Re: ISSUE-24: Replacing the DCI prefix on method and attribute names and types

What about not putting in the API any prefix? A prefix, as has been 
demonstrated, only contributes to the unstability of the spec, with in 
the practice prevents early adopters from using it

Best Regards

Ubiquitous Web Applications Working Group Issue Tracker escribió:
> ISSUE-24: Replacing the DCI prefix on method and attribute names and types
> Raised by: Rhys Lewis
> On product: 
> We've changed the name of the property change event to DCCI-prop-change from dci-prop-change.
> Should we do the same for every reference that starts DCI? This would include things like DCIPropery, DCIComponent etc.

Received on Monday, 7 May 2007 07:17:11 UTC