Conference call agenda, May 3 2016

Dear Working Group and Community Group members,

Here is the agenda and connection details for the first TV Control Working Group and Community Group joint meeting.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016
9:00 am | Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) | 1 hr

# Agenda

1. Welcome (Chris)

* Practicalities, agenda review, scribe selection

2. Introductions (All)

* Who you are, your interests in the group

3. W3C Process (Francois)

* Working Groups and Community Groups
* The recommendation track
* Roles and responsibilities

4. Charter and scope of work (Chris)

* Goals for the group
* Milestones and timescale

5. Group process and tools (Chris)

* Mailing lists, wiki, issue tracking, conference calls

6. Upcoming meetings (Francois)

* TPAC 2016

7. Spec status (Chris)

* Current spec status
* Plan for first public Working Draft
* Call for editor

8. Current discussion topics (Chris)

* Summary of TAG discussion on the WG charter
* Security and privacy review
* Commonalities with the Automotive Working Group

9. AOB

# Connection details

To join the meeting from a browser:

To join the meeting from a WebEx application:
Meeting number: 645 302 416
Meeting password: see (member-only)

To join by phone:
+1-617-324-0000 US Toll Number
Access code: 645 302 416

IRC Channel: #tvapi on, port 6665, or

Best regards,

Chris (WG Chair)

Received on Friday, 29 April 2016 10:12:23 UTC