[minutes] TV Control WG Call - 2017-04-04

Hi all,

Not many people showed up for today's call, so we held an informal call to discuss possible next steps. The short minutes are available at:

... and copied as raw text below.


TV Control WG Call
04 April 2017

   [2]Agenda [3]IRC log

      [2] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-tvcontrol/2017Mar/0054.html
      [3] http://www.w3.org/2017/04/04-tvapi-irc


          Alex, Chris, Francois, Kaz





     * [4]Meeting Minutes
     * [5]Summary of Action Items
     * [6]Summary of Resolutions

Meeting Minutes

   [Not many people around, Chris proposes not to hold the call]

   Participants discuss possible next steps, given lack of active
   participation in the group right now, and lack of clear support
   from external organizations so far.

   Francois will send reminders about the on-going call for review
   to the TV Control WG mailing-list and to the Web and TV IG

   Kaz started to discuss with people working on Hybridcast, will
   report on progress.

   Alex wonders whether closing the group means W3C won't be in a
   position to work on the spec in the future at all. The Working
   Group may be closed now but re-created later on. Also, while
   the WG would have to publish the TV Control API as a WG Note,
   work on the spec may easily transition back to a Community
   Group if needed.

   [Discussions about contacting members individually]

   Chris: I really appreciate all of the work that has been done
   so far. The spec is in pretty good shape and going in the right
   direction, having improved a lot during the time we've been
   working on it.
   … We'll aim to take a concrete decision beginning of May.

Received on Tuesday, 4 April 2017 14:11:12 UTC