Update on the Council on the Timed Text WG charter

Hi all,

As previously reported [1], the Timed Text WG charter FO Council was 
initially convened on November 3rd. We had our first meeting on November 
21st, and met with the Working Group on November 24th to suggest a 
potential avenue for consensual resolution, hoping it would be quick. 
Unfortunately, it was not. It took longer than expected to get answers 
from the Formal Objectors as to whether the changes the WG was willing 
to make would satisfy them (they did not [2][3]), and by the time we had 
clarity on that, my schedule had changed, and I was no longer 
sufficiently available to drive this to a quick conclusion.

The draft Process for the Council did not initially have provisions for 
a change of Chair, but the AB recently introduced exactly that [4], so 
in the interest of wrapping this up with no further delay, I've proposed 
to the Council to change Chair, and Florian was approved by consensus. 
He'll take it from here.

Thanks for your patience,


[1] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/w3c-ac-forum/2023JanMar/0077.html
[4] https://github.com/w3c/w3process/pull/709/files

Received on Wednesday, 1 March 2023 22:00:09 UTC