Re: resolving the URL mess

On 10/02/2014 06:05 AM, David Sheets wrote:
>> Anne, Dave Thayer, Sam Ruby, John Klensin come to mind…
> I believe that when we have something to show, we should entice them to join us.


At the moment, a non-existent spec doesn't solve any problem that I 
currently have.  That's not meant to discourage or encourage you to 
produce a spec, but merely an agreement that the time that I would get 
interested is when you have something to show.

For what it is worth, examples of problem I do have:

1) Neither RFC 3986 nor RFC 3987 define the content you will find here:

2) The WHATWG URL Living Standard makes a large number of normative 
statements, particularly concerning parsing, that do not reflect current 

I'm not intending to advocate any particular solutions to these 
problems; I'm just providing an early heads up of the types of questions 
I likely will be seeking answers to when you have something to show.

- Sam Ruby

Received on Thursday, 2 October 2014 18:07:44 UTC