RE: Rechartering the TV Control Working Group

Dear all,

Following my previous email regarding rechartering [1], this is a call for consensus to request rechartering of the Working Group. The group's current charter ends on 31st March. 

Given the progress we've made so far, I think the amount of work needed to get to Recommendation status may require longer than 12 months, therefore I propose that we ask to extend the charter by 18 months, with no change to the Charter [2], apart from updated milestones for publication as follows:

* CR:  Q4 2017
* PR:  Q2 2018
* Rec: Q3 2018

Of course, if it's possible to complete the work earlier, we should aim to do so.
If you have any feedback on this proposal or the Charter, please get in touch. Silence will be considered as agreement, but positive responses are encouraged (a simple +1 is fine). We'll also discuss this on the next conference call on Tuesday 7th February.

Best regards,

Chris (WG Chair)


From: Chris Needham []
Sent: 01 December 2016 18:46
Subject: Rechartering the TV Control Working Group

Dear all,

The charter for our Working Group expires on 31 March 2017. If we want to recharter to continue our work, we will need to submit an updated charter to W3C management for review before the end of January 2017 at the latest.

Although the group has not achieved the milestones set out in the current charter [1], these were ambitious in my view given the scope of the API. Our progress has also been slow while we found a new editor. But, we are now in a healthier position, with Steve on board as editor, active contributions from group members, and a successful F2F meeting at TPAC this year.

As part of the rechartering process, it will be important to show a route to industry adoption of the TV Control API. I suggest that we follow up the ATSC liaison to the Web and TV Interest Group, to which the IG responded last year [2, 3]. It would also be valuable to seek feedback from other industry groups at this stage.

Unless anyone objects, I will draft a liaison letter to ATSC and circulate on the mailing list, to be approved during our next call on 13 December.

I also seek your feedback on the charter, to consider whether the scope is still correct (e.g., are there any features we should drop?), and to review the milestones and timetable.

Many thanks to you all for your input and contribution.

Best regards,

Chris (WG Chair)


Received on Monday, 30 January 2017 11:47:39 UTC