- From: <artur.lugmayr@tut.fi>
- Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 00:04:37 +0200 (EET)
- To: public-uwa@w3.org
Dear All, Two interesting possibilties: - Call for book chapters (Springer-Verlag): Information Systems & Management in eMedia and Creative Industries (ABSTRACT DEADLINE: 15th APRIL 2014) - Call for Papers (ICME2014): Workshop on Information Systems & Managmeent in Multimedia, Arts, Education, Entertainment, and Culture (DEADLINE 2nd APRIL: 2014) PLEASE READ BELOW FOR MORE DETAILS: 1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Book Chapters Information Systems and Management in eMedia and Creative Industries Springer-Verlag Artur Lugmayr, Emilija Stojmenova, Katarina Stanoevska, and Robert Wellington (Eds.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Focus on NEW Approaches in the eMedia Industries, or Approaches HOW eMedia Support Information Systems: Strategic Importance of IT ans IS&M in Media, Big Data, Crowd, Open Data, Linked Data, Cloud Application, New Business Analytics, Information Visualization, Workflow Management, IS&M as Basis of New Business Models of New Media Products, and Global Digital Production Pipelines. * Management, Marketing, Business Aspects and Strategic Importance of IT and IS&M in Creative eMedia Industries * Technology Perspective of the Usage of Media in IS&M in Media Industry and the Application of Media in IS&M across Domains: Technology, Processes, Workflows, Infrastructures and Global Production Pipelines * Methods, Approaches, and Importance of IT and Information Systems and Management in Media - Media and Content as Part of IS&M across Application Domains * Content, Service, Application, and Artistic Viewpoint on IS&M in Media and Creativity Industries Upcoming Deadline: 15th April (abstract), 15th June (manuscript), 30th Aug. (reviews) Book Website: http://www.tut.fi/emmi/WWW/ameamain/ismemedia Email List: https://listmail.tut.fi/mailman/listinfo/ism-emedia Submission System: http://www.tut.fi/emmi/Submissions/2014ISMeMedia/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ismemedia/ Contact us: lartur@acm.org or emilija.stojmenova@ltfe.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR PAPERS ? MIS-MEDIA 2014 2nd international workshop on information systems in multimedia arts, education, entertainment, and culture (MIS-MEDIA 2014) 14th-18th July 2014 http://www.tut.fi/emmi/WWW/ameamain/mis-media2014 Chengdu, China ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- in conjunction with ICME 2014 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo http://www.icme2014.org/ EXTENDED DEADLINE: 2nd APRIL 2014 !!!!!!!!!!!!! in cooperation with the International Asscocation for Ambient Media (iAMEA) and the Assocation for Information Systems (AIS) SIG-eMedia (http://www.ambientmediaassociation.org and http://aisnet.org/group/SIG-eMedia) Paper Submission: https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/ICME2014W/ - please tick the correct * Big Data & Multimedia Systems * Cross-media offering, distribution channels and convergence * Media business information management for multimedia * Media information system design in multimedia * Business intelligence in media industries * Knowledge management systems applications * Workflow management, operational efficiency and new capturing technologies * Home platforms, mobility, multi-play and network convergence * Systems for management reporting, analysis, and decision support * Standards to enable technical convergence * Data warehousing in converging environments * Integration of analogue and digital media productions * E2E systems and solutions in converging media environments * Asset management and metadata management * E2E systems, infrastructures and solutions * Integration of analogue and digital media production and distribution * Information systems and decision support systems * Speech, audio, image, video, and text processing in information management * Marketing information systems * Content analysis, matching, and retrieval in information management * Technologies in media art, education, entertainment, environment, and culture * Consumer experience and quality assessment in MIS * Theoretical foundations of entertainment computation * Production process management * Multimedia databases, digital libraries, and eLearning in MIS * Technology and management of E2E media delivery * Business information management in media * Standards, policies, and regulation for MIS in media industry * Mobility, Social media, ambient media, eLearning * Practical media art, education, entertainment, and cultural applications ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Received on Friday, 21 March 2014 22:05:45 UTC