Re: Ideas for the Use Case of Public-sector Meeting Transcripts

Hi Adam,

You might consider using WebVTT for that purpose - the "metadata" type
already allows you to formulate your custom timed markup:

Kind Regards,

On Sat, Jul 6, 2024 at 1:18 AM Adam Sobieski <>

> Timed Text Working Group,
> Hello. I am pleased to share, for purposes of discussion, some ideas for
> extending TTML for use cases including public-sector meetings' minutes and
> transcripts.
> As shown in the following markup example, seven main ideas are broached:
>    1. Files could be attached to meetings' minutes and transcripts, e.g.,
>    presenters' slideshow slides.
>    2. These files could be described with metadata.
>    3. Agents could have one or more roles or positions described in their
>    metadata.
>    4. Minutes and transcripts could have generator agents and/or software
>    tools.
>       1. Beyond "person", "character", "group", "organization", and
>       "other", might software tools be a type of agent?
>    5. Inline time-based hyperlinks could be placed in minutes to signal
>    when files were attached to meetings' minutes and transcripts.
>    6. These time-based hyperlinks could be attributed to agents or
>    software tools.
>    7. These time-based hyperlinks could be displayed for end-users
>    consuming accompanying videos of meetings for downloading attached files.
> Here is a markup sketch. The new parts, showcasing the above ideas, are
> phrased using an XML extension and are emphasized in bold.
> <tt xml:lang="en" xmlns=""
>     xmlns:ttm=""*    xmlns:ext="..."
> *    xml:base="...">
>   <head>
>     <metadata xmlns:ttm="">
>       <ttm:title>...</ttm:title>
>       <ttm:desc>...</ttm:desc>*      <ext:generator ttm:agent="brown" />
> *    </metadata>
> *    <ext:attachment xml:id="budget-2024-1"
>                     ext:mime="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"
>                     ext:src="attachments/budget-2024.xlsx" />
>     <ext:attachment xml:id="budget-2024-2"
>                     ext:mime="application/xml"
>                     ext:src="attachments/budget-2024.xbrl" />
>     <ext:attachment xml:id="panelist-presentation-1"
>                     ext:mime="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation"
>                     ext:src="attachments/panelist-presentation-1.pptx">
>       <metadata>
>         <ttm:title>Slideshow Presentation</ttm:title>
>         <ext:generator ttm:agent="jackson" />
>       </metadata>
>     </ext:attachment>
> *
>     <ttm:agent xml:id="smith" type="person">
>       <ttm:name type="family">Smith</ttm:name>
>       <ttm:name type="given">Alice</ttm:name>
>       <ttm:name type="full">Alice Smith</ttm:name>*      <ext:position>Senator</ext:position>
>       <ext:position>Co-chair</ext:position>
> *    </ttm:agent>
>     <ttm:agent xml:id="jones" type="person">
>       <ttm:name type="family">Jones</ttm:name>
>       <ttm:name type="given">Bob</ttm:name>
>       <ttm:name type="full">Bob Jones</ttm:name>*      <ext:position>Senator</ext:position>
>       <ext:position>Co-chair</ext:position>
> *    </ttm:agent>
>     <ttm:agent xml:id="brown" type="person">
>       <ttm:name type="family">Brown</ttm:name>
>       <ttm:name type="given">Charles</ttm:name>
>       <ttm:name type="full">Charles Brown</ttm:name>*      <ext:position>Secretary</ext:position>
> *    </ttm:agent>
>     <ttm:agent xml:id="jackson" type="person">
>       <ttm:name type="family">Jackson</ttm:name>
>       <ttm:name type="given">David</ttm:name>
>       <ttm:name type="full">David Jackson</ttm:name>*      <ext:position>Guest</ext:position>
>       <ext:position>Panelist</ext:position>
> *    </ttm:agent>
>   </head>
>   <body>
>     <div>
>       ...
>       <p begin="00:22.000" end="00:27.000" ttm:agent="smith">
>         Without objection, the annual budget is entered into the minutes.
>       </p>*      <ext:a begin="00:27.000" duration="00:10.000" ext:xref="budget-2024-1" ttm:agent="brown" />
>       <ext:a begin="00:27.000" duration="00:10.000" ext:xref="budget-2024-2" ttm:agent="brown" />
> *      ...
>       <p begin="01:23.000" end="01:28.000" ttm:agent="smith">
>         Without objection, the panelist's slides are entered into the minutes.
>       </p>*      <ext:a begin="01:28.000" duration="00:10.000" ext:xref="panelist-presentation-1" ttm:agent="brown" />
> *      ...
>     </div>
>   </body>
> </tt>
> Any thoughts on these ideas and the markup sketch? Any other ideas towards
> utilizing and/or extending timed text, e.g., TTML, for the use case of
> representing (public-sector) meetings' minutes and transcripts? Thank you.
> Best regards,
> Adam Sobieski
> P.S.: It appears that I should have emailed this mailing list instead of
> having opened a GitHub issue. Apologies for the multiple copies of this
> content in this mailing list.

Received on Saturday, 6 July 2024 05:56:22 UTC