Re: Call for Consensus: Accept the FO Council's proposal

I opened a Pull Request including the FO Council proposals, which you can review to indicate your acceptance or non-acceptance, or to ask questions, at

On 24/11/2022, 17:47, "Nigel Megitt" <> wrote:


    As a matter of process, I am issuing this Call for Consensus to accept the FO Council’s proposal at [1]. If you have any questions or comments you can of course raise them by emailing the reflector, or just the Chairs, as you wish.

    In particular, if you have any objections to the proposal, please raise them as soon as you can.

    If there are no unresolved objections to this call for consensus by the end of our call on 2022-12-08 then the Chairs can declare a WG Decision and respond to the FO Council in a timely manner.


    Kind regards,

    Nigel, on behalf of both Chairs, TTWG.

Received on Friday, 25 November 2022 10:29:34 UTC