- From: Artur Lugmayr <artur.lugmayr@tut.fi>
- Date: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 18:48:53 +0000 (UTC)
- To: public-uwa@w3.org
============================================================================== NordiCHI 2014 Workshop Ambient & Smart Media Usability, Interaction, and Media Technologies 6th International Workshop on Semantic Ambient Media Experiences (SAME 2014) SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 15TH AUGUST 2014 NordiCHI Website: http://nordichi2014.org/ Workshop Website: http://www.tut.fi/emmi/WWW/ameanew/same2014 Submission System: http://www.ambientmediaassociation.org/Submissions/2014SAME/ Publications The Workshop proceedings will be published in the International Series on Information Systems & Management in Creative eMedia (indexed by Scopus!): https://www.ambientmediaassociation.org/Journal/ The workshop is in-corporated with the AIS SIG-eMedia (http://aisnet.org/group/SIG-eMedia) and iAMEA ? The International Association for Ambient Media (www.ambientmediaassociation.org) Workshop Chairs Estefan?a Serral Asensio, KU Leuven, Belgium, estefania.serralasensio@kuleuven.be Thomas Risse, L3S Research Center, University of Hanover, Germany, risse@L3S.de Artur Lugmayr, University of Technology (TUT) & lugYmedia Inc, Finland, artur.lugmayr@tut.fi Bjoern Stockleben, Univ. of Applied Sciences Magdeburg, Germany, bjoern.stockleben@gmail.com Emilija Stojmenova, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, emilija.stojmenova@ltfe.org ============================================================================== 1 Motivation and Objectives of the Workshop ============================================================================== Ambient (aka pervasive, ubiquitous) media environments offer a plethora of context data as well as opportunities for context-related content production and consumption. They are the perfect environments for providing users with highly contextualized data-driven services and data-driven visual and additive content. To build such ambient media environments, semantics play an essential role to deal with a seamless integration of the urban context as well as the digital services to be provided. The application areas range from smart cars, urban informatics, smart homes, ambient assisted living, smart media environments, and new interaction devices. We aim to bring together communities involved in different semantic applications needed for the creation of ambient media environments, like: digital services, media interoperability, open data, user interfaces, human-computer interaction, user-centred and interaction design, user experience, business modelling, knowledge management, etc. This will allow identifying common themes between the participant's current work and research agenda, and, eventually, leading to the discovery of new insights and opportunities. The primary research goal is to assess new trends for applying semantics in digital services for urban contexts and the disciplines involved in the creation of these services. The workshop organizers have extensive experiences in organizing high level workshops through the non-profit International Ambient Media Association (AMEA) they founded. The organizers have also established an own free open access series and journal within the association, attracted large audiences, and disseminated the results through high level journal special issues as e.g. Springer-Verlag?s Multimedia Tools & Applications. 2 Topics of the Workshop ============================================================================== In line with the above, contributions to the workshop should propose applications of applications and services in the domain of ubiquitous media centering on usability, interaction, and intelligent interaction focused on, but not limited to ubiquitous/ambient usability: - Ambient Intelligent Semantics & Technologies o Vocabularies, ontologies & linked data for urban environments o Context-data aggregation and context awareness o Semantics of usage contexts and sensor data o Context adaptive services o Service interoperability o Implementation and evaluation of urban services o Ambient and ubiquitous devices - Ambient Intelligent Presentation and Interaction o Service interoperability o Usage of ambient media for increasing application usability o Methods and best practices for urban service design o Usability in ubiquitous smart systems o Ubiquitous human-computer interaction o User experience, needs and user studies o New smart media based user interfaces - Emerging Ambient Services & Applications o Smart cars, smart cities, smart urban environments o Big data, opened data, and linked data applications o New smart media based interfaces o User-driven content and semantic data generation o Smart media environments o Unobtrusive mobile applications o Non-screen based user interfaces o Trust and security 3 Target Audience ============================================================================== The target audiences to be addressed by this workshop are communities involved in the creation of ambient intelligence systems for urban environments, digital services, media interoperability, open data, user interaction design, business modelling, knowledge management, etc. As the workshop organizers are from different institutions and research perspectives, and from academic and from industry, a high number of attendees is expected. We expect approx. 15-25 attendees to allow a reasonable number of working groups (see Section 4 ?Workshop Format?). 4 Workshop Format and Activities ============================================================================== The workshop is part of a larger set of initiatives and is supported and incorporated with: * iAMEA ? International Association of Ambient Media Ry (www.ambientmediaassociation.org) * the Association of Information Systems (AIS) Special Interest Group (SIG) SIG-eMedia (aisnet.org/group/SIG-eMedia) * iAMEA established an open access journal and series (indexed in Scopus, and within the Finnish publication ranking system) o International Journal on Information Systems and Management in Creative eMedia o International Series on Information Systems and Management in Creative eMedia The workshop will be a full-day workshop grouped into several sessions. We allow the submission of papers up to 10 pages which will be peer-reviewed by members of the program committee. We expect a submission volume of 30 papers, with an approximate acceptance rate of 40%. The workshop will start with a keynote talk followed by short presentations of the papers. Afterwards in a ?Theme Matching? phase common topics will be identified as a starting point for the sub-sequent group work. The workshop participants will be clustered into groups around the identified topics. In an intense exchange phase within the groups, the topics will be further developed. The workshop ends with final presentations by the groups. The format of the workshop intends to open new perspectives to each participant's individual research work, as well as to assess common problems and trends in the design of urban media environments. After the workshop, it is planned that the results of the group work are consolidated in a journal paper to be published in the special issue of the Springer journal on ?Multimedia Tools and Applications?. Also the authors of the best accepted papers of SAME workshop will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to the special issue. Respective arrangements with Springer are on the way for the proposed workshop. 5 Submission Guidlines ============================================================================== Please follow the submission guidlines for NordiCHI papers on: http://nordichi2014.org/submissions/papers/. Workshop papers can be 5-10 pages long, however, they need to fulfill the submission guidelines of NordiCHI. Please submit your papers on: http://www.ambientmediaassociation.org/Submissions/2014SAME/
Received on Thursday, 10 July 2014 18:49:33 UTC