- Date: Mon, 15 Jun 2009 12:17:15 +0200
- To: Franck Divet <franck.divet@gmail.com>, "public-uwa@w3.org" <public-uwa@w3.org>
- Message-id: <93AA9E47B82F684A868C217766F4890538E63BBF04@EXCLU2K7.hi.inet>
Hi, Taking into account that, according to the DCO, the path to current location is currentEnvironment/currentLocation/position/coordinates/latitude /longitude /altitude It would be something like var currentLocation = childProperty(dcci, 'currentLocation') var latitude = childProperty(currentLocation, 'latitude').value; var longitude = childProperty(currentLocation, 'longitude').value; Being childProperty a function like: // convenience function for accessing child properties function childProperty(property, name) { // 1st parameter is "*" for wild card that matches any namespace // 2nd argument is the property name we are searching for // 3rd parameter is null for default search filter function // 4th parameter is false to restrict search to immediate children var list = <code>property.searchProperty("*", name, null, false);</code> // return first node in property list if (list && list.length > 0) return list[0]; return null; } I hope this helps Best Regards De: public-uwa-request@w3.org [mailto:public-uwa-request@w3.org] En nombre de Franck Divet Enviado el: viernes, 12 de junio de 2009 12:08 Para: public-uwa@w3.org Asunto: Delivery Context Ontology and DCCI : Looking for examples Hello, The DCCI module is défined with a associated DOM tree that contains properties. The DC Ontology describes all kinds of classes and properties. But I don't see how to use it, store information as a DOM tree to be used by the DCCI module. I found this one : http://www.w3.org/2007/uwa/editors-drafts/DeliveryContextOntology/LastCallWD-April2009/deliveryContextExamples.owl But could you provide an associated example that show how to retreive a specific property (for example GPS location) ? Great day to you all Franck
Received on Monday, 15 June 2009 10:17:58 UTC