Re: International identity data standards?

HI Kim

Rfc4519 is the main one. There are some other ones, most of which never
got finished when I was working in the area. This is an old list that I
made at the time

RFC 2587 Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure - LDAPv2 Schema
RFC 2649 An LDAP Control and Schema for Holding Operation Signatures
Draft - Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure - Additional LDAP
Schema for PKIs and PMIs
Draft - LDAP Authentication Password Attribute
Draft - Password Policy for LDAP Directories
Draft - Policy Core Information Model - Version 1 Specification
Draft - DHCP Schema for LDAP

I have recently been working on the draft ISO standard for mobile
driving licenses, and they have defined their own set of attributes,
which include name and address amongst other things. When asked why they
weren't using existing standards such as LDAP they said it is because
driving licenses have their own rules for what is allowed in the various
fields. So it looks like getting one unified standard for common
identity attributes will be impossible.

Kind regards


On 26/08/2019 15:23, Kim Hamilton wrote:
> Thanks David, I looked into your response. This was the only relevant
> match I found: "LDAP: Schema for User Applications"
>, but I'm curious if there are any
> others of interest.
> On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 2:20 AM David Chadwick <
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi Liam
>     LDAP/X.500 has produced standards for these
>     David
>     On 23/08/2019 20:26, Liam McCarty wrote:
>     > Hi all,
>     >
>     > Is there work being done to create international standards for
>     identity
>     > data? For example, it would clearly be valuable to have standards for
>     > common data points like name, address, phone number, etc. If not that,
>     > it'd be helpful to at least have standardized mappings between
>     different
>     > regional formats.
>     >
>     > I've done some preliminary research and discovered groups like the
>     NIEM
>     > (National Information Exchange Model, which is U.S.-based) and UPU
>     > (Universal Postal Union), but not anything more comprehensive. If
>     > international standards already exist, could someone point me in
>     > the right direction?
>     >
>     > If not, creating international identity data standards seems like a
>     > natural extension of the work on DIDs and VCs. Would love to help
>     > kickstart that if people would find it useful.
>     >
>     > *Liam McCarty*
>     > Co-Founder of ePluribus <>, Unum ID
>     <>

Received on Monday, 26 August 2019 14:57:33 UTC