{Minutes} TTWG Teleconference 2023-12-21

Thanks all for attending the last TTWG meeting of this calendar year. Minutes can be found in HTML format at https://www.w3.org/2023/12/21-tt-minutes.html

We made one resolution at https://www.w3.org/2023/12/21-tt-minutes.html#r01:

RESOLUTION: Remove the at-risk image profile feature from IMSC-HRM

The review period for this resolution, as per our Decision policy, is 10 working days. Given the upcoming holiday period, I will extend that from 2 calendar weeks to 3, so that it ends on 11th January. Please register any objections to this resolution as soon as you can.

Please also note that there we intend to issue a call for consensus (CfC) to transition IMSC-HRM to CR based on a forthcoming update that removes this feature, and that the CfC period is likely to overlap with this decision review period. An objection to today’s resolution will therefore put any such CfC on hold as well, until we have reached consensus on a way forward.

Those minutes in plain text format:


      [1] https://www.w3.org/

                Timed Text Working Group Teleconference

21 December 2023

   [2]Previous meeting. [3]Agenda. [4]IRC log.

      [2] https://www.w3.org/2023/12/07-tt-minutes.html

      [3] https://github.com/w3c/ttwg/issues/271

      [4] https://www.w3.org/2023/12/21-tt-irc


          Andreas, Atsushi, Cyril, Gary, Nigel, Pierre


          Gary, Nigel



    1. [5]This meeting
    2. [6]IMSC-HRM
    3. [7]DAPT
         1. [8]Next steps
    4. [9]AOB - next meeting
    5. [10]Meeting close
    6. [11]Summary of resolutions

Meeting minutes

  This meeting

   Nigel: Today we have IMSC-HRM, DAPT and any other business
   … In AOB we should mention the next meeting and gauge likely
   … Any other other business?

   no other business


   Pierre: We're done!

   Nigel: Wow, I think I agree.

   Pierre: There are two boxes in the implementation report that
   are labelled as n/a for the EBU-TT Live implementation
   … Do you know what that's about?

   Nigel: Yes. I updated the implementation report to add the
   second validating implementation,
   … and I did put a note about the n/a entries.
   … The reason is that they stress parts of the HRM that are not
   valid in EBU-TT-D.
   … Specifically style attributes that form part of the glyph
   tuple, but are prohibited in EBU-TT-D.
   … That means that the test documents cannot be loaded into the
   object model, because
   … they give an instant validation failure, even before
   attempting to process against the HRM.
   … There is provision for this in the IMSC-HRM spec, because
   something similar applies to IMSC 1.0.1

   Pierre: Okay, the other thing is we need to remove the Image
   profile features before moving
   … to the next stage. I wanted to get group views on that.

   Cyril: What's the reason for that?

   Pierre: We don't have implementations, users or implementation
   report entries,
   … and it's been marked at risk.
   … I asked if anyone has a library of image profile IMSC
   documents but nobody has come forward.

   Cyril: At Netflix we do use image based captions and we have an
   IMSC-like manifest so potentially
   … I could test against it. But I don't have any objection to
   removing it from the specification.

   Pierre: imscHRM would need to add capabilities for it.
   … Unless someone is using it for interchange and wants to see
   it in imscHrm implementation
   … I am not excited to agonise over it.

   Nigel: More importantly, should we wait, or move now with what
   we have?

   Cyril: We can always add it back in later.

   Pierre: Absolutely, it's being removed without prejudice.

   Cyril: No objection from me.

   Nigel: Nor me.

   <atsushi> +1

   Andreas: Fine with me.

   Atsushi: No objection

   Gary: Sounds good to me.

   RESOLUTION: Remove the at-risk image profile feature from

   Pierre: Good, I'll do that.
   … Also, I will remove the editorial note pointing to the open
   … We will leave it open but not fix in this version of imsc-hrm
   … It's [12]w3c/imsc-hrm#5 - it has not been an issue so I did
   nothing about it.

     [12] https://github.com/w3c/imsc-hrm/issues/5

   Nigel: Yes, it felt like we were overestimating complexity but
   in practice everything has passed.

   Pierre: We should keep it open but note that we are not
   addressing it in imsc-hrm v1.

   Nigel: I think I will propose something different.
   … I think we should close on the basis that we haven't
   demonstrated that there's a real world problem.
   … If later someone says they have documents that they think
   should pass, but which don't,
   … then at that stage we should investigate and open an issue
   based on the investigation, and there's
   … a chance it could be this cause, so we could reopen or open a
   new issue. But right now
   … this is not a demonstrated real world problem.

   Pierre: I'm fine with that.
   … We should note it as a comment, or record what we just

   Nigel: We spent a lot of time on that issue, but I think it
   gets trumped by the implementation experience.

   Gary: We could post this on the issue, wait a short while and
   then close if nobody objects.

   Nigel: +1
   … I will add a pointer to this conversation to the issue after
   the meeting and propose to close it with no change.
   … I will also review issue 51, but I think we're fine there and
   can close without action.
   … Then issue 47 is purely editorial to do with term
   … Pierre, should we do anything about those issues?

   Pierre: Not unless we're forced to.
   … I'm going to concentrate on removing image profile, and the
   note referencing issue 5.

   Nigel: OK, sounds good.
   … In terms of requesting transition to CR, we need to see the
   updated document before proposing
   … to move forward.

   Pierre: In terms of that, I'd encourage a call for consensus
   whenever we have the document ready,
   … rather than waiting for a meeting.

   Nigel: I will wait until we have the document ready.

   Pierre: I will try to get it done by tomorrow.

   Nigel: Given the season, we should extend the CfC review

   Pierre: Agree, that's fine.
   … Nothing should be surprising here. The risk is limited.

   Nigel: +1
   … In terms of the tests we now have no open issues or pull

   Pierre: Thanks to you we now have working implementations for
   them all, with bugs fixed, so I think we're good.

   Nigel: We even have an extra test that we didn't at first

   Nigel: A nice point to get to at the end of the year.
   … Any more on IMSC-HRM?


   Nigel: The only agenda topic in [13]https://github.com/w3c/

   dapt/labels/agenda is the open pull request
   … which we now have approvals for, barring some minor editorial
   … Thanks especially to Cyril and Andreas for reviewing so many
   … Hopefully that's a process success rather than an editorial
   failure! I think it's a good team effort regardless.

     [13] https://github.com/w3c/dapt/labels/agenda

   Andreas: Thanks Nigel for processing so many comments.

   Cyril: It's a big change and reviewing the diffs is very tricky
   - I had to have multiple tabs open.
   … I don't know if there's a better way.

   Andreas: I had the same setup, I did wonder if we should have a
   separate call to agree on resolutions
   … that we then apply to the spec. I think you did a great job
   Nigel, but there were some issues where
   … you proposed a solution and then applied it throughout the
   document. Sometimes you need to
   … review the complete sections again.

   Nigel: Yes, there were some changes introduced along the
   journey that I ended up deleting,
   … big blocks of text that had no basis in the issue, which I
   didn't realise without the review comments.
   … It's a shame that PR preview doesn't do the example inclusion

   Cyril: Yes, the examples make a big difference.

   Nigel: One thing I use that could help with review is
   functionality that may be extensions to VS Code
   … that allow me to review and add GitHub comments to the pull
   request, and preview the whole
   … document locally including all the examples. Might help with
   future reviews.
   … My plan for this now is to process the tiny editorial
   comments remaining, and go ahead and merge.

    Next steps

   Nigel: We have some new editorial issues, including those
   raised by DVW, thanks for that.

   Cyril: Can external contributors comment in discussions?

   Nigel: I can't tell

   Atsushi: I don't know but I believe anyone can post there, like
   a normal issue.

   Gary: That's what I would expect by default

   Nigel: The reason we're asking is we had a report from someone
   who said they could not comment.

   Atsushi: Let me try a test account later.

   Cyril: I don't know if it's someone with a GitHub account, or
   someone who doesn't have a GitHub account
   … and doesn't know how to use it.

   Atsushi: Yes, GitHub account is mandatory. I thought the
   discussion is whether one needs a W3C account
   … linked to a GitHub account or not, I'm not sure.

   Cyril: I will ask a colleague if they can try to post a test

   Gary: I'm looking at another repo and I can't see any access
   restrictions specific to discussions.

   Nigel: If we can verify that anyone with a GitHub login can
   comment then we should add a "how to"
   … explainer to the top of the discussion page.
   … One issue we need to discuss maybe in the new year is
   [14]w3c/dapt#110 which is marked as cr-must-have.
   … It's about extensibility and backwards compatibility but I
   don't think we've discussed it or gone
   … through the permutations properly.
   … Then there are also #75 and #44 about script-type based
   restrictions and implementation types,
   … which you might have new thoughts on Cyril?

     [14] https://github.com/w3c/dapt/issues/110

   Cyril: I'll look at those.
   … I'm waiting for the languages PR to be merged before rebasing
   the other PRs otherwise there
   … would be too many conflicts.

   Nigel: Understood, that's why I didn't open any more too!

   <gkatsev> github confirms that anyone with read for a repo can
   participate in discussions, see note at the top [15]https://

     [15] https://docs.github.com/en/discussions/collaborating-with-your-community-using-discussions/participating-in-a-discussion

   Nigel: Thanks Gary, that's useful to know. So a GitHub login is
   all that is required.
   … I have people asking me about when to implement, so I'm
   hoping we can transition to CR in
   … maybe February now that the big things have been dealt with,
   like language and registries etc.
   … Anything more on DAPT?

   Cyril: nothing from me. It's also my goal to work on
   … That would give me confidence that the spec has at least what
   I need.

  AOB - next meeting

   Nigel: The next meeting scheduled is on 4th Jan - I won't be
   able to make that.
   … Not sure what people want to do?

   Pierre: Next meeting on 18th is fine.

   Cyril: Yes. 18th is better.

   Gary: I doubt there'll be much to discuss between now and 4th
   … I think we've skipped it in previous years for similar

   Nigel: Ok, then I will cancel 4th Jan meeting and our next will
   be 18th Jan.

  Meeting close

   Nigel: I just want to say thanks to everyone for all your work
   this year.
   … If you have a break, then enjoy it, and if you don't, also
   enjoy it!
   … But thanks everyone, we keep pushing forward.

   Gary: Thanks Nigel

   Andreas: Yes, thanks a lot Nigel

   Atsushi: Happy holidays and new year

   Cyril: Happy everything to you all!

   Nigel: [adjourns meeting]

Summary of resolutions

    1. [16]Remove the at-risk image profile feature from IMSC-HRM

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    [17]scribe.perl version 221 (Fri Jul 21 14:01:30 2023 UTC).

     [17] https://w3c.github.io/scribe2/scribedoc.html

Received on Thursday, 21 December 2023 17:05:17 UTC