updated W3C URI overview

The page you get when you click on "URI" from the W3C
homepage is...

 Web Naming and Addressing Overview (URIs, URLs, ...)

It has been slowly rotting for a number of years; I just
pruned most of the "research notebook" pointers and such;
a certain amount of bias remains, of course, but I think
it's much better.

I'd like folks in this CG to review it. Martin, I don't
think I know the best IRI pointers; maybe you could
add them?

Is the pespective reasonable? Any other ideas on what
w3.org visitors would want to see/know about URIs?

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/

Received on Thursday, 23 October 2003 11:32:04 UTC