Reminder of Teleconference on Tuesday June 10th

Hello team,

Thank you for those that have contributed technical use cases.

This is a reminder that we will have a teleconference on Tuesday June 10th at 9:00am US Eastern Time. The logistics is as follows:

  *   When: 9:00am - 10:00am USA Eastern Time
  *   Zakim Bridge: +1.617.761.6200
  *   Conference Code: 88274 ("TVAPI")
  *   IRC Channel: #tvapi on, port 6665
Please note that we now have a Zakim bridge. So please dial in using this Zakim Bridge. I have sent an update to your calendar with this new Zakim bridge information.

For those of you who accidentally receive a meeting cancellation message from Outlook, please ignore it. The correct meeting update should go through our mailing list.

The agenda is posted at [1]. Current technical use cases are at [2]. Open actions are at [3].

Look forward to talking to you then.

Thank you



Received on Thursday, 5 June 2014 20:59:51 UTC