proposal
   ... brent, could you take another look at it?

   brent: ok

   <manu> [15]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/711

     [15] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/711

   manu: re 711 there has been a lot of chatter between folks.

   <manu> [16]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/711/files

     [16] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/711/files

   David: the first one is that it doesn't exist. they all were
   minor. "all must represent the subject of the consumer". so I
   removed the subject
   ... Ted suggested a longer fix. the second one referred to the
   claim and was abiguious between jwt etc. I added VC and created
   massive discussion despite my thought is was minor
   ... the last (third) one was a typo. should have simple should
   have been VC property.

   ted: I would like to get some more thoughts and don't think I
   got to where i wanted to.
   ... the big one is the mess of inconsistent usage. This PR
   regarding to JOSE claims don't exist. there are JOSE headers
   and JWT claims. but no JOSE claims. I am no expert in JWT and
   need help.

   manu: The first one doesn't create a normative change and will
   affect implementers.

   ted: advise it is not "must"

   dave: if we remove the "must' then it is a normative change

   manu: Ok. Ok. ahhhh


     [17] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/711/files#diff-eacf331f0ffc35d4b482f1d15a887d3bR3569

   manu: line 3569, dave your are talking about line 3565

   ted: there is only one "must" that changes the meaning
   ... the unclear is still unclear and the old must hasn't
   reached clearity.

   manu: this is in the JWT section?

   <Zakim> manu, you wanted to ask if the last change is
   normative? and to ask if the second change is normative?


     [18] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/pull/711/files#diff-eacf331f0ffc35d4b482f1d15a887d3bR3632

   manu: line 3662 looks like a normative change. thoughts?

   ted: it definitely reads like a change. test suite might pass.

   manu: the watermark is if someone read this would they change
   their implementation.

   Ted: if you make it about the subject and not the ....
   non-the-less this is what people are instructed to do. it is a
   nested property and could happen

   <manu> +1 to what oliver is saying

   oliver: a few things to add color. 1.) implementations does it
   create any changes. does the test suite affected. 2.) JOSE
   claims there is the IANA registry and if we use the IANA
   registry the we should use JWT claims. There is no difference
   as both describe the credential subject.

   manu: i agree, but need to read it thru

   Justin_R: JOSE is just the crypto. JWT is the payload spec and
   the only part that can have claims. JWT wan't done in the JOSE
   working group. JWT payload claims is OK, I recommend JWT
   claims. Reading the text, I can see how this could be a
   normative change, however, it is more specific about what is
   being required. while it is possible that someone could
   implement it poorly. My take is that it is non-normative, but I
   can see how some might see it as normative

   <stonematt> ak Justin_R

   <Zakim> Justin_R, you wanted to talk JOSE

   manu: i think we will continue processing, at present we can't
   merge as we don't have finality.

   <TallTed> separating into 3 PRs may be a good idea

   <stonematt> +1 to >1 PR

   Ted: I have a better understanding and will try but the old
   text might just be bad.

   manu: This may trigger JWT section to be pulled and put into
   it's own
   ... so those are the PRs.


   <stonematt> Issues:

     [19] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues?utf8=


   <manu> [20]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/704

     [20] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/704

   manu: regarding 704 people can copy in all examples, ted are
   you happy?

   ted: i am happy with what i have seen

   manu: manu reading what he is typing

   ted: this bit of magic should be shared with w3c

   <ken> I am happy with the ... handling

   manu: should we as markus and make it part of respec to make it
   happen automatic

   <manu> [21]https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/709

     [21] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/709

   <burn> they can add an option in code to leave out comments or


     [22] https://github.com/w3c/vc-data-model/issues/709#issuecomment-518854709

   manu: re 709 we should look at Joe's response. submitter says
   he can't do this thing. making JWK as the issuers. Issuers
   don't want to tie their issuer to a key. If someone wants to do
   it, the spec does support it as pointed out by Joe
   ... we may want some more responses, the suggestion is to say
   .. "hey, we have a PR that addresses it. respond with a 7 day
   close. if we don't get the PR in and the comment doesn't follow
   it will be after the deadline."
   ... heads up. the second CR period end and we wanted to
   immediate call for a vote and if we fail to get submitters
   issue in then it pushes when we want to do a proposed rec.
   ... putting in a proposal, reading while he is typing.

   <manu> PROPOSAL: Issue #709 is addressed by PR #710, which adds
   a non-normative example to the specification demonstrating how
   an issuer value can be a dictionary (a set of key-value pairs).

   <TallTed> +1

   <manu> +1

   <stonematt> +1

   <deiu> +1

   <dlongley> +1

   <burn> +1

   <oliver> +1

   <ken> +1

   RESOLUTION: Issue #709 is addressed by PR #710, which adds a
   non-normative example to the specification demonstrating how an
   issuer value can be a dictionary (a set of key-value pairs).

   manu: i will put this in the issue with a 7 day close
   ... those are all the remaining issues

   stonematt: now onto the test suite


   <dmitriz> [23]https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/issues

     [23] https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/issues

   <manu> scribenick: manu

Test Suite


     [24] https://github.com/w3c/vc-test-suite/issues


     [25] https://w3c.github.io/vc-test-suite/implementations/


     [26] https://w3c.github.io/vc-test-suite/implementations/

   dmitriz: I've added an implementation count for each feature
   ... I've linked to the implementation source code repos that we
   know about.
   ... There are some issues with JWT implementations, we have
   only one implementation for two features.

   <TallTed> dmitriz - can the section links be made to actually
   link to the sections?

   oliver: From uPort perspective nothing changed, our new test
   report should only have green tests.

   dmitriz: hmm, so just a couple of uPort test results where it
   shows up red. You can look at errors in test report JSON. It'll
   give the error message.

   oliver: I did move one test case to presentation section...
   audience doesn't make sense in credential itself. Did that
   cause a problem?

   dmitriz: I don't think so, new test shows up as untested...
   green for uPort and untested for the rest, because it's new.

   <Zakim> manu, you wanted to note that we need to get
   implementation reports settled.

   <TallTed> stonematt - the HTML has `<h4
   id="evidence-optional">Evidence (optional)<a class="self-link"
   aria-label="§" href="#conformance-testing-results"></a></h4>`
   so the href doesn't have the correct target id

   <TallTed> stonematt, dmitriz - fixing this should hopefully
   also fix the TOC which doesn't list the sub-sections as I would
   hope it would

   <dmitriz> @TallTed - ah, ok, so, I'll just fix the h4 id?

   manu: We need to make sure we have full implementation reports
   in in the next 7 days.

   <TallTed> dmitriz - no, the h4 id is correct. it's the
   associated a that targets the wrong id

   oliver: No problem, we are going to fix our test report.

   dmitriz: Big thanks to Kaz and W3C sysreq for fixing
   content-type for JSON-LD contexts... those work now.
   ... I need to fix CSS in implementation report.

   <TallTed> above HTML should be `<h4
   id="evidence-optional">Evidence (optional)<a class="self-link"
   aria-label="§" href="#evidence-optional"></a></h4>`

   <dmitriz> TallTed: thanks

   stonematt: Only a few days left in CR period, is expectation
   that these issues are closed this week, or next week?

   dmitriz: They can be closed right now.

   <TallTed> dmitriz - that HTML error is seen throughout, i.e.,
   on every sub-section header

   manu: We need to fix table of contents.

   dmitriz: Yes, will do.
   ... That's it for test suite.

Implementation Guide

   <deiu> [27]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pulls

     [27] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pulls

   <deiu> [28]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/26

     [28] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/26

   deiu: Just a small section for the intro... we haven't
   officially had someone approve these PRs.
   ... This is just 3 paragraphs. Ted has taken a stab at it,
   suggested a few changes, Brent has made them.

   Justin_R: On quick read, the opening sentence is condescending.

   <stonematt> +1 to that sentiment

   Justin_R: This guide provides some resources and examples for
   implementing beyond what's in the core specification...
   ... I suggest wordsmithing that...

   <deiu> [29]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/27

     [29] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/27

   deiu: Thoughts, Ted?

   TallTed: I'm fine w/ it based on my changes.

   <deiu> [30]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/28

     [30] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/28

   deiu: This is mostly editorial...
   ... Has been reviewed by Ted...
   ... Brent hasn't addressed Ted's last comment from yesterday...

   Brent: That effort is going to have to be a separate PR.
   ... doesn't need to be a part of this PR.

   stonematt: Weren't we going to remove the table?

   <TallTed> +1 Brent's comments on the potential table

   Brent: The table never left, we're consolidating... maybe...
   ... I'm going to try to combine them
   ... I'm going to do that in a separate PR

   manu: +1 for doing that in a separate PR.

   TallTed: With that, I'm good with this PR with where it is.
   ... I think it's ok to have two sections and two tables with
   inverted language... all green, all green, presenting opposite

   <stonematt> q/

   stonematt: This is something that's important, but don't want
   to focus on that now as there are other higher priority things
   to focus on.

   <brent_> gotcha

   stonematt: We can merge this one and at least have two new
   updated tables.

   deiu: Need Ted to approve this and then I can merge.

   <deiu> [31]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/32

     [31] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/32

   deiu: Anyone don't want to merge this?

   brent_: Wasn't it in draft form?

   deiu: It had two approvals.

   brent_: I'm fine w/ merging, but I may add more to it. I can do
   that in a different PR.

   deiu: If you want to keep this open, change it to Work In
   Progress (WIP)

   deiu and brent decide to keep it open, no merge, no keep it
   open, no use github draft issues, no keep it open... and

   <deiu> [32]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/33

     [32] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/33

   deiu: This is pretty straight forward...
   ... any objections to merge?

   manu: +1 to merge

   <deiu> [33]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/34

     [33] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/34

   deiu: This one moves the hashlink stuff to the content
   integrity section.

   <deiu> [34]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/38

     [34] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/38

   <brent_> conflicts are resolved on 34

   deiu: This one is easy, fixing typos

   manu: +1 to merge

   deiu: merging 34 and then merging 38

   <deiu> [35]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/30

     [35] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/30

   deiu: Make disputes their own section

   manu: +1 to merge

   deiu: Any objections to merge?

   <deiu> [36]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/17

     [36] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/17

   deiu: we're awaiting content on the schema examples

   jonathan_holt: Made some progress, still stuck on proof section
   and using some examples from test suite. Just to clarify, a
   proof section is just an object, no other subschemas?

   deiu: We were handwaving in data model

   jonathan_holt: Making progress...

   manu: +1 to jonathan_holt for working on the schema! Thank you!

   <deiu> [37]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues

     [37] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues

   deiu: Some of these are associated with the PRs we just merged.
   ... None of these issues are related to the PRs we just
   ... There are a bunch that are really old
   ... Most of those are supposed to be getting a PR from Dave...
   guess we're still waiting for them.

   dlongley: Can have a PR for these in a minute.

   <gannan> Can someone make me the assignee for

     [38] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/4?

   brent_: I made changes that you were looking for in PR 26,
   intro section.


     [39] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/22https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/pull/26

   deiu: any objections for merging 26?
   ... hearing no objections, merging... only two PRs left...

   <deiu> [40]https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/22

     [40] https://github.com/w3c/vc-imp-guide/issues/22

   deiu: Moving back to issue 22

   TallTed: The example uses schema.org and hardcodes to it...
   either it's immutable or its not, if it's changeable, should
   not be basis of hardcoding anything.

   stonematt: This doesn't seem like an issue that's unique to us
   as a group, is there some other technique or practice?
   ... Is there a best practice?

   TallTed: given what we're doing, we're focusing on VCs, knowing
   what's going on, we can't do the handwave/

   <Zakim> manu, you wanted to note solution, maybe

   <dlongley> scribenick: dlongley

   manu: We can make statements about hashlink contexts, vocabs
   and that you need to pay attention to this stuff and not change
   semantics over time.

   <manu> TallTed: This is talking about how to build a vc on a
   new vocab

   TallTed: The thing that's being presented is ... it's talking
   about how do you create a new thing, how you build your own
   vocab, how do you make sure the verifier understands what
   you've issued.

   <scribe> scribenick: manu

   jonathan_holt: This is a grounding problem w/ semantics, if
   it's turtles all the way down, if we have TimBL at the bottom,
   we have an authority.
   ... The important thing here is grounding and having one
   entity/organization stating what the semantics mean.

   TallTed: This is not about interop, this is about issuing a VC
   based on a vocab that someone else has put in play... so
   neither I or the verifier can contact the vocabulary maintainer
   and ask them about the semantics.

   <dlongley> this is about risk profile, not about whether or not
   something is "totally broken"

   dmitriz: Clarification from Ted, we have the ability to refer
   to a particular version of schema, lock credential to that
   version... in some cases, Sovrin-based ledgers, that schema is
   cryptographically encapsulated.
   ... So, we have mechanisms to do that... is your question "how
   do we get people to understand schemas"?

   TallTed: Right now, the mechanism is schema.org -- it doesn't
   point to schema.org/v1 or schema.org?hl=z8a3as7d4n897
   ... I'm asking for the example to be verifiable and solid for
   the future, this is what we're going to expect other people to
   do for themselves.

   stonematt: This went a different direction than I thought I was
   thinking... if we have a technique speaks to this challenge, we
   should include that in our examples. So the community gets the
   benefit of our thinking, strong +1 to that.
   ... There is uncertainty because this is open world, but if
   there is a way to resolve that uncertainty, let's note that.

   TallTed: Open world means that anything that I say, I have
   said, and anything that I don't say is indeterminate.

   <stonematt> +1 to improving the examples

   TallTed: If I have it in my knowledge base then I know it; if I
   don't, I know nothing.

   stonematt: The ask that you're making is amend/enhance examples
   with these techniques?

   TallTed: We are doing Verifiable Credentials, we need to let
   people build something where they know what I'm talking
   about... that needs to be in the example.
   ... The real test is to put this in front of someone that knows
   nothing about what we've done here and does it.

   <Zakim> deiu, you wanted to say we should add best practices of
   limkimg (ffs) to versiomed schema.org?

   deiu: There is a way to link to specific versions of schema.org
   releases... we can say "these are the best practices of using
   mutable vocabularies"
   ... Then we can say "use that particular URL in the context".

   TallTed: Right now we're talking about schema.org that let's
   you specify a URL... schema.org is an example in this context,
   we have to provide solutions for not so well behaved producers.

   deiu: This has been a philosophical debate dragging on for
   years and years...

   <Zakim> manu, you wanted to note one example.

   scribenick: dlongley

   manu: There are multiple ways to say this; I hesitate to say
   that anyone who is unfamiliar with semantics can do it right
   the first time. We could say you need to do two things: To
   achieve something close to the ideal solution you need to be
   able to lock down the semantics and the context. You lock down
   the semantics by releasing versions of the semantics document
   and you lock that down with a specific version, e.g., for
   schema.org these are 2018 semantics.
   ... The problem with doing that is that you have to express
   those properties in the context but when compacted they look
   the same as other VCs but the semantics may differ. The
   communities that are putting these VCs together that you can't
   change the semantics.

   TallTed: We can't do that -- we have to say you can't use
   someone else's vocabulary or we provide the mechanisms by which
   these problems are resolved.

   <Zakim> JoeAndrieu, you wanted to mention the square peg round
   hole problem (BTCR hackathon)

   <bigbluehat> i.e. every credentialing community will have it's
   own vocabulary restrictions--and therefore context
   dereferencing/caching/publishing approaches

   scribenick: manu

   JoeAndrieu: There is a problem here not just with the schema,
   but with data modelling.
   ... There was a way to come up with VC for "knows"
   relationship... there was a strong drive among engineers to use
   schema.org, but we were shoehorning what we wanted into
   schema.org... everyone that builds a VC out of this is going to
   have their own data modelling challenges.

   bigbluehat: I do think this is credential community space, they
   need to have their own policies around permanence. The web
   lacks object permanence, every credentialing community will
   have to do a good job locking this stuff down in their own way.
   I don't think we can solve this in an example.
   ... This is the thing we've been up against w/ the Web since
   it's inception, we can throw new technologies at it, but may be
   difficult to get this across in the implementers guide.

   stonematt: This is a big topic, perhaps we can provide some
   guidance in implementation guide, let's move on to next topic.

   deiu: Let's keep the conversation going using github comments.
   ... Let's see if we can make constructive comments in the

   <JoeAndrieu> [41]https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/

     [41] https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/

Use Case Document


     [42] https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/

   <JoeAndrieu> [43]https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/issues

     [43] https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/issues

   JoeAndrieu: Let's talk about issues and 3 PRs.
   ... We have 19 issues right now, Matt and I have been working
   to get those whittled down. If any of these issues are yours
   and you care about them, get a PR in. Some of potential use
   cases, some need a PR, some are editorial, some are out of
   date, if any of these are yours, we need a PR.
   ... We need closure on rest of document... we need to publish
   same as Implementation Guide.

   stonematt: We need to get this wrapped up in next 1-2 calls...
   we'll call for a vote to publish.
   ... We're asking "is this good enough" rather than "what do you
   want to add"?
   ... So, we may run out of time.

   <JoeAndrieu> [44]https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/pulls

     [44] https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/pulls

   JoeAndrieu: Let's look at current PRs.


     [45] https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/pull/100

   JoeAndrieu: I'd like folks to take a look at it to merge it in.

   stonematt: I'll look at it, expecting content didn't change,
   I'm sure it's in line with what we wanted.

   JoeAndrieu: Not a lot of edits/commentary... may have lost
   TallTed's edits.
   ... Next one, thanks to Reiks and Ken for getting their PRs
   in... device use cases from Ken...


     [46] https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/pull/105

   JoeAndrieu: Looks good, have some changes around use of
   "identity" here... don't know how to suggest changes.

   Justin_R: Hit + when you want to change beside line, then put
   suggested change line in triple backticks, you can put that in
   comments, not clear if there is a way to push it, can put it in
   suggested changes...

   <TallTed> JoeAndrieu - My change was just a typo fix on the
   request for comments on the doc ... which appears to have been
   removed entirely, so no worries.

   JoeAndrieu: I will get that in, small changes, should be good
   to go.
   ... Last one, might kick this one around for a few minutes,
   from Reiks...


     [47] https://github.com/w3c/vc-use-cases/pull/103

   JoeAndrieu: In this document, we list some user tasks, what can
   you do with VCs?
   ... You can issue, verify, etc.

   <stonematt> [48]https://w3c.github.io/vc-use-cases/#user-tasks

     [48] https://w3c.github.io/vc-use-cases/#user-tasks

   JoeAndrieu: User tasks, Reiks raised an issue, raised a PR, ...
   so, you've verified a credential... how do you know if you can
   rely on this statement from issuer X?
   ... For tasks that user is going to do with a claim, he put in
   some language about what that might mean, wanted to get a sense
   from group about adding that.
   ... I'm not sure trust is the best vocabulary term.

   <TallTed> this is all policy.

   dmitriz: So this is key... probably hardest problem that we
   have, my slight issue w/ that PR, line 594, it must be able to
   do this in an automated fashion.

   JoeAndrieu: Yeah, that's an issue.

   dmitriz: That may not be possible? Any sort of trust mechanism,
   there is usually a human involved.

   <TallTed> "I only accept driver's license as granting a license
   to drive in municipality, if issued by DMV of governing body."

   <burn> Yes, this is the human piece.

   stonematt: Really gets to idea of trust... one of the things
   that came out of this discussion in last two weeks, is
   clarified definition of verify... included checking status
   method and so on... we had stuff in verify loop that are
   related to an earlier version of this idea of trust.
   ... The trusting language has to do with policy, judgement, and
   reasoning that an organization is going to overlay on top of
   verification process... not entirely technical and automated.
   ... trust and rely upon might be better served with language
   like that.

   <Zakim> manu, you wanted to say validation?

   scribenick: dlongley

   manu: I thought we were classifying this whole trust thing as
   validation not verification. Seeing if it was valid included
   checking the issuer.

   JoeAndrieu: +1 that's the better term

   <burn> +1 manu

   <JoeAndrieu> +1 to "validation"

   <TallTed> "If issuer is recognized as appropriate governing
   body for credential being verified, accept statements as in
   that credential. If issuer is not recognized, flag for human

   <stonematt> +1 to manu and TallTed -- scope and context matters
   for trust.

   manu: I want to push back a bit on automation, sometimes you
   can automate and only pull the human in when the checks won't
   work for you. Ted put a great example up there. You can say you
   trust DMVs to issue driver's licenses -- and you can imagine a
   world, e.g., in the US where you list all 50 state DMVs and you
   accept any of those.

   <stonematt> validation after verification is a mechanism to
   achieve trust.

   manu: So it's policy and you can automate some of it but you
   can also change that policy in a manual way. Some states, for
   example, might not take driver's licenses from other states or
   tribal IDs from native nations or whatever. Validation -- and
   there's a way to make it automatic but a human guides/updates

   <Zakim> burn, you wanted to talk about automation

   scribenick: manu

   burn: I love the DMV example because it's broken... the state
   of Georgia, the DMV issues license plate, Driver Services
   issues driver's licenses.
   ... Example I give is, which educational institutions have
   public IDs, some group is in charge of that... but that site
   could be hacked, so it's my decision (this is Manu's policy
   statement), maybe there are 3 servics that do this, if I get a
   mismatch somewhere, a human being looks at it.
   ... I don't like the term automatic, it makes it seem like
   there is no human piece... the human piece decides which source
   of information to trust. We are not saying we're trusting one
   Root CA for everything, every user of credentials gets to make
   that choice.

   <dlongley> humans decide policy ... and then employ
   technological agents to enforce it

   ken: Two different points, there can be some automation --
   accrediting board for universities may issue credential that
   says "these institutions are approved to issue"
   ... You still have the "turtles all the way down" problem...
   you do need to make clear distinction between verification and
   ... Verification can be partially automated, not mandatory that
   it is in requirements.

   <Zakim> JoeAndrieu, you wanted to talk about DMVs

   JoeAndrieu: I'll wrap with a short note, thanks for the
   feedback... turns out in california, any DMV in the world makes
   it valid to drive in California.

   stonematt: We need to make some decisions to publish, need your
   help, please continue to jump in and contribute.

   <jonathan_holt> i would just add "cryptographically valid"
   which includes fetching and validating signature and
   non-revoked compared to "syntactically valid" which means the
   VC is properly formatted.


Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

    1. [49]Issue #709 is addressed by PR #710, which adds a
       non-normative example to the specification demonstrating
       how an issuer value can be a dictionary (a set of key-value

   [End of minutes]

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Received on Thursday, 15 August 2019 08:05:03 UTC