Draft charters available; please comment.


we have informed the Advisory Committee that we're working on
draft charters for two Working Groups:

  - Form Annotations for HTTP Authentication.
    Think of this as form-filler support on steroids, as
    sketched in late May on this list.
  - Web Security Context Baseline.
    Think of this as "Secure Metadata" and "Secure Chrome" put
    together:  What should user agents display, and how can
    they do this securely?

We'd very much welcome your informal comments on this mailing
list about both of these documents.  As you'll see, the
charters are not yet complete; there will be further work on
these during the coming weeks.

In order for W3C to initiate Working Groups, these charters
will need to go through a formal review by the Advisory
Committee.  That process will be member-confidential.

For those of you who are affiliated with W3C Members, this
means that this is probably a good time to get in touch with
your respective Advisory Committee Representatives.  

For those of you who are not affiliated with W3C Members, this
may be a good moment to talk to your organizations about
joining.  For more information about that, please see:

Thomas Roessler, W3C   <tlr@w3.org>

Received on Tuesday, 20 June 2006 21:34:21 UTC