- From: Njaal Borch <njaal.borch@norut.no>
- Date: Wed, 8 Apr 2015 23:00:08 +0200
- To: Daniel Davis <ddavis@w3.org>
- Cc: "public-tvapi@w3.org" <public-tvapi@w3.org>, "public-web-and-tv@w3.org" <public-web-and-tv@w3.org>, public-webtiming@w3.org
- Message-ID: <CAOc996v0OBfm2YUuAScNWz_3NkZxRJyTqv4rnMjxnV6dvMZm0Q@mail.gmail.com>
[CC-ing MultiDevice Timing CG due to common interests] Hi Daniel and all, Excellent to see lots of interesting discussions, some of which are of course very much related to timing issues. I'd like to address some of these here, and suggest that anyone interested take a closer look at the web timing group: https://www.w3.org/community/webtiming/ The notes mention that "HTML5 lacks a built-in cue system/task scheduler with a high degree of precision that can accept triggers from a variety of sources." We have built something we call a "scheduler" (a.k.a. MovingCursor), which is basically a sort of generic track element connected to an HTMLTimingObject suggested by the webtiming group. It provides a fully dynamic way to trigger events or spans (data having a non-zero range). The dataset is fully dynamic and can be changed at any time. It emits "enter" and "leave" events with millisecond precision, and is fully written in JavaScript. When the HTMLTimingObject changes or the dataset changes, "enter" and "leave" events are provided to ensure a consistent view. In other words, the programmer needs only handle these two event types regardless of playback, skips, pauses etc. To see a brand new, fresh demonstration (both a video for your convenience and links to the actual running version), see: https://www.w3.org/community/webtiming/2015/04/08/timed-data-and-multi-device-playback/ The HTMLTimingObject should solve most other timing issues mentioned - it is a fairly simple construction only tasked with correct timing. It is of course also designed to integrate with Shared Motion, to ensure native multi-device support. We have just published the first draft of the HTMLTimingObject, so any feedback and participation in discussions is highly welcome! https://www.w3.org/community/webtiming/2015/03/27/draft-htmltimingobject/ An implementation of Shared Motion and necessary support infrastructure is also available by the MotionCorp, so if anyone wants to test it, please feel free at http://dev.mcorp.no/ It is important to understand that the HTMLTimingObject only addresses timing - so you could envision multiple ways to use it in a broadcast/hybrid broadcast scenario. One would be to support some buffering and timed playback on the clients and synchronize them to a "broadcast motion". We have demonstrated this for live radio on https://www.w3.org/community/webtiming/2015/03/11/35/ A different approach would be to get some sort of timing information from a broadcast stream (e.g.a trigger or Audio Fingerprint), then use that information to set the client's personal position in the stream, i.e. set a personal Shared Motion based on the broadcast stream. This would allow high precision synchronization of all second screens (or any additional stream or timed data) that can be controlled. The precision will be limited to the precision of the extracted timing information. We did a report on our implementation of Shared Motions, showing that the precision for HTML5 audio (multi-device, running Chrome on Linux, different network technologies) to be at around a single ms. For video, using Chrome and Firefox, still multi-device, we're at about 7ms. On Android (Firefox), we are around 7ms, even when using the 3G network. Report avilable here: http://mcorp.no/publications/dist_html5_sync_2014.pdf We hope any interested parties join the Multi-Device Timing CG, as it addresses both single and multi-device timing issues. And of course, developers getting first hand knowledge will be even better at providing feedback, so we also suggest testing it! Best regards, Njål Borch --- Dr. Njål Borch Senior researcher Norut Tromsø, Norway On 31 March 2015 at 11:16, Daniel Davis <ddavis@w3.org> wrote: > [CC-ing Web and TV IG because of wider relevancy] > > Hi all, > > As mentioned on the last TV API conference call, earlier this month we > had a TV developer meetup here in Tokyo and our group spent a day going > through the requirements of the TV Control API, comparing them with > other specifications. In the case of Japan, this was mostly a comparison > with Hybridcast and HbbTV. > > The notes from that discussion are here and thanks to Yosuke for the > clean-up: > https://www.w3.org/2011/webtv/wiki/DevMeetupTokyo/Standards_for_TV > > Most of the points we've already discussed in the call but feel free to > comment on or ask about anything on the mailing list. > > With regards, > Daniel Davis > W3C > >
Received on Wednesday, 8 April 2015 21:00:43 UTC