Subtitle Technology Event at NAB 2024?

Dear colleagues,

The subtitling and captioning industry remains fragmented by technology, 
practices and domains of application. This makes it expensive, if not 
impossible, to produce, archive and deliver great experiences.

For example, while standards exist for rich subtitles, content platforms 
routinely target the lowest common denominator experience due to 
outdated production practices and limited capabilities in players.

Pierre-Anthony Lemieux and I have been thinking about using NAB 2024 as 
an opportunity to host a ½ day event where stakeholders across the 
subtitling and captioning industry can share their experiences, their 
thoughts about the future and explore how to reduce friction in 
subtitling and captioning. We are thinking about making the event either 
a workshop or a plugfest event where producers, platforms and player 
vendors can exchange sample content.

Would you be interested in attending such an event and which format 
would you prefer? Also, which topic(s) would you like to see discussed?

It would be immensely helpful to us if you could provide the answers to 
these question in a brief form at the following link:

Thanks a lot for your support,

Andreas Tai and Pierre-Anthony Lemieux

Received on Tuesday, 12 September 2023 16:51:21 UTC