Call for Participation: Timed Text Working Group Charter Approved; Join the Timed Text WG

Dear Members of the Timed Text Working Group,

I'm relaying the following announcement that was sent to W3C Advisory 
Committee Representative earlier today, to notify the group of the new 
charter approval and call for participation.

With kind regards,
Xueyuan Jia, Marketing & Communications

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:  Call for Participation: Timed Text Working Group Charter 
Approved; Join the Timed Text WG
Date:  Sat, 8 Apr 2023 17:24:24 +0800
From:  xueyuan <>

Dear Advisory Committee Representative,
[This announcement will be forwarded to W3C group chairs]

The Director is pleased to announce the recharter of the Timed Text 
Working Group:

The group is chartered through 7 April 2025.

The updated charter adds Dubbing and Audio description Profiles of TTML2 
(replacement of TTML Profile for Audio Description) and IMSC 
Hypothetical Render Model to the list of normative deliverables of the 
Working Group, removed TTML3 and TTML Profile for Audio Description from 
the group's deliverables list.

The mission of the Timed Text Working Group is to develop W3C 
Recommendations for the representation of timed text in media, including 
developing and maintaining new versions of the Timed Text Markup 
Language (TTML) and WebVTT (Web Video Text Tracks) based on 
implementation experience and interoperability feedback, and the 
creation of semantic mappings between those languages. Additional detail 
is available in the charter's Scope section:

Use the following form to join the group. The form will also instruct 
you how to nominate participants:

Please consider diversity when proposing people to participate in W3C 
groups. Representation from a wider group of people, especially people 
from under-represented groups, is vital for creating web standards that 
meet the needs of the wider web community.

Current participants are not required to rejoin this group because the 
charter includes no new deliverables that require W3C Patent Policy 
licensing commitments.

The Working Group chairs are Nigel Megitt (BBC) and Gary Katsevman 
(Mux). The Team Contact is Atsushi Shimono <> for a total 
of 0.15 FTE.

More information about the Timed Text Working Group can be found on its 

To see all changes relative to the previous charter, follow this link:

This announcement follows section 5.7.2 of the W3C Process Document:

and the Call for Participation follows section 4.4 of the W3C Process 

For Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director,
Philippe Le Hegaret, Project Management Lead;
Atsushi Shimono, Timed Text WG Team Contact;
Xueyuan Jia, W3C Marketing & Communications

Received on Saturday, 8 April 2023 09:28:28 UTC